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shall make the same compromise respecting the personal allusions to a much venerated individual, forgiving the revival of idle Cambridge gossip of some half-century since, in consideration of the testimonial which records the triumph over it.

That the absence of any inordinate ambition in Mr. Lloyd to obtain academical distinctions did not arise from inability to secure them, but from far better feelings, appears in the remarkable fact, that in the course of a single day, without warning or premeditation, he, at the urgent request of his brother and Mr. Brown (afterwards the well-known Provost of the college at Calcutta), dictated the essay on "The Literary Beauties of Scripture," which gained the Norrisian prize.

"There was no leisure for revision or improvement, -as it was just finished within the prescribed period; and after a due examination of the comparative merits of the different essays, the prize was adjudged to this vivâ voce production. It was, indeed, the emanation of a fine intellect; it flowed without effort, from a mind, not only enriched with classical stores, but irradiated by the greater light of revelation. The subject was congenial to his present incipient state of piety; the "Sun of Righteousness" had shone with the light of life into the innermost recesses of his soul, and kindled there such a hallowed flame of devotion as called up his mental powers into vigorous exercise. If his paramount regard to the sacred work of the ministry, combined with infirmity of health, had not diverted him from scientific pursuits, he would soon have acquired a high He reputation in the republic of letters. was endued with a sound, discriminating intellect, a strong retentive memory, and a splendid imagination; he had, in the language of a literary friend, abilities capable of any thing.' pp. 8, 9.

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Having taken his degree, he be

came curate to Mr. Robinson of Leicester.

"He was reluctant, at first, to comply with this application, but Mr. Robinson over-ruled his scruples by his friendly importunity, offering to accommodate him in his parsonage, and assuring him, at the same time, that he should only require

such ministerial aid as was consistent with the delicate state of his constitution, and agreeable to his own wishes. He continued in this situation about two years, and always spoke of the connection with gratitude and pleasure, as having afforded

him an opportunity of contemplating a living portraiture of an able, judicious, and zealous minister of Christ. Mr. Robinson was, indeed, formed to be an eminent parish parish priest by his natural talents, acquired endowments, and a plain masculine eloquence which commanded the attention of his audience. Blessed, moreover, with good health, an equable flow of animal spirits, and a kind, benevolent disposition, without any of those morbid or refined sensibilities which aggravate real trials, and inflict imaginary ones; he confronted the difficulties of an arduous and populous sphere with a strength and independence of mind which was not to be intimidated or seduced by the frowns or smiles of the world. His curate greatly admired and almost envied this happy temperament, and the facilities it afforded for a vigorous discharge of the ministerial duties-but was occasionally tempted to draw comparative conclusions which clouded his hopes, and disturbed the tranquillity of his mind. Because he could not, under the debilitating effects of corporeal disorder, always rise into energy of action, or ascend upon the wings of faith and love into a more sensible enjoyment of his Christian privileges, his conscience, ever tremblingly alive to his moral obligations, charged him with negligence,-confounding the ardour of piety with piety itself. The sanguine received at Cambridge that vital sense of character of the ministry under which he religion, to which I have already adverted, countenanced a warm and impassioned piety, and such strong correspondent expressions of it as were not friendly to the health and spirits of a valetudinarian; and it is no wonder that he was often led, in defiance of his sound and better judgment, to estimate his religious attainments by the vivacity of his sensations, and to experience those alternations of hopes and fears

of joys and sorrows, which so fluctuating a standard naturally produces." pp. 9-11.

There is much substantial truth in the above discrimination between the varied habits of different Christians, and the comparative ease with which a man, endued with the qualifications which the writer ascribes to Mr. Robinson, could follow up the duties of a laborious ministerial sphere of action, which to another person of equal piety, but of different bodily and mental temperament, would present formidable obstacles;-of all which phenomena, however, the right solution is, that God is pleased to raise up and qualify different men for different offices, and to dispose of their powers of mind and body as he sees

fit for the tasks which he allots them. But, amidst this substantial truth, there is something in the tone of the biographer's second allusion to Cambridge which, in connexion with some other passages in the book, seems to us to convey more than meets the ear. We could almost fancy that the Reverend biographer entertains certain dissatisfactions in reference to a portion of his brethren, with whom he still agrees, in the main, in points of doctrine, and whom he respects for their personal piety and devotion to their duties. But we are not anxious to penetrate into the mystery; and therefore, having, as became honest reviewers, just noticed it, as was necessary, from its possible bearing upon some particulars of the narrative, we drop the topic, and shall not revert to it. The cause or nature of the estrangement, which the biographer alludes to as having unhappily glided in between his beloved and esteemed relative and some of his early religious friends, seems to hinge on the same mystery. Perhaps the solution, in plain English, may be, that the biographer wishes, in a tacit and peaceable, but intelligible manner, to shew that neither his brother nor himself desired to be identified with some of the institutions and proceedings of what are currently called, in reproach, "the Evangelical Clergy." We only suggest this hint in passing, as it may explicate some passages in the volume; but shall ground upon it no comment, except this, that in a world of imperfection we must often make choice between evils; that there is the extreme of being too cold, as well as that of being too "warm and impassioned;" that, in avoiding the ill-assorted fellowships of a Bible Society, we may refine upon the matter till we lose somewhat of the communion of saints; that, in our just veneration for our own ecclesiastical community, we may verge towards a spirit of exclusion, which would introduce unseemly discord into the ranks of the universal church of Christ militant

upon earth; and that we may learn to see, or fancy, so many difficulties in every proffered scheme of good, that, while trimming the balance, we may waste our energies and our lives in doing nothing. We can easily conceive that some persons, in their "warm and impassioned piety," may have overlooked some contingent evils which might arise out of their projects; but we are quite sure that many more have stifled much certain and attainable good by their abstruse calculations of remote contingencies. There are men, and good men too, who, when any plan of religious utility is proposed, so feel and feel about with their microscopic antennæ, lest a mote should chance to be in the way, that the time for action, and the vigour of action, are lost, and the world might perish while they are quadrating equations. This minute scrupulosity is often truly honest and conscientious; but even then it may be a mental disease, which it were better to overcome by plain sense and determined energy, than to allow to degenerate into a sickly and cowardly inertness.

But, to return from this digression -for a digression it is, as respects any personal application which we should either wish or be warranted in making to the memoir before us— we shall introduce our readers to what is to us the most interesting part of Mr. Lloyd's history: we allude to his feelings and conduct as a college tutor. His health proving unequal to the curacy at Leicester, he quitted it with much pain to himself, to Mr. Robinson, and his parishioners, and accepted (in 1790) a college tutorship. The spirit by which he was actuated in engaging upon this new sphere of arduous duty is exhibited by his brother in his narrative, but still more in the extracts from his own private papers. His humility and hesitation in accepting an office for which, health excepted, he was admirably quali fied, and which was specially congenial to his taste, shews his great tenderness of conscience, and wish

to be divinely guided in the path of duty. His brother remarks:

"He was always in his watch-tower, observing the dispensations of Heaven, and tracing out the wisdom and goodness of God in his dealings with him. In interpreting the intimations of his Providence, he took a comprehensive and accurate survey of every circumstance illustrative of the Divine will,-balancing conflicting arguments with a sound discrimination of judgment, and regulating his resolutions and conduct according to the preponderance of evidence. But whilst he thus contemplated the pending proposition under its various aspects and probable consequences, he exercised, at the same time, a vigilant jealousy over the subtle operations of his heart, retiring into the inmost recesses of his soul, and severely scrutinizing his motives and ends, lest pride, vanity, sloth, an inordinate regard to the honours and riches of this world, or any sinister view or obliquity of principle, should cloud and pervert his understanding, and imperceptibly betray him into wrong conclusions. In short, he acted

under the influence of that best of all ca

suists, a' single eye,'-referring his designs and undertakings to the sacred standard of Scripture, and imploring, at the same time the illumination of the Holy Spirit that he might have a right discernment in the exposition of its meaning. How often has

his constant and fervent communion with heaven dispelled the clouds of doubt, tranquillized the disquietudes of a tender conscience, and subdued the gloomy anticipation of difficulties by a well-founded assurance that his strength should be equal to his day. It is no wonder that the Sun of Righteousness shone upon the path of so eminent a Christian, and made his way plain before him." pp. 13, 14.

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The fraternal biographer proceeds to quote, from "an immense mass of small detached papers,' rapidly written, and some scarcely legible, a few passages which occur relative to his feelings on this occasion, and his general state of mind at that period of his life. It is to these passages that we chiefly referred at the commencement of our remarks, and we strongly recom. mend them to the perusal of students, academical and clerical, that they may see the spirit in which a Christian should addict himself to a known duty, even though attended with some apparent disadvantages, nay, even some spiritual difficulties. There would be little to fear from the effect of college studies, or col

lege honours, if they were always accompanied with such a frame of mind as is exhibited in the secret conflicts which passed in the bosom of this devout and humble-minded servant of God. We will not tantalize our readers with a scanty ex


"The following passages will serve to exhibit (what is the primary object of this short narrative to exhibit) the complexion of the inner man,-the holy simplicity of his character,-his paramount regard to the will of God in all his determinations and movements.

"I think it, however, expedient to premise, that his frequent complaints about bility of conscience, his realizing views his sloth originated in his extreme sensiof the shortness and uncertainty of life, and the temptations of that subtle adversary who derives abundant materials from the disorders of the body for the purpose of assailing the faith of humble Christians bondage and disquietude. He was, at this and of bringing their minds into a state of his valuable life, under a medical interdict period, and during the remaining part of relative to his studies, as his health would truly say, from my own personal knownot admit of intense application. I can ledge, that his intellectual and executive powers were circumscribed in the range of their exercise by no other cause than what arose from the morbid and debilitated state of his constitution. Having thrown out this preliminary remark, that my reader may put a just construction upon this part of his private confessions, I proceed to subjoin these short documents, which may serve as an avenue to the recesses of his spiritual mind.

“Nov. 1,1790, King's College.—If I should be appointed to the tutorship (as seems at present probable) I would enter upon it with these views:-Instead of being overjoyed, which pride would prompt me to, I would mix humiliation and fear, a proper fear, with my thankfulness, as being degraded from my higher and more honourable office at Leicester; as not knowing for what ends God may have put me into it, and whether it will indeed be a mark of his favour, instead of his temporary displeasure towards me; and lastly, as being aware that such a place will expose me to great snares and trials. It will prove what manner of spirit I am of. Yet there are many other views which should make me rejoice in such an appointment, as it will open to me so many sources of usefulness, which I may justly hope will not be in vain, if my God so place me; and He knoweth, that I would rather die than take the office on any other condition. Should He bring me into it, may not one end which he has in view be to mortify my sloth, by thus placing me in

circumstances where close study will be necessary, and where both my natural and spiritual principles would lead to it. It is with shame, I confess, that all the means he has hitherto used to break its strength, have effected but little; these new means then may have been requisite for my deliverance from this sin, at least, for such a deliverance from it as may enable me to be useful in my generation, and to adorn the Gospel. Besides, may he not have another end in it, viz. to teach me a lesson which I have been too perverse to learn hitherto, at least as I ought, and this is, that I can serve him as much in literary as religious things-mediately as immediately--as much, in short, when I am studying the classics, &c. as when I am reading the Bible, &c. &c. and when I am endeavouring to draw people gently towards him, as when I would compel them to come in. It will, doubtless, cost me much self-denial and many struggles to attain these ends, and I should prepare for some very painful exercise of mind. But will they not be most salutary, and have the happiest effects upon me? Then let me welcome my Lord's discipline, however severe. These very important views, if they be of thee, and if thou shouldst make me tutor, O, my God! write them deep in my memory: they will tend to shew me something of the wisdom which thou manifestest in thy dealings with me. Next Sunday is Sacrament Sunday-1 purpose, at this important crisis of my life, to devote myself to God in the bonds of his covenant by a [written and] solemn surrender of myself and my all into his hands, that he may henceforward act towards me, and I towards him, as he and his people do towards each other. O, my Lord! let thy grace, which excites in me this purpose, assist me to bring it into good effect! Amen.'

"Nov. 14, 1790.-During my visit at home, I had to exercise only passive grace, and there was almost a total suspension of all active obedience. This was then my line of duty, I verily believe,--but on coming to college, I find work unexpect edly prepared for me; here is likely to be much exercise both for my judgment and grace, and much for my understanding and memory too, if I should succeed Mr. Norbury as tutor. My duty now is, to be almost constantly doing, yet without exertion; a system of idleness is no longer to be allowed to my disorder; but I must rather allow for it, in the manner of doing, which should be as easy and as compatible with a relaxed frame of mind as possible. Pride will, I doubt not, persuade me to an intense application, that I may do what I do well. Such a spirit must be carefully guarded against, and a peculiar moderation in my studies kept up, at least, for some time. Oh, for help! That time which I have been wont to squander away on a tedious and unprofitable attention to

the duties of the closet, I must now lay out in the literary services, to which my place (if I have it) will call me. This is an important point. Devotional duties, collectively considered, are of the utmost consequeuce in religion,--that is, where the mind is come into the frame or habit of waiting upon God, and seeking the blessings of the Gospel. Now I am apt to lay too much stress on each, singly considered, and so to go to every fresh duty as if all depended on it. This, perhaps, in part, is the cause of my being longer than I ought to be in the performance of them. O, my God! enable me to correct this error! Yesterday, Mr. elected V. Provost, and I Dean of Divinity. The hand of the Lord hath the preeminence, the hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pass. Give us courage, and yet prudence, O, our God! for the right and effectual discharge of our offices:


I feel on my conscience the weight of my appointment. Lord, strengthen me to bear it, and suffer me not to sink under it! May I set myself faithfully to the very arduous work of reforming the college, and not be afraid of reproaches! Amen.'

"Nov. 18.-I had intended, both on last Sunday and to-day, to have devoted myself to God, at his table, by a written surrender. Yet, alas, the good, which I would, I do not:-a spirit of indolence and other corruptions stood in the way; I desire to be humbled in the dust, and have been crying to-day for grace to aid me in my purpose. By next Sacramentday I hope to effect it. To-morrow concludes my seventh year in the ways of God; it will finish my apprenticeship: but I like my Master and his service so well, that I am willing now to bind myself to him for ever, as Deuteronomy xv. 16, 17. O, my Saviour! reject me not for my past dullness and waywardness, and for the trouble which I have so constantly given thee.'

666 Nov. 25, 1790.-I am now nominated to the tutorship; O, my God! thou knowest that I have not taken it for myself, but for thee, as believing it to be thy will that I should do so, and hoping that thou designest to employ me in the office for the promoting of thy own glory, &c. I thank thee that, even to the very last, thou didst preserve me from the influence of those carnal motives which would have led me to wish earnestly for the appointment, in order to my exaltation. I can appeal to thee, that thou hast enabled me to sit utterly loose to it; and that even now I am ready to resign it as soon as ever thou callest for it. O! remember what I have begged of thee from day to day, viz. that I might not have the tutorship, unless I had also grace and gifts suitable to it. On these terms alone have I accepted the Provost's offer, therefore fulfil them, O, heavenly Father! and help me to trust thee for all necessary influences of thy

Spirit, and to go forth to my new work as
one assured of having sufficient supplies
from thee for the discharge of it. On my
expressing my fear that my health would
not admit of my fulfilling such a trust
properly, he desired me to give it a trial,
and observed that I might afterwards re-
sign it, if I found this the case. He beg-
ged that I would endeavour to make the
office as easy to myself as I could, and ex-
pressed his fear lest my sense of duty
should overset me. He did not doubt
my conscientious regard to the business
of the tutorship, but was only apprehen-
sive that it would lead me to neglect my
health. That God did not require more at
our hands than we could pay, consistently
with other considerations; that he was
not a hard master, &c. This advice was
very suitable indeed to my case; Lord,
help me to observe it! There are three
things chiefly to be regarded by me in ex-
ecuting the office assigned me.

direction and strength, &c. I was able to
expect, that as my day was, so my strength
would be; and I believe that I truly gave
myself into the hands of my God, that he
might do all for, in, and by me.
O! my
God, remember that time and those prayers
and professions, for good. Let me have
the fruit of them, and draw fresh encou-
ragement from every review of them,-
and O! help me to live henceforth con-
tinually, as one who is not his own, but
thine, mindful both of thy engagements to
me, and of my own obligations to thee.
Amen. Amen.

"First, I must try to do it entirely to God, as the work which he has set me: any expressions of censure from the scholars should not move me; I should be as one who noticed them not, &c. O, my God! so crucify me to the world, that I may, indeed, enter upon my office in such a spirit. "Secondly, I must aim at being solid rather than shewy, at saying useful, rather than splendid things. This will not indeed be to set myself off, it will not tend to exalt me in their esteem; but it will be the most suitable to their literary state: they are much in want of solidity, and therefore by aiming at this, rather than the other, I shall approve myself to God, as shewing the best motives in the business, &c.

"Third and lastly, I must beware of being wordy in giving lectures: I should rather endeavour to say little, and that to the purpose, and what little I do speak should be delivered with emphasis; this would add much weight to my instructions; something of this effect might take place:-sortilegis non discrepuit sententia Delphis."

“Dec. 7, 1790.—Last Sunday I was enabled to make the [written] surrender of myself to the Lord in the bonds of his covenant; my sloth prevented my drawing one up for myself, so that I transcribed that in Doddridge, and sealed it at the table of the Lord. Though this religious transaction was not carried through by me with that deliberation and solemnity which it required, yet my God graciously accepted me in it. It was a good season to me; I found more than usual access to him; and could cast every burden upon him, viz. my previous sloth of the last three weeks,--my shameful cowardice, and the working of other sad corruptions ;--the snares and difficulties of my new situation, -my exceeding unfitness and inequality to the duties of the tutorship,--and my very pressing want of more than common

“The only thing that weighs me down now, is, lest the honour of the Gospel should suffer by my miscarriage in my new office; lest it should be observed, that I am like many other religious characters,I know nothing, and therefore it is no wonder that one so weak and ill-informed should be misled, and give way to such foolish fancies.' O! my God, I am ashamed before thee that I have given so much occasion for the charge of ignorance, by neglecting to cultivate my intellects, &c. I would I had improved my talents in a literary way, that thine enemies might be constrained rather to say of me, it is not for want of knowledge or understanding that he holds these peculiar opinions.' But what is past cannot be remedied. Ought I then to have accepted a place, to which I am so little competent? I certainly should not have done it, but on the idea of its being my God's will. I have good ground for believing, that he hath assigned me my office;-thus much I thought due to the sense I had of my own insufficiency, viz. to be quite passive, and not to make any the least advance towards the tutorship. But when offered me, I did not dare to refuse it, because all my religious friends were for my accepting it; because the providence of God led manifestly, and in a very striking way, towards it, and because it was my desire, whether tutor or not, in this my relaxed state, to apply for some time to literary things."

"Jan. 1, 1791.-Spared to another year, O! my soul, bless the Lord. I foresee it will be a year of severe trials to me: there will be much exactly calculated to mortify my sinful nature, and for this prospect I bless thee; I welcome it, though with trembling, as a new proof of thy wise and holy love towards me; and I only beg I may not be suffered to faint; I have had some declamations to look over, which, together with my inactivity, have prevented much my getting forward in my preparations for lectures; I am yet but at the threshold; O! my God, pardon and quicken


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"Jan. 16, 1791.-To-morrow night my lectures begin; I have all the work of a very long term before me, and am very little prepared for it. O! why have I not been more diligent, and why have I not been content to do more slightly the little

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