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Für die Unterhaltung der Wasserleitungen ist Artikel 31 des Grenztractats vom 7. Oktober 1816 massgebend.

Der gegenwärtige Zustand der Hauptwasserleitung vom Einlaufe der Bosse-Wässerung bis zur Meerschleuse mit den zu erhaltenden Pegeln, ist durch eine von beiden Staaten zu ernennende Kommission festzustellen.

Artikel 7.

Die im Archive der Deichschau Düffelt gegenwärtig vorhandenen Urkunden, Briefe, Handschriften und sonstigen Stücke sollen, insofern sie sich lediglich auf den niederländischen Teil der Deichschau beziehen, innerhalb 6 Monaten nach Vollziehung dieses Vertrags an die Verwaltung des niederländischen Teiles der Deichschau übergeben werden. Ebenso sollen beglaubigte Abschriften des Etats über das letzte Rechnungsjahr (Kalenderjahr) und der letzen Jahresrechnung sowie von Auszügen des Lagerbuchs, welche sich auf die niederländischerseits zu unterhaltenden Deichstrecken, Hauptgräben usw. beziehen, endlich von Auszügen des auf den niederländischen Teil der Deichschau bezüglichen Katasters und der Deichrolle übergeben werden.

Die Verwaltung des niederländischen Teiles der Deichschau soll auch dauernd berechtigt bleiben, beglaubigte Abschriften von allen jetzt im Deichschau-Archive vorhandenen Urkunden usw., welche nach ihrer Meinung für sie von Interesse sind, zu verlangen.

Artikel 8.

Dieser Vertrag soll in Kraft treten mit Ablauf des Kalenderjahres, in welchem er von den beiderseitigen Regierungen genehmigt ist. Ein etwaiger Ueberschuss oder ein etwaiges Defizit der letzen Jahresrechnung soll nach dem Flächenverhältnis unter beide Teile der jetzigen Deichschau verteilt werden.

Artikel 9.

Mit dem Inkrafttreten dieses Vertrags werden alle früheren über den Gegenstand des Vertrags vereinbarten Bestimmungen aufgehoben.

Zu Urkund dessen haben die Bevollmächtigten diesen Vertrag unterzeichnet und mit ihren Siegeln versehen.

Geschehen im Haag in doppelter Ausfertigung, den 8. November 1905.

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Arrangement concernant la protection de la propriété littéraire; signé à Tokio, le 10 novembre 1905.*)

Publication officielle des Etats-Unis d'Amérique.

The President of the United States of America and his Majesty the Emperor of Japan being equally desirous to extend to their subjects and citizens the benefit of legal protection in both countries in regard to copyright, have, to this end, decided to conclude a Convention, and have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries:

The President of the United States of America, Lloyd C. Griscom, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Japan; and

His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, General Count Taro Katsura, Junii, First Class of the Imperial Order of the Rising Sun, Third Class of the Imperial Order of the Golden Kite, His Imperial Majesty's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs;

Who, having reciprocally communicated their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows:

Article I.

The subjects or citizens of each of the two High Contracting Parties shall enjoy in the dominions of the other, the protection of copyright for their works of literature and art as well as photographs, against illegal reproduction, on the same basis on which protection is granted to the subjects or citizens of the other, subject however to the provisions of Article II of the present Convention.

Article II.

The subjects or citizens of each of the two High Contracting Parties may without authorization translate books, pamphlets or any other writings, dramatic works, and musical compositions, published in the dominions of the other by the subjects or citizens of the latter, and print and publish such translations.

Article III.

The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Tokio as soon as possible. It shall come into

*) Les ratifications ont été échangées à Tokio, le 10 mai 1906. Nouv. Recueil Gén. 2o S. XXXIV.


operation from the date of the exchange of ratifications, and shall be
applicable to such works only as shall be published after it shall have
come into operation. Either of the Contracting Parties shall have the
right at any time, to give notice to the other of its intention to terminate
the present Convention, and at the expiration of three months after such
notice is given this Convention shall wholly cease and determine.

In witness whereof the above mentioned Plenipotentiaries have signed
the present Convention and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done in duplicate at Tokio, in the English and Japanese languages,
this 10th day of November, of year one thousand nine hundred and five,
corresponding to the 10th day of the 11th month of the 38th year of Meiji.

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Traité additionnel au traité d'extradition des criminels du
6 janvier 1902;*) signé à Washington, le 6 novembre 1905.**)

Publication officielle des Etats-Unis.

The United States of America and His Majesty the King of Denmark,
agreeing that the convention for the extradition of criminals signed by
their Plenipotentiaries at Washington on January 6, 1902, is applicable
to their respective island possessions or colonies, and desiring to define
the procedure by which applications for the surrender of accused persons
from such island possessions or colonies shall be made, and to add to the
list of extraditable crimes mentioned in Article II of the said convention
of January 6, 1902, by means of an additional convention, have to that
end appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:

The President of the United States of America, Elihu Root, Secretary
of State of the United States; and

His Majesty the King of Denmark, Mr. Constantin Brun, Commander
of the Order of Dannebroge and decorated with the Cross of Honor of
the same Order, His Majesty's Chamberlain and Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington;

*) V. N. R. G. XXX. 637.

**) Les ratifications ont été échangées à Washington, le 19 février 1906.

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Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in due and good form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles:

Article I.

In the case of crimes committed in the island possessions or colonies of the contracting parties, applications for the surrender of the accused may be made directly to the Governor or Chief Magistrate of the island possession or colony in which the fugitive has sought refuge, by the Governor or Chief Magistrate of the colony or island possession of the other contracting party, provided that both island possessions or colonies are situated in America. The aforesaid Governors or Chief Magistrates shall have authority either to grant the extradition or to refer the matter for decision to the Government of the mother country. In all other cases applications for extradition shall be made through the diplomatic channel.

Where a fugitive criminal is arrested in the Philippine Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, Faroe Islands, or Iceland he may be provisionally detained for a period of four months.

Article II.

In addition to the crimes and offenses mentioned in Article II of the convention between the United States of America, and the Kingdom of Denmark for the extradition of criminals, signed at Washington on January 6, 1902, extradition shall be granted also for the following crime or offense: Bribery, defined to be the offering, giving or receiving of bribes, when made punishable by the laws of the two contracting parties.

Article III.

The present convention shall be considered as an integral part of the said extradition convention of January 6, 1902, and shall be ratified according to the respective laws of the two contracting parties. The ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible.

In testimony whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, both in the English and Danish languages and have hereunto affixed their seals.

Done in duplicate, at the City of Washington, this sixth day of November, nineteen hundred and five.

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Convention consulaire; signée à Guatemala,
le 13 novembre 1905.*)

Gazzetta Ufficiale del Regno d'Italia Nr. 190 de 1906.

Sua Maestà il Re d'Italia e il presidente della Repubblica di Guatemala, riconoscendo l'utilità di determinare ed estendere nel miglior modo possibile i diritti e privilegi reciproci dei consoli, vice consoli, agenti consolari, cancellieri e segretari, come pure le funzioni e gli obblighi ai quali debbono essere rispettivamente sottoposti nei due paesi, hanno determinato stipulare una Convenzione consolare, ed a questo fine hanno nominato loro rappresentanti rispettivi:

Sua Maestà il Re d'Italia

l'Eccellentissimo signor D. Carlo Nagar, ufficiale dei Reali ordini della Corona d'Italia e dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro, suo ministro residente in Guatemala; e

Sua Eccellenza il presidente della Repubblica di Guatemala l'Eccellentissimo signor laureato don Juan Barrios M., segretario di Stato nel dicastero degli affari esteri.

i quali hanno convenuto negli articoli seguenti:

Art. 1.

Ognuna delle Alte parti contrattanti avrà la facoltà di nominare consoli generali, consoli, vice consoli ed agenti consolari nei porti, città e luoghi dell'altra riservandosi rispettivamente il diritto di eccettuare quelle località che giudichino convenienti; non potrà però applicarsi questa riserva ad una delle Alte parti contraenti se non si applica ugualmente a tutte le altre potenze.

Art. 2.

I consoli generali, consoli, vice consoli ed agenti consolari, saranno ammessi e riconosciuti reciprocamente dopo la presentazione delle loro patenti secondo le regole e formalità stabilite nei paesi respettivi.

L'exequatur richiesto pel libero esercizio delle loro funzioni, sarà loro rilasciato senza spese; ed appena detto exequatur sia presentato, l'autorità superiore del luogo di loro residenza, prenderà immediatamente le disposizioni necessarie acciocchè essi possano compiere i doveri della loro

*) Les ratifications ont été échangées le 3 juin 1906.

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