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into beautiful walks, under the taste and direction of M. Brenner, who also succeeded in forming a very interesting and extensive cabinet of Roman antiquities found on the spot. The environs are fertile and picturesque.


THE canton of Basle holds the eleventh station in the Helvetic Confederacy, with a territory of ten leagues long by eight broad. The surface of the country is hilly, intersected by rich valleys, and traversed from south-east to north-west by the Jura. At the restoration of peace, the Congress of Vienna granted considerable accessions to this canton from the ancient bishopric of Basle. The population at the present time is estimated at about fifty thousand, including a proportion of about five thousand Catholics. The form of government is very similar to that of the canton which we have just described. It recognizes no hereditary titles or privileges, but maintains a perfect equality in all that relates to political freedom and the administration of the laws. All ecclesiastical affairs are managed by a synod, with a moderator at their head, who has the title of Antistes, and in all respects similar-the office of high-commissioner excepted-to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.

The city of Basle, in point of extent and accommodation, might serve as a metropolis for the whole confederacy. But the modern population is much inferior to its ancient census; and many noble edifices, the residence of former affluence, are now either deserted, or have been converted to warehouses and other purposes very different from their original destination. The town itself awakens many pleasing associations in the traveller's mind. As the early asylum of letters, and the sanctuary of religious toleration, it enjoys many high testimonials; and although so much shrunk from its original proportions, has still in its moral and political institutions enough to command respect, and interest every philanthropic inquirer. Its political constitution has under gone. various changes and modifications, according to the influence of passinge vents. At that period of revolutionary violence which shook and unsettled-where it did not entirely dissolve-so many of the oldest governments in Europe,

The contingent in men is 904: in money, 20,450 francs: the colours of the canton, black and white. These contingents, however, are all subject to annual revision, and modified according to circumstances.

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