Page CHINA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Brazil. Convention. Arbitration. Peking, 3rd August, 1909. 385 CIVIL PROCEDURE. Declarations. Luxemburg and Norway. Addi- tional to Convention, 1905. Christing, 1st June, 1910. 615 CLAIMS. Agreement. Colombia and Peru. Mixed Commission. Bogotá, 13th April, 1910. 401 Great Britain and United States. Pecuniary Claims. Washington, 18th August, 1910. 322 Convention. Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Claims. States. Pecuniary Extending Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906. 1013 Order in Council (British). Cyprus Courts of Justice See also AWARDS. Order, 1882. Amendment. Claims against Govern- London, 11th June, 1910. 159 COLLISIONS. Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals of Distress. Regulations. London, 13th October, 1910. 165 COLOMBIA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with COLONIES (BRITISH). List of Proclamations (United States). Appli- * Not ratified by Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, Dominican Page COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS. Agreement. Great Britain and United States. Commercial Tra- Washington, 3rd-8th December, 1910. 331 COMMISSION. Agreement. Colombia and Peru. Settlement of Claims and Inquiry into Occurrences in Putu- 1909.. Bogotá, 13th April, 1910. 401 CONGO. Convention. Belgium and Germany. Boundary. German East Africa. Decree (Belgium). Collection of Natural Products of Soil. Domain Lands. Brussels, 22nd March, 1910. 531 CONSULAR FEES. Order in Council (British). Amending Tables. London, 11th June, 1910. CONSULS. Convention. Argentine Republic and Turkey. Consular 161 Rome, 11th June, 1910. 356 Officers. Sofia, 25th February (10th March), 1910. 389 Washington, 1st June, 1910. 1004 CONVENTIONS. See TREATIES. COREA. Memorandum of Agreement. Brussels, 10th April, 1910. 383 17th August, 1909. 570 Order in Council (British). China and Corea Jurisdiction. London, 2nd August, 1910. 163 Treaty. Corea and Japan. Annexation to Japan. CORRESPONDENCE. See PERSIA. COSTA RICA. Order in Council (British). Seoul, 22nd August, 1910. 992 Collisions at Sea. Signals of Distress. Regulations. London, 13th October, 1910. 165 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Mexico. Convention. Money Orders. San José, 18th March, 1910. 407 Panamá. Convention. Arbitration. Boun- COURTS. See JURISDICTION. CRICHFIELD CLAIM. See AWARDS. ary Claims. Extend- duration of Treaty of 1902. Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906. 1013 CUBA. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Pgae Germany. Agreement. Money Orders. Havana, 28th February, 1910. 410 Great Britain, &c. Conventions. (1) Collisions between Fessels. (2) As- Brussels, 23rd September, 1910.* 434 United States, &c. Do. Convention. Status of Natu- ralized Citizens. Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906.* 1010 Pecuniary Claims. Extending dura- tion of Treaty of 1902. Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906. 1013 CUSTOMS. Arrangement. France and Netherlands. Import Duty on Wine in Netherland East Indies, and on Law (France). Revising Customs Tariff. 18th August, 1910. 542 29th March, 1910. 537 (Sweden). Customs Tariff. Tariff.. Tariff to various 622 476 January-March 1910. 1039 Order in Council (Canada). Belgium. Intermediate Tariff. (Do.) (Do.) Ottawa, 7th June, 1910. 470 Italy. Intermediate Tariff. Ottawa, 7th June, 1910. 503 Proclamation (United States). Applying Minimum Tariff to Great Britain. Washington, 18th January, 1910. 1037 CYPRUS. Order in Council (British). Cyprus Courts of Justice Page DEATH SENTENCES. Order in Council (British). Pacific (Jurisdiction) Order in Council, London, 22nd April, 1910. 156 DECREE. (Belgium.) Collection of Natural Products of the Soil. Domain Lands of the Congo. Brussels, 22nd March, 1910. (Italy.) Arrival and Sojourn of Foreign Warships. Rome, 24th May, 1906. Lisbon, 2nd December, 1910. (Zanzibar.) Surrender of Fugitive Criminals 531 536 988 DENMARK. Order in Council (British). Zanzibar, 31st March, 1910. 1048 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :- with Copenhagen, 9th February, 1910. 417 Great Britain (Jamaica). Convention. Money Orders. Danish (2) Assistance and Sal- Brussels, 23rd September, 1910. 434 Mexico. Convention. Commerce. Mexico, 3rd May, 1910. 420 Roumania, Convention. Commerce and Navi- gation. Vienna, 29th March (11th April), * Not ratified by Denmark (January 1914). 1910. 417 DENUNCIATION. Notification (France). Denunciation by Japan :- Commercial Treaty, 1896, Page Paris, 4th August, 1910. 541 (Great Britain). Do.:-Treaty of Com- (Japan). DEPORTATION. See JURISDICTION. DESIGNS See PATENTS. London, 30th July, 1910. 460 Termination of various DISTRESS SIGNALS. See SIGNALS OF DISTRESS. DOMAIN LANDS. See CONGO. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:- with Hayti. Modus Vivendi. Discon- Port-au-Prince, 20th May, 1910. 427 United States, &c. Convention. Pecuniary Claims. Extending dura- tion of Treaty of 1902. Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906. 1013 DRUGS. See MEDICAL PREPARATIONS. E. EGYPT. Decree prolonging Powers of Egyptian Mixed Courts. 30th January, 1910. 536 Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals of (Do.) Ottoman Dominions. London, 7th November, 1910. 181 Proclamation (Anglo-Egyptian Soudan). Lado Enclave. Administration and Boundaries. Khartoum, 4th August, 1910. 458 TREATIES, &C., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Convention. Commerce. tional to that of 1892. Germany. ENCLAVE, LADO. See LADO ENCLAVE. Addi- Cairo, 17th March, 1910. 428 * Not ratified by Dominican Republic (November 1913). |