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less really. Religion is safely ridiculed under the name of hypocrisy. A preacher of God's Word, is, perhaps, exhibited in strong caricature, with affected gravity and absurd grimace. A sermon is delivered in burlesque imitation. A religi ous character is introduced, for the purpose of being placed in the most ludicrous points of view, and exposed as a person of weak intellect and of pitiable credulity. His conscientiousness and fear of sinning are made contemptible by being displayed only in petty and punctilious scrupulosity. His purity of mind is connected with circumstances of exquisite absurdity. His meekness under insult is made to appear only as mean and unworthy timidity. His simplicity and sincerity of heart are represented as rendering him the dupe of every designer, and the butt for every dart which malice or mirth may choose to throw. And, while he is thus set forth as a laughing-stock, many a scoff and jest is uttered respecting over-righteousness and puritanical zeal. The words saint' and 'holy' are used only in sneer and sarcasm. "Heaven' and 'hell,' and terms of equally aweful meaning, are employed with levity and laughter. And thus, while religion in the general is, perhaps, complimented with some unmeaning expression of regard; its sanctity is profaned,

its character is degraded, its authority and its influence are undermined, and its several parts and its conscientious professors are brought into derision and contempt." pp. 189, 190.

And while religion is thus sneered at, sin is dressed out in colours the most attractive. Can then the moral impression of the scene be doubt ful? Some, however, may profess ful? Some, however, may profess to doubt it; and may adduce their own case in proof that the effect is not so practically evil as is represented. To such persons we fear we must reply with our author, that

They give a very plain proof that they must have already sustained no small injury; since their moral sensibilities are become so far blunted, as to permit them to witness the scenes and listen to the sentiments, which they must hear and see, at any evening's performance, in any theatre, without feeling with indignant shame, that their better principles had been outraged, and their sense of propriety grossly insulted, and painfully offended."

p. 254.

"I might confidently appeal to the recollections of those females who may have formerly frequented the theatre, whether the pleasure which they experienced, on their first attendance, was not often mingled with an involuntary sense of shame, a secret and painful conscious

ness of impropriety and evil; while, at the same time, through the influence of example, and the force of custom ;-from want of due consideration, or sufficient firmness of mind; and perhaps from never having had their attention specially and seriously called to the sinful nature and injurious tendency of such amusements;-they allowed themselves to be present at exhibitions which their consciences condemned; and to be spectators of scenes, and hearers of sentiments, against which the quick sensibilities of a modest and delicate mind so painfully revolted as to cover them with confusion ;, and which scenes and sentiments they would not, on any consideration, have either ventured to describe and repeat, or endured to hear described and repeated, in private company, or in the society of their personal friends." pp. 262, 263.

Mr. Best states, that the attendance of respectable women at the Sheffield theatre has, he understands, greatly diminished; and we doubt not the effect has been caused in no slight degree by his own indefatigable exertions in pointing out to his flock and fellow-townsmen, the evils of this " innocent amusement." Let him not then be wearyin his useful labours. It is very important that while the great body of the ministers of Christ are occupied for the most part in the general duties of their holy calling, there should be individuals among them, who are devoting much of their thoughts and efforts to some particular point or question. By this division of labour, facts and arguments are accumulated, attention is aroused, zeal is excited, one works for all; and his brethren and the world are benefited by his labours. Thus Mr. Close, by his exertions at Cheltenham, in reference to the evils of the race-course, has forced the subject upon the public attention in other places: and so of Mr. Herbert Smith's labours for the suppression of Sunday travelling; and in various other instances. We always rejoice in laying before our readers, for the general benefit, the result of such isolated efforts, and in the present instance shall feel thankful if our notice of Mr. Best's volume shall awaken the attention of his brethren to the subject in

places where their exertions might be locally useful.

1. A Discourse on the Death of the Rev. Robert Hall; by the Rev. J. HUGHES. With the Address at the Interment; by the Rev. T. CRISP. 1s. 6d.

2. Posthumous Testimony (a Funeral Discourse for the same). By the Rev. F. Cox, LL.D. 3. The Destruction of the Last Enemy (same occasion). By the Rev. N. BosWORTH. 1s. 6d. 4. Authentic Account of the Illness and Death of the late Rev. Robert Hall. By J. M. CHANDLER.

So much has already appeared in our pages relative to the remarkable man whose decease was the occasion of the above pamphlets, that we do not think it necessary to dilate much upon their contents, especially as a regular memoir of Mr. Hall is in preparation. The respective writers will have perceived that difference of communion has not prevented our doing justice to their departed friend, both the footing of our common Christianity, and in regard to those eminent talents with which it pleased God so conspicuously to endue him. Having said thus much, we shall merely copy, from their several publications, a few passages illustrative of Mr. Hall's character, leaving them severally to speak their own merits.


Mr. Hughes, after alluding to his talents and eloquence and early piety, proceeds to point out as follows, the character of his theology.

As a theologian, he belonged, decidedly, to what is called the evangelical school a school which, owing to the strange theories and collisions of some modern partisans, cannot be so exactly described as it might have been only thirty years ago. Yet it still has the main characteristics which it wore in previous ages; and may, on the whole, be represented as the depository of those principles in which Protestants of the more spiritual class are fully united. It main

tains, in forcible language, the corruption of human nature, and the Divinity of Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, together with the vicarious agonies and sorrows of the former, and the renewing, sustaining, and all-cheering operations of the latter. The venerable and beloved Archbishop Leighton announces the system in words which have ever since obtained wide currency, and which merit the distinction. He says, It lays low the sinner, exalts the Saviour, and promotes holiness.'

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"Mr. Hall pushed no speculation beyond its proper limits. He dilated with freedom, power, and impartiality, on those things which are revealed,' and therefore 'belong unto us and to our children ;' but aimed not to lift up the veil spread by Infinite Wisdom over those things which are secret, and therefore' belong to the Lord our God' alone. While he ⚫ shunned not to declare the whole coun

sel of God,' he was careful to present Christian truth in its attractive symmetry, assigning to each of its many parts a degree of consideration proportioned to its relative importance.


"There was a time, when theologians of an adverse school, ever claiming to be accounted rational, above all others, and then, especially, insinuating no compliment to themselves, ventured to predict that so intelligent a man would soon join their party. What preserved him from affording these prophets a signal triumph? My brethren, it was the mighty power of God.' Nothing less could have subdued his reasoning pride.' It was hence that he resisted the temptation to dismiss and despise the peculia rities of the Gospel, and sat, a docile pp. 29-31. learner,' at the feet of Jesus."" Of his catholic spirit Mr. Hughes thus writes:


He was a Protestant Dissenter-but

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who has more warmly eulogized the Liturgy of the Established Church? His expressions, disseminated and approved in all our churches, are these: lieve that the evangelical purity of its sentiments, the chastised fervour of its devotion, and the majestic simplicity of its language, have combined to place it in the very first rank of uninspired compo


"He was a Baptist-but he respected the right of private judgment; he conceded the liberty which he asked; and having, as he thought, no inspired precept or precedent for the deed, could not persuade himself to erect the ritual peculiarity of a small denomination into a barrier which should exclude from sacramental communion every denomination besides; though a Beveridge, and a Howe, and a Baxter, and a Wesley, and a Whitefield, and a Doddridge, and a Watts, stood without, soliciting the privilege of feast

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"There have arisen, in all our connexions, ingenious, zealous, and popular men, who, for want either of diligence, or of prudence, or of devotional fervour, or of moral consistency, have declined in reputation, usefulness, and comfort, as they have advanced in years. How many have there been, whose conduct and doom justify the cheerless memorial: Once they were observed to run well,' but they were hindered; they began in the Spirit,' but they ended in the flesh;' they weighed anchor, and spread their sails, and anticipated the completion of a prosperous voyage; but guilt brought down the thunder,' and they were wrecked in sight of their desired haven.' "


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"Of Mr. Hall we can confidently speak in another strain. The light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ,' shone in his heart, for some years before his dissolution, with augmented clearness; as the combatant of unsound doctrine, he waxed' more and more valiant;' his fellowChristians remarked in him the growth of spiritual affection; during the last year, he spake much to those about him, relative to the poor, and expressed his determination to become better acquainted with them, should he regain strength sufficient to bear the fatigue which it would inevitably cost him; his pastoral feeling, in general, became stronger and stronger; and he was revered and congratulated, as one of whom it might be said, he increaseth with the increase of God."" pp. 48, 49.


Mr. Crisp, after alluding to Mr. Hall's just reputation as a public speaker, his style, his topics, his language, his matter, is anxious to guard his readers against supposing that those were his highest excellencies as a preacher; for he adds:

"But preeminent as he was in this point of view, his highest praise is that of a Christian orator. None but those who constantly attended on his preaching could be aware of the full worth of his ministrations. This consisted, not so much in the display of great genius, as in a manifest unction from the Holy One. By every one this was in some measure discernible; but it was particularly seen and valued by those who, in forming their judgment of his preaching, were guided

not less by spirituality of feeling than by intellectual discernment. And, while his discourses possessed the peculiar excellence of affording delight to Christians of ordinary capacity, as well as to hearers who sought no higher gratification than that of admiring his oratorical powers, it could never be said that the interests of the former were sacrificed to the gratification of the latter. If his sermons were sometimes intended and calculated to edify one of these classes more than the other, yet will his most spiritually-minded auditors in the lower classes of life most readily bear witness to the rich feast which they, as well as others, enjoyed during his ministry in this place they, equally with others, can testify that it never was characteristic of his preaching, that the hungry sheep looked up and were not fed." p. 54.


Of his death Mr. Crisp remarks: "He died as he lived; those blessed truths which he proclaimed with so much faithfulness and energy to others, were felt by himself in the closing days of life, in all their soothing influence; a heavenly peace, the peace of God which passeth all understanding,' dwelt in his bosom, uninterrupted by pain, and undisturbed amidst even the anguish of the last moments of life, a smile sitting on his countenance while his spirit was departing. With his faculties in full vigour to the very moment of dissolution, he confided and rejoiced in that Saviour whom he delighted to exalt in his ministry,—his faith being firm and unshaken in the divine greatness of his person and the all-sufficiency of his atonement.” pp. 59, 60.

Dr. Cox corroborates the above testimonies. The following are portions of his sketch.

"It was impossible for even the most casual observer to fail of perceiving, in the countenance of Robert Hall, indications of surpassing talent; and never can any one who was acquainted with him forget the brightness of that eye which now sleeps in death, and the majesty of that aspect which, but for a conciliating humility and kindness as remarkable as his genius, must have overawed and silenced every beholder." p. 22.

"The primary quality of his mind was simplicity, an element of true greatness. In this he ranks with Locke, and Bacon, and Newton, and other ornaments of human nature, whose rare excellencies are seldom to be found unassociated with this attractive peculiarity. He was totally devoid of artifice, and was always genuine and natural. A quick observer might look into the very interior of his mind, which might be continually perceived through his words and by his actions, in all its transparency. Those by whom he was surrounded were infallibly impressed

with a sense of the presence of a mighty genius, but never through any effort of his own; for never was there less effort at display-never more entire and perfect artlessness." pp. 23, 24.

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"His devotion was of the most exalted character. One might be almost tempted to say, that this was his pre-eminent quality, were it not that so extraordinary was he in every faculty, mental or moral, that, as each passes in review, it appears the distinguishing excellence of the man; and yet, in fact, so proportioned and so harmonized, were the whole, that he must have a nice perception, a balance of judgment exquisitely poised, who could determine the scale of his qualities. Over all his great powers of mind, however, devotion, like a bright sunshine, threw its heavenly radiance. If ever the scriptural account of Enoch and of Noah, of each of whom it is stated that he walked with God,' could be applied in the full significance of the terms to ordinary mortals, it was surely appropriate to him. His private communion with heaven was frequent and fervent; his domestic prayers were tender and touching; his public intercessions simple, solemn, diversified and intense. He seemed to be pleading with God. His manner and tones bespoke inexpressible reverence and absorption of thought; and so habitual was his reverence for the Deity, and so profound, that he was capable of the most remarkable transitions from converse with men to converse with God, and times and seasons were forgotten when he recollected the claims of duty and of piety. If in the intercourse of life he was invariably the great man, on the bended knee he was the little child. While the character of his petitions displayed indeed the peculiarities of his intellect, the strength of his piety compelled you, if ever, to forget his genius." pp. 33, 34.


Not having hitherto inserted in our pages any notice of his life, copy from Mr. Bosworth's account the following memoranda.

"The late Rev. Robert Hall was born at the village of Arnsby, in Leicestershire, about eight miles from the county town, on the 2d of May, 1764. His father was an eminently pious minister of the Gospel, and pastor of the Baptist church in the same village; a man endowed with many elements of greatness, a lively genius, and a penetrating mind; highly esteemed by all who knew him, and worthy of being the parent of such a son. The younger Hall gave early indications of those talents which afterwards astonished and delighted the world, and of that piety towards God which was the crowning grace of his character. Hedisplayed an ardent thirst for knowledge, and intense application in the pursuit of it. Having reached the limit of village instruction, he

was placed under the care of the celebrated Mr. Ryland, of Northampton, whose school was in high reputation, and where he was prepared for the Theological Academy in Bristol, which he entered in the year 1778, having been previously admitted into the church at Arnsby, to the great joy of his father. As early as twelve years of age he appears to have been engaged in prayer-meetings, and other religious exercises, in his father's congregation; and at the age of sixteen years and three months, having frequently addressed the people on religious topics, he was called to the ministry by the unanimous voice of the church, on the 13th of August, 1780. On his completion of the term at Bristol, he proceeded to the University of Aberdeen, where he took his degree of M. A. During his residence in this seat of learning, he cultivated his talents with uncommon assiduity and success, being brought into contact with many elevated minds, and some congenial spirits, who both communicated and received many salutary impressions, and called forth his powers to their loftiest exercise. On the conclusion of his course at Aberdeen, in 1783, he returned to Bristol as classical tutor in the academy. This situation he filled, with much repu tation to himself and benefit to the students, until the year 1790, when, on the decease of the celebrated Mr. Robinson, pastor of the Baptist church at Cambridge, he was invited to preach there, and in the course of the same year he settled there as the successor of that extraordinary man. Talents, such as those of Mr. Hall, were not likely to remain long in obscurity; and the congregation was gradually increased by the addition of many persons who were attracted by his eloquence. The growth of his popularity, however, like that of every thing which is excellent, was at first but slow: his style of preaching was never that which first astonishes, and then disappoints. It was of too high an order to be immediately acceptable to those who had never been accustomed to any thing similar to it. His own people, however, regarded him all along with warm admiration, and his continuance among them only increased their attachment and veneration, until it was raised as high as human feeling could carry it. The increase of his congregation, though not rapid, was both continuous and permanent; and hence it became necessary to enlarge the place of worship, which was done, by subscription, in 1801.

"The fame of his talents continued to extend itself, until, by the addition to his hearers of many individuals and families from the town and neighbourhood—one family from a distance of sixteen miles the meeting-house became as well filled as before its enlargement. Members of the University also frequently attended

Mr. Hall's preaching. Among them were noticed several who are now popular and useful clergymen in the Established Church and some of our senators, who received their first lessons in eloquence from the lips of Mr. Hall.

"Towards the close of the year 1804, it pleased Providence to afflict Mr. Hall with a distressing malady, which interrupted his labours for some months. The estimation in which he was held, was expressed by the deep and universal sympathy with which his case was regarded, not only in the congregation and the town, but in the University and the surrounding country, as well as among his friends at a distance. The sympathy excited by his illness, did not evaporate in feeling, but displayed itself also in a more substantial form. By the exertions of his friends, a fund was raised, and an annuity purchased, which contributed very greatly to the comfort of his future life, and

possibly to its prolongation.

"On the recovery of his health in the spring of 1805, he returned to his charge, and endeared himself, if possible, still more to his friends and the congregation, by his increased solicitude for their eternal welfare, and the growing spirituality of his own mind. But his permanent connexion with Cambridge was now approaching its termination, just at the time when his friends were more than ever rejoicing in his light, and when they were looking for the matured and abundant fruits of his long and faithful labours among them. In the inscrutable dispensations of Him whose ways are past finding out, Mr. Hall was visited by a recurrence of his disorder with exacerbated violence, in November, 1805; and although he recovered in great measure from this attack, it was deemed by the faculty essential to his complete restoration, that he should lay aside all public labours, and abstain as much as possible from all strong excitement. The consequence of these events was his resignation of the pastoral office, on the 4th of March, 1806, which was communicated by him to the church in a very affecting letter. This was received with the most pungent sorrow, followed by that resignation to the Divine will which Christianity inspires.

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Having spent some time among his friends in Leicestershire, he took up his residence at Enderby, a secluded and pleasant village near Leicester, where, by a union of calm retirement with gentle occupation, he gradually regained his health, and with it his capacity for usefulness in the church. As his strength would bear the exercise, he occasionally preached to a small congregation in Harvey-lane, Leicester, which many years before had been under the care of the celebrated Dr. Carey, now of Serampore. From this small remnant of a church, he

at length received and accepted an invita tion to become their pastor, and laboured among them with great success for nearly twenty years, the attendance continuing to increase so as to render it necessary to enlarge the place of worship two or three times. On the death of the excellent Dr. Ryland, pastor of the church at Broadmead, Bristol, Mr. Hall was invited to succeed him. After long and anxious deliberation, he complied with the invitation, and removed thither in 1825. Here he passed the few remaining years of his life, instructing and delighting the multitudes who thronged to hear him; visiting, however, occasionally, as he had often done before his Cambridge friends, and sometimes the metropolis, and other places.” pp. 20–27.

We now turn to Mr. Chandler's "authentic Account of his Illness

and Death;" a painfully interesting document, from which we extract the following medico-theological details.

"Throughout life, or at least from early youth, Mr. Hall was subject to acute pain in the back. When it is considered that this long-continued affliction was ascertained to have been occasioned by renal calculi, of a very singular if not unique conformation, it is surprising that his expression of suffering should have been so feeble, and his endurance of it so patient: but that under the severer goadings of these actual thorns in the flesh, he should rise superior to pain, and actually derive from it an additional excitement to his accustomed eloquence in preaching, and deliver on such occasions some of the richest and most brilliant of his discourses, was as strikingly illustrative of the order of his mind, as it is signally demonstrative of the perennial resources of Christianity." p. 11.

"Whilst, on the one hand, we have to regret that the recumbent position rendered necessary by the pain, which continued more or less through life, deprived us of what otherwise we might have received from his pen; on the other hand, we owe much to this very affliction, by its giving occasion to so beautiful a display of the Christian graces, of patient resignation and general sympathy with the sufferings of others.

"Our esteemed friend was subject, during the last five or six years of his life, to sudden attacks of difficult breathing. These attacks, consisting of laboured cir culation of the blood through the lungs, produced more of terrific agony than of positive pain-a feeling as of impending dissolution, and that in one of its severest modes. So great was his distress, that he has often said to me, during and after an attack, that he could more easily suffer seven years unabated continuance of the pain in his back, acute as it was, than one half-hour of the conflict within his chest;

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