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With their Explication


Wherein alfo is opened the nature of the
Covenants, Satisfaction, Righteoufnesses
Faith,Works, &c.

Published especially for the ufe of the
Church of Kederminster in Worcestershire.

By their unworthy Teacher,

Hebr. 9.15.

And for this caufe he is the Mediator of the
New Teftament, that by meanes of death for
the Redemption of the tranfgreffions under
the firft Teftament, they which are called
might receive the promise of eternall inheri



Printed by Abraham Brown,
Anno 1655.




To the Learned, zealous, Faithfull Minifters of Jefus Chrift, Mr. Richard Vines, Mafter of Pembroke - Hall in Cambridge, and Mr. Anthony Burges, Paftor of Sutton-Coldfield in Warwickshire, Members of the Reverend Affembly of Divines, my very much valued Friends and Brethren in the work and Patience of the Gofpel.

Moft Dear Brethren,

Never well understood their meaning, who crave Patronage to their Writings from the meere great ones of the times. If they need or defire a borrowed honour, methinks they quite miftake their way, and go for water to the top of Teneriffe, which they fhould feek in the valleys or ftillflowing Springs. To give them our Writings to inftruct them, is agreeable to our Office and duty but to fubmit them to their cenfures, or crave the protection of their Greatneffes, and prefix their names as the Signatures of Worth, as if Truth did ever the more dwell within, where this gilded fign is hang'd without this feemeth to me, to be as needleffe as abfur'd. The felf-idolizing fin of Pride is fo naturall to all men, efpecially when furthered by dignities and wordly pomp, that they are apt enough without a tempter, to take themfelves for the fummum genus in every




Predicament as well as their owne. A little help wil mount them above their Teachers, and a little more above Ordinances; but the top of the ambition is to be above God; that on them as the Alpha all may depend, and to them as the Omega all may afcribe. I think it a more needfull work (not for our honour, but their own safety) to make them understand, that Princes and Parliaments are Schollers in that Schoole where Chrift is the Mafter, and we his Ufhers: and that (at least) in respect of our Nuncupative, Declarative power, we are their Rulers in fpirituals, whom they are bound to obey, Heb.13. 7. 17. and that all Minifters are Bishops or Overfeers in the language of the holy Ghoft, Act. 20. 28. Phil. 1. 1. &c. and not the fervants or pleasers of men, Gal.11.10.

They leave us the bare name of their Teachers, fo that we will teach them nothing but what they have taught us first, and leave out the hard fayings, which they cannot beare. For my part, though I have found as much refpect from fuch as moft, yet have I known very few of the moft Religious great ones, but if I would deal but half as plainly as my commif fion and patterns doe require,Ifhould quickly turne their respect into indignation. If the old round dealing Prophets and Apostles were among us, I doubt fome pious Gentlemen,


would take them for fawcy,proud,pragmatical fellowes; and would think their tongues (though not their revenues) did need a refor mation. All this is no blemish to Magiftrácie, the Ordinance of God, but to humane nature, that for the moft part can as ill beare a high eftate, as a mans brains can endure to ftand on the pinacle of a steeple. Nor is this to blame any due honor to fuch, but to excufe my felfe, that I employ not my breath to fill any empty bladder. For you who are low, and full, I fuppofe the acknowledgement of your worth is leffe dangerous. As I am more beholden to Reafon andReligion,then to Greatneffe, fo doe I feel them command my eftcem and affections moft powerfully. Your names therefore have I chofen to prefix to this paper. 1. As acknowledging you indeed fit cenfors of my Doctrines having alwayes valued the judgement of Ariftotle in Philofophy before Alexanders; and thinking your approbation more confiderable then all the Lords or Commanders in the Land. If you approve, I shall be the more confirmed (and fo will my people for whom I write it, who know and honour you.) If you difallow, (for I cannot conceit that there is nothing to be difallowed) Ifhall fufpect, and fearch againe.

2. I defire alfo hereby to acquaint the world with the reverend efteem I have of you, and A 3


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