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the change of circumstances, rejoins, "Would it not then have been wise in St. Paul not to have written concerning such questionable gifts?" with much more to shew that he considers the doctrine as a subject to be strongly insisted upon, and that Christians ought to be earnestly seeking and praying for the gift of tongues, the spirit of prophecy, the miraculous healing of the sick, and other extraordinary manifestations which, he maintains, are as truly a part of the Christian dispensation now as ever they were, and are only not common because faith is so rare and cold. We have not any reason to suppose that Mr. McNeile approves of the recent excesses to which E. alludes; we may have heard to the contrary: but our business is with document, and not rumour; and an unauthorised report of a sermon is not a document which we can properly notice. We transcribe for the information of A. B., the title of a scarce folio volume, published by Bishop Williams in 1660. there is some danger of mistake in political applications of prophecy. "The great It may shew our correspondent that Antichrist revealed (before this time never discovered), and proved to be neither Pope nor Turk, but a collected pack or multitude of hypocritical, heretical, blasphemous, and most scandalous wicked men, termed of late the Rump Parliament, who killed the two witnesses of Jesus Christ, Charles I. and Archbishop Laud." This was written a hundred and seventy-one years ago: will our posterity a hundred and seventy-one years hence think some of the temporary applications of the last twenty years one degree more satisfactory than our correspondent himself must think the above?



We have read with much satisfaction the society's resolution respecting the gratuitous loan of Bibles at the present season of expected pestilence and mortality, when, by the mercy of God, many hearts may, perhaps, be opened to receive its blessed admonitions and consolations. We would respectfully suggest to our readers whether in the anticipation of this large expense on the society's funds, as well as with a view to shew at this moment their unaltered and increased attachment to this invaluable institution, it is not a duty, at least for one year, for every subscriber who has it in his power, to double his subscription or to present a special donation, and to enlist new friends in behalf of its great and glorious object of making known to the whole world that Gospel which is able to make men wise unto salvation, through faith that is in Christ?


This Number of the Reporter contains facts, candidly and mildly stated, which deserve the serious consideration of all our church societies, some of which are in a false position in regard to the West Indies, which the sooner they quit the better for all parties. We pass by the subject at present only with a view of recurring to it more fully hereafter. We strongly second the recommendation of Mr. Jeremie's most valuable and seasonable publication.

BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL SOCIETY. The society has chosen an excellent motto, " Education intellectual and decidedly scriptural." May this be diffused throughout the world.


P. 739, col. 2, line 14, after the word "omitting," add, "in the re-statement." It appears to have escaped the learned prelate till after the passage was printed, that Dr. Brewster had elsewhere noticed the circumstance.





Christian Observer for 1831.



&c. &c.





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(Concluded from p. 720.)

WHAT are the most important

parts of the ministerial duty? What is to be understood by the sealing of the Spirit?

Is there any Scriptural ground for the distinction between the covenant of redemption and the covenant of grace?

What efficacy may be expected to attend baptism, and whereon does it depend?

How far may the sacred language

In what consists the sin against be considered as a proper model for the Holy Ghost? the phraseology of Christian minis

The nature and extent of filial ters? duty.

What is the best method of rendering social intercourse profitable to ourselves and our friends?

What are the present signs of the times with regard to this nation? (1805.)

The measure and means of human happiness.

What is the specific difference between the faith of a nominal Christian and a real believer?

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The duty and importance of punctuality in all our engagements.

What is meant by our Lord's descending into hell?

The causes and cure of indecency and irreverence in public worship.

How far is it the duty of Christians to associate with worldly people, to promote their spiritual profit?

The nature and specific effect of union with Christ.

In what way may we best ascertain the motives of our conduct? and the uses which ought to be made of the discovery.

Whether the true fervour of devotion be not necessarily in proportion to the true light in the understanding.

What are the peculiar obligations of Christian parents, and especially of ministers, in bringing up their children? and what are the consequent privileges and obligations of their children?

What are the causes of the pre5 H

vailing bodily infirmities of many ministers of the present day, and how may they best be prevented?

Does the Spirit of God by the Gospel operate on the minds of men in producing moral effects short of sound conversion?

How far is it expedient for ministers to encourage private meetings for religious exercises?

What may we infer of the designs of God in the dispensations of his Providence?

How far is the success of any ministry a criterion of its authority, the truth of the doctrine, and the Divine approbation?

Can political reasons justify the laying any general restraint on marriage?

What effect should the present posture of public affairs have on us as Christians and ministers? (1806.)

When a minister seems to himself to have exhausted all the subjects of the Christian ministry, what conclusions ought he to draw from such a state of mind; and how ought he to proceed under it?

The expediency of making particular duties the basis of single ser


What do the Scriptures reveal concerning the future restoration of the Jews?

What are the best bounds of typical interpretations of the Scripture? What are the temptations peculiar to ministers, and the best way of resisting them?

By what means may pious women best subserve the interests of religion? May emulation be employed as a stimulus in the education of children?

By what means may individuals promote the observation of the Christian Sabbath?

What are the best evidences of Scriptural attachment to a Christian minister?

Is ingratitude a characteristic of the poor?

How far is it the duty of Christians in general to study the prophecies?

What management should Christians adopt towards persons who plead the weakness of their nerves in relaxation of Christian tempers and duties; and how far is such a plea to be admitted ?

How shall ministers best excite and direct the active services of their respective congregations?

How far may an unregenerate man be said to see spiritual objects?

What is the ground of that dissatisfaction which so universally prevails among mankind?

What are the best means of bringing a congregation acquainted with the Scriptures?

How may a minister ascertain the path of duty with respect to calls to occasional services?

What instruction may be derived from the supposed sensible interposition of spiritual agents?

What are the chief duties of Christian ministers with respect to one another?

How far is it true that the Christian life consists rather in desires and aims than in actual attainments?

How should a Christian act to induce his friends and connexions to the practice of vital Christianity?

What is that line of conduct which the present irritated state of many of the India proprietors renders proper to be followed by pious ministers in the East Indies (whether chaplains or missionaries) in relation to the diffusion of the Scriptures, or the exercise of their ministry? (1808.)

What means can, and ought, an unregenerate man to use in order to spiritual life?

What are the prominent errors of the day, and the best means of counteracting them?

How far is the cause just to which Crantz attributes the success of the Greenland missionaries?—namely, the simple declaration of the love of God in sending his Son (after preaching in vain, concerning the general attributes of God, and the doctrines of natural religion);—and how far is it applicable to other missionaries,

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