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9. Whoever collects, causes to be collected, or acquires vegetable products in contravention of the foregoing provisions or in violation of the rights granted for the purpose will be liable to a maximum penalty of one month's penal servitude and a maximum fine of 1,000 fr., or one of these penalties.

Products illegally collected will, according to circumstances, be confiscated or restored to the rightful collectors, and, if necessary, the permit to collect will be withdrawn from the offending person.

10. The latex of the rubber trees may be collected only by means of tappings or notches made in the bark of the trunk without piercing the region of the cambium.

Vine-rubber may be collected only by means of tapping, notches, or cutting the plant. It is forbidden to tear, tap, notch, or break up the roots of the plant, and to tap, notch, or break up the main stalk in any part below a height of 1.50 metres from the ground.

Any infraction of the present articles will be punished in accordance with Article 6 of the decree of the 22nd September, 1904, on the preservation of rubber trees and vines, and, if necessary, the permit to collect will be withdrawn from the person responsible for the infraction.

11. The following are abrogated: the decree of the 30th October, 1892, on the collection of rubber in the domain forests; the decree of the 3rd June, 1906, setting up the National Domain; Articles 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 15 of the decree of the 9th August, 1893; the decrees of the 14th November, 1899, the 8th October, 1897, the 2nd February, 1898, and the 30th November, 1898, relative to the sale and lease of the domain lands, together with the administrative orders and regulations framed in execution of these provisions.

12. The present decree, under reservation of the various limits of time set up by its provisions, will come into force on the 1st July, 1910. Notwithstanding, the Acts and provisions laid down in Article 11 will be abrogated from the date of publication in the "Bulletin officiel," with the exception of the decree of the 30th October, 1892.

Given at Brussels, the 22nd March, 1910.

By the King:
The Minister of Colonies,


DECREE of the Khedive of Egypt prolonging the Powers of the Egyptian Mixed Courts. January 30, 1910.

Nous, Khédive d'Égypte,


Vu le Règlement d'Organisation judiciaire pour les procès mixtes et notamment l'article 40 du titre III;*

Vu les décrets des 6 janvier, 1881, 28 janvier, 1882, 28 janvier, 1883, 19 janvier, 1884, 31 janvier, 1889, 3 février, 1890, 29 janvier, 1894, 31 janvier, 1899, 30 janvier, 1900, 30 janvier, 1905, prorogeant successivement jusqu'au 1er février, 1910, le terme de la première période judiciaire des Tribunaux mixtes égyptiens ;

Considérant que notre Gouvernement et les Gouvernements des Puissances intéressées sont convenus de proroger pour cinq ans les pouvoirs desdits tribunaux;

Sur la proposition de notre Ministre de la Justice et l'avis conforme de notre Conseil des Ministres ;


ART. 1er. Les pouvoirs des Tribunaux mixtes égyptiens sont prorogés pour une nouvelle période de cinq ans, à partir du 1er février, 1910.

2. Nos Ministres de la Justice et des Affaires Étrangères sont chargés de l'exécution du présent décret.

Fait au Palais de Koubbeh, le 30 janvier, 1910.

[blocks in formation]


FRENCH LAW modifying Article 5 of the Criminal Code regarding the Punishment in France of French Citizens for Offences committed abroad.- Paris, February 26, 1910.

Le Sénat et la Chambre des Députés ont adopté,

Le Président de la République promulgue la loi dont la teneur suit:

ART. ler. L'article 5 du Code d'Instruction criminelle est moditié ainsi qu'il suit :

* Vol. LXVI, page 593.
† "Journal officiel," February 28, 1910.

"Tout Français qui, hors du territoire de la France, s'est rendu coupable d'un crime puni par la loi française, peut être poursuivi et jugé en France.

"Tout Français qui, hors du territoire de la France, s'est rendu coupable d'un fait qualifié délit par la loi française, peut être poursuivi et jugé en France, si le fait est puni par la législation du pays où il a été commis.

"Il en sera de même si l'inculpé n'a acquis la nationalité française qu'après l'accomplissement du crime ou du délit.

"Toutefois, qu'il s'agisse d'un crime ou d'un délit, aucune poursuite n'a lieu si l'inculpé justifie qu'il a été jugé définitivement à l'étranger, et, en cas de condamnation, qu'il a subi ou prescrit sa peine ou obtenu sa grâce.

"En cas de délit commis contre un particulier français ou étranger, la poursuite ne peut être intentée qu'à la requête du Ministère public; elle doit être précédée d'une plainte de la partie offensée ou d'une dénonciation officielle à l'autorité française par l'autorité du pays où le délit a été commis.

"Aucune poursuite n'a lieu avant le retour de l'inculpé en France, si ce n'est pour les crimes énoncés en article 7 ci-après."

2. La présente loi est applicable aux colonies de la Martinique, de la Guadeloupe, et de la Réunion.

La présente loi, délibérée et adoptée par le Sénat et par la Chambre des Députés, sera exécutée comme loi de l'État. Fait à Paris, le 26 février, 1910.

Par le Président de la République:
Le Garde des Sceaux, Ministre de la Justice,


Le Ministre des Colonies,


FRENCH LAW revising the Customs Tariff. - March 29, 1910.*


ART. 1. The Law of the 11th January, 1892, establishing the Customs Tariff, modified by the Laws of the 30th June, 1893, 4th July, 1893, 27th February, 1894, 14th November, 1894, 16th August, 1895, 31st March, 1896, 7th April, 1897, 14th July, 1897, 3rd March, 1898, 4th April, 1898, 5th April, 1898, 9th April, 1898, 1st February, 1899, 28th February, 1899, 10th July, 1899, 24th February, 1900, 17th July, 1900,† 26th July, 1901, 15th March, 1902, 30th March, 1902, 7th April, 1902,

* Parliamentary Paper. Cd. 5127 of 1910.
+ Vol. XCVII, page 681.

10th April, 1902, 28th January, 1903, 29th March, 1903, 30th April, 1903, 31st July, 1903, 9th July, 1904, 20th July, 1904, 24th June, 1905, 21st December, 1905, 12th July, 1906, 13th July, 1906, 18th July, 1906, 21st November, 1906, 19th January, 1907, 19th July, 1907, 10th August, 1908, 5th December, 1908, is completed and modified in conformity with the schedule annexed to the present law.*

2. The privilege of temporary admission is accorded to the following products :Sweet almonds, damaged, and bitter almonds, for the extraction of the fixed oil.

Steel wire destined for the manufacture of submarine cables, other than those which are destined to connect France with her Colonies, or to connect French Colonies.

Maize destined for conversion into semolina, semoulette, and flour; beans and horse-beans to be transformed into flour under the conditions established for the temporary admission of wheat.

Peas ("pois ronds") destined to be broken up, decorticated, crushed. A decree, issued after consultation with the "Comité consultatif des Arts et Manufactures," shall determine the method of identification of peas admitted temporarily.

Paraffin and stearin destined for the manufacture of crayons, pastels, and chalks.

The privilege of temporary admission is accorded for a period of three years from the promulgation of the present law to automobile châssis of foreign origin, weighing less than 2,000 kilog., destined for exportation after having been fitted with a carriage body of French manufacture.

The privilege of temporary admission is accorded to the small watch and clockmakers' wares enumerated below :

(a.) Foreign watch-cases to be fitted with movements; (b.) Movements and bridges destined to undergo the process of finishing;

(c.) Rough movements imported to undergo the process of stamping;

(d.) Rims of cases to be fitted with mother-of-pearl bezels and covers.

A decree issued after consultation with the "Comité consultatif des Arts et Manufactures" will determine the conditions governing the application of the temporary admission régime to foregoing articles, particularly as regards assay-marks and warranties.

3. The following dispositions shall be substituted for Article 34, paragraph 1, of the Law of the 17th December, 1814, and Article 8 of the Law of the 11th January, 1892 :

"The Government may, by decrees rendered in Council of Ministers:

* Not printed.

"Apply surtaxes, not exceeding double the duties inscribed in the General Tariff, or not exceeding the value of the goods, to all or any goods from countries which may subject French goods to surtaxes or particularly high duties;

"Apply equivalent surtaxes to all or any goods from countries which may treat French products less favourably than the products of other States;

"In the two preceding cases, subject to all or any articles which are free of duty in accordance with the tariff to an ad valorem duty not exceeding 50 per cent;

"Saving Treaty stipulations to the contrary, subject, by way of reciprocity, any foreign goods to duties, taxes, or formalities identical with, or, as the case may be, similar to those which, in the country of origin, may be applicable to French goods;

"Establish, with regard to dutiable or non-dutiable goods which enjoy in the country of origin or production a direct or indirect bounty on exportation, a countervailing duty equal to such bounty;

"Take immediate steps, appropriate to the circumstances, in cases where measures enforced by foreign countries may be of such a nature as to restrict French commerce."

Decrees issued in conformity with the foregoing paragraphs shall be converted into Bills and submitted for the ratification of the Chambers immediately, if they are in session, and if not, at the opening of the following session.

4. Article 6 of the Law of the 19th May, 1866,* is completed by the following provision:

"Should French vessels be subjected in a foreign country to treatment less favourable than that accorded to vessels of other Powers, the Government is authorized to levy on the vessels of such country entering French ports or ports of a French Colony or possession, and on the goods carried by those vessels, such duties or surtaxes as may be deemed necessary to countervail the prejudice suffered by the French flag."

5. Article 24 of the Law of the 15th July, 1880, respecting licences is modified to read as follows:

"Any person, merchant, trader, or commercial traveller travelling in France with a view to taking orders on account of firms established in foreign countries, shall be liable to taxes equivalent to the licence and internal taxes to which merchants, traders, and commercial travellers carrying on the same business on account of firms established in France are liable in those countries.

"The same reciprocity of treatment shall be accorded as regards the conditions governing the admission of samples and patterns."

6. The general regulations relative to the application of the duties shall be revised by decrees published in the "Journal officiel "

* Vol. LVIII, page 313.

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