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EQUATOR. Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals

of Distress. Regulations.

London, 13th October, 1910. 165

TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with

Brazil. Convention. Arbitration.

Washington, 13th May, 1909. 386

Italy. Convention. Parcel Post.

Rome, 17th December, 1910. 431

United States, &c. Convention. Status of

[blocks in formation]

The Hague, 7th May, 1910. 599

Do. Field Sports Ex-
hibition, Vienna.


EXTRADITION. Decree (Zanzibar). Surrender of Fugitive Criminals.

Zanzibar, 31st March, 1910. 1048

Notes. France and Sweden. Amending Extradition

Treaty, 1869.

28th February, 1910. 543

Paris, 19th April,

Treaty. Great Britain and Greece. Extradition.

Athens, 24th September, 1910. 297

Greece and Spain. Extradition.

[blocks in formation]

29th April, 1910.



Finance (1910).

28th November, 1910. 84

FINANCE. Correspondence. Affairs of Persia. Financial Necessities.
Anglo-Russian Advance of 400,0007.


1907-1910. 661
FISHERIES. Award. Great Britain and United States. North
Atlantic Coast Fisheries. Arbitration.

The Hague, 7th September, 1910.
FRANCE. Law. Punishment for Offences Committed Abroad. Modi-
fying Article 5 of Criminal Code.


Paris, 26th February, 1910. 536
29th March, 1910. 537

Revising Customs Tariff..
Notification. Denunciation by Japan of Commercial

Treaty of 1896
vention of 1898.

and Supplementary Con-

Paris, 4th August, 1910. 541

Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals

of Distress. Regulations.

London, 13th October, 1910. 165

TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, Viz:-with

Bulgaria. Notes. Catholic Religious Estab-

lishments and Schools in Bul-



Convention. Arbitration.

Sofia, 2nd (15th) April, 1910. 388

tional to that of 1908.


Bogotá, 5th August, 1910. 400

Denmark. Additional Articles. Commercial

Convention of 1842.

Copenhagen, 9th February, 1910. 417

Great Britain. Declaration. Press Telegrams.

[blocks in formation]


Declaration. African Slave
Trade. Modifying De-
claration annexed

Brussels Act, 1890.


Brussels, 15th June, 1910. 255

Conventions. (1) Collisions

between Vessels. (2) As-

sistance and Salvage.

Brussels, 23rd September, 1910. 434

Italy. Leclaration. Tonnage Certificates.

Paris, 16th February, 1910. 540


FRANCE. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.


Netherlands. Arrangement. Import Duty on

Wine in Netherland East Indies,
and on Benzine in France.

18th August, 1910. 542

Portugal. Notes. Guinea Boundary.


Paris, 29th October-4th November,

Notes. Guinea Boundary.

1904. 976

Paris, 6th-12th July, 1906. 978

Sweden. Notes. Amending Extradition Treaty,


Paris, 28th February-19th April,

1910. 543

Switzerland. Notes. Renewal of Arbitration

Convention, 1904.

Paris, 13th July, 1910. 543

Wallis Islands. Treaty. French Protectorate.




Matautu, 19th May, 1910. 544

GERMAN EAST AFRICA. Convention. Belgium and Germany. Boun-

[blocks in formation]

GERMAN SOUTH-WEST AFRICA. Agreement with Cape of Good Hope.

Lease of Shark Island, &c.

Cape Town, 17th November, 1897. 983
Berlin, 28th December,

GERMANY. Notice. Commercial Relations with Canada.


Berlin, 24th February, 1910. 495

Order in Council (British). Collisions at Sea. Signals

of Distress. Regulations.

London, 13th October, 1910. 165

Regulations. Admission and Treatment of Foreign War-

ships in the Harbours and Waters of the

German Coast.

24th May, 1910. 980

TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with

Belgium. Convention. Boundary. German
East Africa and Congo.

Brussels, 11th August, 1910. 372

Cuba. Agreement. Money Orders.

Havana, 28th February, 1910. 410

Egypt. Convention. Commerce. Additional

to that of 1892.

Cairo, 17th March, 1910. 428

Great Britain (Canada). Agreement. Com-
mercial Relations.


15th February, 1910. 479

(Cape of Good Hope). Agree-

ment. German South-
West Africa. Lease
of Shark Island, &c.

Cape Town, 17th November, }

Berlin, 28th December,

1897. 983

GERMANY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :-

[blocks in formation]



Paris, 4th May, 1910. 244

Agreement. Obscene Pub-


Paris, 4th May, 1910. 251

Great Britain, &c. Declaration. African
Slave Trad. Modifying
Declaration annexed
to Brussels Act, 1890.
Brussels, 15th June, 1910. 255
Conventions. (1) Colli-
sions between Vessels.
(2) Assistant and Sal-



Brussels, 23rd September, 1910. 434
Convention. Succession Duties.
Morable Property.

Athens, 18th November (1st December),

1910. 545

Netherlands. Agreement. Spirit Traffic.

The Hague, 6th June, 1910. 547

Switzerland. Treaty. Reciprocal Rights of

GREAT BRITAIN. Act of Parliament.


Berne, 31st October, 1910.

"The Motor Car Act, 1903."


[blocks in formation]

The Hague, 7th September), 1910.
Correspondence. Affairs of Persia (Anglo-Russian
Convention; Situation at Ta-
breez and in Azerbaijan ;
Measures to be taken by British
and Russian Governments as re-
gards the General Situation in
Persia; Disturbances at Ispa-
han; Financial Necessities;
Resht-Tehran Road; Russian
Consular Guard at Astrabad;
Advance of Russian Troops to
Tabreez; Shah's Rescript pro-
mising a Constitution (May 5,
1909); Further Rescripts re-
establishing Old Constitution
(May 9 and 20, 1909); Despatch
of Russian Troops to Kasvin;
Arrival of Nationalist Forces
before Tehran; Interviews with
Sipahdar and Sardar Assad ;
New Electoral Law (July 1,
1909); Entry of Nationalists
into Tehran, Abdication of Shah,


GREAT BRITAIN. Correspondence-(continued).

and Valiahd's Succession;
Anglo-Russian Advance of
400,000l.; Insecurity of South-
ern Roads and Disorders in
Southern Persia, &c.)


1907-1910. 644

List of Countries entitled to Canadian Intermediate

List of Proclamations (United States), applying
Minimum Tariff to various British Colonies, &c.


January-March, 1910. 1039

Notice (Germany). Commercial Relations with

Berlin, 24th February, 1910. 495

Notification. Denunciation by Japan of Treaties,

&c., viz. :-

Commerce, 1894 and 1895; Pro-

perty of Deceased Subjects, 1900.

London, 30th July, 1910. 460

(Japan). Ditto.

Tôkio, 17th July, 1910. 571

Order in Council.

Cyprus Courts of Justice.

London, 10th August, 1909. 132

Application of Patents and
Designs Act, 1907. Agri-

cultural Exhibition, Buenos


London, 10th January, 1910. 139
Ditto. Railways and Land
Transport Exhibition,

Buenos Ayres.

London, 10th January, 1910. 141
Ditto. Hygienic Exhibition,

Buenos Ayres.

London, 10th January, 1910. 142
Ditto. Field Sports Exhibi-

tion, Vienna.

London, 10th January, 1910. 144


1909. Motor Vehicles.

London, 22nd April, 1910. 145

Exemption of Danish Vessels
in British Ports from
Operation of Merchant
Shipping Act, 1894, with
regard to Life-saving Ap-

London, 22nd April, 1910. 155

Pacific (Jurisdiction) Order

in Council, 1893.
ment. Sentences of Death.

London, 22nd April, 1910. 156

Exemption of Netherland
Vessels in British Ports
from Operation of Mer-
chant Shipping Acts with
regard to Overloading.

London, 11th June, 1910. 157

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