Page TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-between ............. Bulgaria and Italy. 1910. 389 Most-favoured-nation Treatment. Subjects, Goods, Vienna, 22nd May (4th June), 1910. 398 Colombia and Peru. Corea and Japan. tional to that of 1908. Bogotá, 5th August, 1910. 400 Agreement. Modifying that of Bogotá, 13th April, 1910. 401 Treaty. Annexation to Japan. Costa Rica and Mexico. Costa Rica and Panamá. Cuba and Germany. Denmark and France. Convention. Money Orders. San José, 18th March, 1910. 407 Washington, 17th March, 1910. 404 Agreement. Money Orders. Havana, 28th February, 1910. 410 Additional Articles. Convention of 1842. Commercial Copenhagen, 9th February, 1910. 417 Denmark and Mexico. Convention. Commerce. Denmark and Roumania. Mexico, 3rd May, 1910. 420 Convention. Commerce and Navigation. Vienna, 29th March, (11th April), 1910. 417 Dominican Republic and Hayti. Modus Vivendi. Dis- continuance of Pass- ports. Port-au-Prince, 20th May, 1910. 427 Egypt and Germany. Convention. Commerce. Guinea Boundary. France and Sweden. Notes. Amending Extradition France and Switzerland. Notes. Renewal of Arbitration Convention, 1904. Paris, 13th July, 1910. 543 TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-between .......... torate. Page Matautu, 19th May, 1910. 544 Germany and Greece. Convention. Succession Duties. Italy and Russia. Convention. Arbitration. St. Petersburg, 14th (27th) October, Japan and Russia. Notes. Certificates of Origin. Do. Do Tôkið, 12th January, 1910. 587 Convention. Manchuria. Railways St. Petersburg, 4th July, 1910. 556 Luxemburg and Norway. Declarations. Civil Procedure. Additional to Convention of 1905. Christiania, } Luxemburg, 1st June, 1910, 615 Mexico and Norway. Agreement. Money Orders. Christiania 16th April, 1910. Mexico and United States. Convention, Arbitration. Title to Chamizal Tract. 611 Washington, 24th June, 1910. 588 Protocol. Ditto. Supple- mentary. Washington, 5th December, 1910. 591 Montenegro and Switzerland. Entente, Commercial. Rome, 31st December, 1910. 592 TREATIES, &c., between FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-between Riff. Ceuta Frontier Page Madrid, 16th November, 1910. 593 Netherlands and Norway. Notes. Information as to Confinement of Lunatics. Stockholm, 24th May, 1909. 606 } Netherlands and Switzerland. Convention. Acceptance of Expelled Subjects. The Hague, 7th May, 1910. 599 Norway and Roumania. Convention. Commerce and Navigation. Stockholm, 18th (31st) March, 1910. 608 Norway and Russia. Agreement. Telegraphs. fying Agreement of 1897. Christiania, 4th February, } Modi- 1910. 617 Norway and Sweden. Declaration. Serrice of Writs, &c. Language. Christiania, 20th October, 1910. 618 Portugal and United States. Notes. Most-favoured - of Terms "Porto" and Line of Steamers. Washington, 28th June, 1910. 994 Roumania and Sweden. Convention. Commerce and Navigation. Berlin, 18th February (3rd March), 1910. 997 Russia and Spain. Notes. Commercial Relations. Madrid, 2nd-6th February, 1895. 621 Convention, Arbitration. St. Petersburg, 2nd (15th) August, 1910. 1000 Sweden and United States. Convention. Consular. United States, Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906.* 1010 United States, Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906 + 1013 * Not ratified by Bolivia, Cuba, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay † Not ratified by Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, Dominican Page TRENGGANU. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Great Britain. Agreement. British Pro- tectorate. Singapore, 22nd April, 1910. 957 TUNIS. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :--with Great Britain. Additional Articles. Money TURKEY. Hatti-Humayun. Public Rights and Duties of Government. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :- with UNITED STATES. Award. Great Britain. Arbitration. North At- lantic Coast Fisheries. The Hague, 7th September, 1910. 86 Venezuela. Arbitration. Orinoco and Crichfield Claims. The Hague, 25th October, 1910. 1043 List of Proclamations applying Minimum Tariff to various Countries and Colonies, &c. 165 London, 13th October, 1910. Proclamation applying Minimum Tariff to Great Britain.... Washington, 18th January, 1910. 1037 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Argentine Republic, &c. Convention. UNITED STATES. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz.:-with Great Britain. Protocol. Canada. St. Page Washington, 5th December, 1910. 591 Portugal. Most-favoured-nation Treat- ment. Use of Terms "Porto" Washington, 28th June, 1910. 994 Sweden. Convention. Consular. Washington, 1st June, 1910. 1004 URUGUAY. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Argentine Republic. Declaration. Plate. River Monte Video, 5th January, 1909. 357 Great Britain, &c. Conventions. (1) Colli. sions between Vessels. (2) Assistance and Brussels, 23rd September, 1910. 434 United States, &c. Convention. Status of Naturalized Citizens. Rio de Janeiro, 13th August, 1906.‡ 1010 * See Vol. CII, page 144. † No. (1) not ratified by United States (January 1914). |