Women and Crack-cocaineMacmillan, 1993 - 197 pages |
Table des matières
CHAPTER | 15 |
Major Findings on Women and Socially Problematic Drug Use | 21 |
Droits d'auteur | |
10 autres sections non affichées
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Women and Crack-cocaine James A. Inciardi,Dorothy Lockwood,Anne E. Pottieger Affichage d'extraits - 1993 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
adolescent AIDS Alcohol Alcohol and Drugs amphetamines arrest associated behavior chemically dependent chemically dependent women City cocaine users crack dealers crack house crack-cocaine customers Delinquency drinking Drug Abuse Drug and Alcohol Drug Dependent Women Drug Misuse Drug Problems drug users drug-use Drugs Are Women's exchange sex female crack users female heroin users freak room freebase fuck Gender Differences girls heroin heroin addiction hypersexual Inciardi injection inner-city Institute on Drug interviews involvement Issues Metuchen James Jennifer James Journal of Drug Kaposi's sarcoma last 90 days LaTisha Linkages male marijuana Mirin Misuse and Dependency narcotics National Institute offenses opiate opium oral sex Paula Roth pimp police Pottieger Psychoactive Drugs reported Robyn rock Rockville sex for crack sexual shooting galleries smoking crack social speakeasies street drugs street prostitutes Substance Abuse Susan trading sex treatment vaginal War on Drugs woman Women and Drugs