THE LIFE, ADVENTURES, AND OPINIONS OF COL. GEORGE HANGER. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. To which is added, Advice to the Prelates and Legislators, | The History of the Lovely Ægyptia, how to correct the Immorality and Jacobinism of the present Age, and at the same time increase the Revenue. Advice to the Lovely Cyprians, and to the Fair Sex in general, how to pass their Lives in future to their better Satisfaction, and to enjoy with Discretion the three Cardinal Virtues. On Matrimony, Compulsive Wedlock, and on Polygamy. On the Misery of Female Prostitution. Insanire parat, certa ratione modoque- VOL. II. LONDON, PRINTED FOR J. DEBRETT, PICCADILLY the Pamela of Norwood, and Paragon of the Ægyptian Race; the Author's Marriage with her, and her cruel Infidelity and Elopement with a Travelling Tinker: And a History of the King's Bench Prison, written by the Author during his Custody under the Marshal of that Prison, descriptive of the Miseries endured by the Prisoners, and the extravagant Expence incident to their Confinement. HORAT. |