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Divine Providence, which enabled this small state to struggle into liberty, from the thraldom of Friburg and the court of Savoy, that it might become the strong hold of truth and the centre of the Pro

testant cause.

We come now to our notices of Calvin, whose history occupies nearly three hundred pages of this volume a space, long as it may appear, not in the least too extended. We question if, in the whole eight volumes of ecclesiastical annals of the Milners and Mr. Scott, there is any portion more important, more impartially conducted, more remarkably opportune to the circumstances of the present times than this. We cannot spare a single page, and scarcely a quotation. Nor can we sufficiently admire the calmness, the independence of mind, the clear and penetrating judgment which our author exhibits, and which make us look forward with strong anticipation to his intended account of the English Reformation.

John Cauvin, Chauvin, or, according to the Latin and usual form, Calvin, was born at Noyon, in Picardy, July 10, 1509. He received his early education with the children of a family of rank, and accompanied them to Paris where the celebrated grammarian Cordery was his teacher. From bis youth he was remarkable for gravity, and rather stern rebukes of vice. In 1521, at the age of twelve, he obtained a benefice in the Church of Rome at Noyon; and afterwards, in 1527 and 1529, the parochial cures of Marteville and Pont l'Evêque, where he is related to have delivered discourses to the people even before his admission into full orders. He afterwards changed his pursuits from theology to the civil law, at the instance of his father, though he still continued to study the Sacred Scriptures with intense eagerness. He published his first work in 1532, at the age of twenty-three-a commentary on Seneca's De Clementia, Soon after this, his father being

now dead, he determined to dedicate himself wholly to the service of God, his mind having been gradually more and more directed to this object by his study of the Scriptures, and the acquaintance of several pious men. Accordingly he came to Paris, and began to propagate his sentiments, but was soon compelled to retire from it by the persecution which his zeal excited. This was in November 1533. He ventured there again the following year; but was again forced to fly by the violence of Francis the First, who was persecuting the Protestants of his own country, whilst for political purposes he was seeking to support those in Germany. Calvin, after visiting Strasburg, fixed himself at Basle, and here published in 1535, at the age of twenty-seven, his most celebrated work, The Institutes of the Christian Religion, without his name, and merely to defend the Protestants against the calumny which would confound them with the wildness and fanaticism of the Anabaptists. The work had then only six chapters; but though it was the labour of his life to revise, enlarge, and re-arrange it, the last edition in 1559 containing eighty, all the main positions and doctrines continue precisely the same: the views of predestination, for instance, in the first and last edition are identical; so little truth is there in the insinuation that he did not begin to publish his sentiments on that solemn subject till the year 1557.

In 1536 he visited Italy, and afterwards, for the last time, France. His design, on his return, was to fix himself at Basle or Strasburg; but the war which then raged compelling him to pass through Dauphiny and Savoy, he was obliged, contrary to his inclination, to pass through Geneva. Farel here met him, and urged him to remain: he felt for a considerable time little inclination to comply, but at last he yielded to importunity, and in August 1536 accepted the office of a Professor of Divinity. The state of public morals,

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however, amongst the population the ignorance and vice and superstition which remained-the relaxation of civil order, which their long struggle for independence had occasioned the party spirit and family feuds, not appeased at once by the reception of the Reformation which prevailed the free constitution of the state, which allowed almost every man a voice the large number of individuals who had no real religious principle-the tumults excited by the Anabaptists-the chicanery and perseverance of the surrounding Papal states, rendered the situation of Calvin no easy post. A strict discipline in religious concerns, and especially on admission to the Lord's Supper, formed a part of his plan of conduct, and was carried forward in a manner not, perhaps, altogether well adapted to the circumstances of the case. In two years from his arrival at Geneva he was banished from the republic. His remark on being informed of the decree corresponded with the humility and simplicity of mind with which he undertook his charge: "Had I been the servant of man," he observed, "I must have complained of being ill requited" (he had received no stipend); "but it is well for me that I have served One who never deserts those who devote themselves to him." He was recalled, however, in 1542, in a manner the most honourable to his character; not by any steps taken by himself, but in consequence of confusion prevailing at Geneva, the death or removal of the principal persons concerned in opposing him, and the general conviction of his piety, talents, and integrity. It was a penitent people entreating their injured pastor to return. From 1542 till the period of his death in 1564, Calvin devoted his almost unrivalled powers to the establishment and diffusion of the principles of the Gospel. His published works extended to nine closely printed folios, seven of which are occupied with his invaluable commentaries on most parts of the Old Testament, and the

whole of the New, with the exception of the Apocalypse. The last of these commentaries, that on the Book of Joshua, was finished only just before his death. He married in 1540, but left no children. In 1548, and again in 1551, he wrote his letters to the protector Somerset, and Bishops Hooper and Cranmer, and, after the accession of Elizabeth, those to Cecil and Grindal. The case of Servetus, to which we shall soon refer more at length, occurred in 1553. His health began sensibly to decline in 1557; and it was in 1564, in the fifty-fifth year of his age, that he was gathered to his fathers, and to that heavenly rest in the mansions prepared for him by his Redeemer, which he had so long earnestly desired and pressed forward to, amidst the sins and sorrows of an evil and jarring world. His habitual labours, contrasted with the weakness of his health and his habitual infirmities, shews the power of his conscientious conviction of his responsibility for the use of his time and talents, the strength of the grace of God supporting him, and those mighty endowments of mind with which he was blessed.

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"An extraordinary account is given of Calvin's labours from the time of his return to Geneva. In every fortnight he preached one entire week whether daily or not, does not appear. Thrice in every week he delivered divinity lectures: on the Thursdays he presided in the concalled the congregation, a meeting for sistory, and on the Fridays in what was the collation and exposition of Scripture. Frequently he was called to assist the the science of law, combined with his gecouncil with his advice, which his skill in neral wisdom and talent, made him very competent to do. His correspondence also was very extensive, the fame of his learning and piety causing him to be consulted from all quarters: and he himself complains of the continual interruptions which, as might naturally have been expected, he encountered from the visits of strangers, and from other avocations. Yet tures, and other writings, chiefly in a pohis copious commentaries on the Scriplished Latin style, are known to be very elaborate and accurate.-Such were the performances of a man, whose constitution was delicate, and his health bad, and who never completed his fifty-fifth year." p. 370.

"He was naturally of a spare and feeble frame, of a sallow complexion and bilious habit, tending to consumption. He was subject to severe headachs, from which strict abstinence alone afforded him relief. Hence for more than ten years together he took only one meal in the day, generally in the evening; and frequently he fasted for thirty-six hours together. His digestion was bad: and his sleep scarcely deserved the name. Five years before his death he was attacked by a spitting of blood: and, when his long-continued intermitting fever left him, that host' of disorders to which we have alluded, and which he himself enumerates-asthma, gout, (ascending from his feet to his knees,) stone, gravel, cholic, and a severe hemorrhoidal affection began to shew themselves: and, as he observed in writing to the physicians, the inaction to which the pains in his legs and feet, together with the complaint which rendered him unable to ride, reduced him, left him no hope of recruiting his strength. He strictly observed the directions of his medical attendants, but otherwise, and when not under their care, he suffered nothing to

interrupt his work: preaching often under a headach which would have confined most men to their couch.'" pp. 472, 473.


We pass on to the case of Servetus, of which every one has heard exaggerated statements, and which the infidel rejoices to appeal to. Gibbon hesitates not to declare, "I am more deeply scandalized at the single execution of Servetus, than at the hecatombs which have blazed in the auto-da-fés of Spain and Portugal." He then says, that "Calvin's zeal was summoned by personal malice, and perhaps envy; he "accused his adversary before their common enemies, the judges of Vienne; and betrayed, for his destruction, the sacred trust of private correspondence." Mr. Roscoe also, in his Leo X., gravely pronounces that "the annals of persecution cannot furnish a more atrocious instance of bigotry and cruelty, than the burning of Servetus in a Protestant city, and by Protestant priests." The plain fact is, that the subject of toleration was not understood at the period when this mournful event occurred. Men falsely supposed that the Mosaical enactments against the blasphemer bound Christian countries. The judgment as to particular instances of imprisonment, banish

ment, or death, rested on the nature of the laws in each state, the truth and supposed enormity of the facts alleged, and the impartiality of the trial. Cranmer in England went far greater lengths in this false road, than Calvin. The ministers at Berne and Constance acted upon it with respect to the fanatical Anabaptists. Fourteen years after the execution of Servetus, a public proposition was made at Geneva by Gentiles, an Antitrinitarian, to hold a disputation with the orthodox, on the condition that "the party who could not prove their doctrine from the word of God, should be put to death as impostors."

The whole of this spirit we need not say how unequivocally we condemn; we are decided and warm advocates for the most unfettered toleration; but we do not the less distinguish between an action performed under a false principle, from obedience to the existing laws, in compliance with what was uniformly considered as a duty of the civil magistrate, at the period when it took place, and which proceeded from no private malice; and the same action if it had been committed three centuries later, when the extent and obligation of toleration were known, and nothing but personal revenge and a strained interpretation of the laws could dictate the crime.

We boldly affirm, then, with our author, that most, if not all, the peculiar indignation excited in modern times against the individual reformer whose life we are reviewing, is a calumny, an infliction of false punishment for an offence which did not exist in the sense in which it is alleged. For this Servetus was, by the confession of all, a monster of blasphemy; not only venting the most fearful insults against the Saviour, but relying on the seditious libertine faction in Geneva for protection. In this course he persevered from the year 1532 to 1553. Calvin first offered to meet him in Paris in 1534, in order to reclaim

him from his errors; and as late as 1546 corresponded with him for the same purpose. At that time he also solemnly warned him from coming to Geneva, assuring him that the laws would in such a case have their course against him; so thoroughly was the state of the law as to blasphemy then understood. In fact, Servetus was in 1552 imprisoned by the Popish authorities in Vienne, and only escaped the death pronounced against him by flight: he was burned, however, in effigy, with five bales of his books. With this Calvin had no concern, except that a citizen of Lyons residing at Geneva obtained from him by great importunity some of Servetus's letters, which were however never brought forward in evidence. Servetus came next to Geneva, with this sentence out against him; and he was committed to prison at Calvin's instance, according to the existing statutes of the republic, by one of the syndics. A series of articles was extracted from his works, and preferred against him, and as much time allowed him as he required, to retract, explain, or deny them. In short, it would be difficult to point

out a case where either the errors and the behaviour of the accused were so aggravated, or all the advantages of a fair hearing so fully granted. Every pains was taken to the very last, and by Calvin himself, in the greatest sincerity, to reclaim him; time without limit was allowed him; all papers and documents were submitted to him, with such books as he desired. And at last his violent and insolent conduct when under examination, and his confidence that he should triumph over his prosecutors, by the aid of the powerful faction then opposed to Calvin, were such, that the learned Chauffepié (whose account Gibbon pronounces the best), says, that he fell a victim to his own pride and false anticipations."

Nor was this all the alleviation which the case, so far as regards Calvin, receives, when calmly con

sidered. Before sentence was passed, copies of the proceedings were transmitted to the churches of Zuric, Berne, Basle, and Schaffhausen: the replies from which agreed on the fact of Servetus's enormous heresies, and on the duty of using the power committed to them in preventing his doing further mischief to the church. After the sentence had been passed, (concerning which Calvin uttered not a sentiment, except as he strove to mitigate the kind of death), he sent for Calvin two hours before his execution, and begged his pardon.

"Calvin, in reply, told him, that he had never thought of revenging himself on him for any personal injuries; and admonished him with all mildness; reminding him that sixteen years before he had endeavoured, even at the risk of his own life, to reclaim him, and that it had not been through his fault that Servetus had not by repentance been restored to the friendship of all religious persons.' After this, Calvin added, he had treated with him in private correspondence, without wishing to draw public attention, to the same purport; and had omitted no office of kindness, till, irritated by his faithful reproofs, Servetus had poured forth a torrent of abuse against him. Calvin then exhorted him to seek forgiveness of God: but, finding his admonitions unavailing, he desisted and withdrew." pp. 427, 428.

And what were the prevailing sentiments of the best and holiest, the most humane and moderate men, at the time when it occurred? The gentle Melancthon expressed surprise that any objection should be raised.

Bucer, Bullinger, Farel, Viret, Peter Martyr, and Beza were of the same mind: nor does it appear that one dissentient voice was raised against the proceeding by any except one personal and avowed foe of our Reformer. No apology was ever deemed necessary; and his bitterest enemies, Bolsec and Maimbourg, bring no charge against him on that head.

We cannot then but consider the case as settled for ever; and we rank Mr. Scott's impartial examination of it, as one of the most important services which he has rendered to the Christian world, The age of Calvin, and the prevalent state

of the laws in that age, as it repects toleration, we again condemn as loudly as any of his bitterest calumniators; but to judge fairly of Calvin's personal conduct, we ought to place ourselves in the circumstances of the age in which he lived, before the intolerant notions which the Reformers had imbibed from the persecuting church in which they were educated, were shaken off. It is impossible to justify or palliate the deed; it would be revolting to every feeling of humanity and religion to do so; but Calvin's conduct we believe to have been thoroughly conscientious, and, according to his own full conviction, salutary and Christian. Would it be equitable to visit on Judge Hale, or any other individual, the moral guilt of those inflictions of severity upon supposed witches and wizards, which we now know to have been fearfully barbarous and cruel; but which at the time were considered wise and just, as well as legal visitations? Why then visit upon Calvin what belonged not fairly to the individual, but to the age?

We now hasten to the instructive narrative of the closing days of this eminent man, in which there is a remarkable union of the deepest piety, genuine lowliness of heart, fervent love for the brethren, zeal for the glory of God, and anxiety to improve every moment of existing life, to the welfare of survivors. We know of no case on record of a more dis tinguished person conducting himself in a more dignified, consistent, and wise manner. It will be more satisfactory to quote rather than abridge; and if our extracts are long, our readers will require no apology at our hands.

"Amid all the sufferings under which he languished for three months, we are told not an impatient word escaped him. Sometimes he would direct his eyes upwards, and simply say, How long, O Lord?' a phrase which during his health he had often had on his lips when he received tidings of the calamities of his brethren, or reflected on the oppressions of the church or he would repeat the words of David, I held my peace because


Thou didst it: or those of Isaiah,
did mourn as a dove.' And again he was
overheard saying, Thou bruisest me, O
Lord, but it amply suffices me that it is
Thy hand. Still he persisted in dictat-
ing and writing as he was able, and, when
entreated by his friends to forbear, he re-
plied, Would you have my Lord find me
idle when he cometh? What a triumph

was here exhibited, not only of mind over matter, but still more of pious zeal over the demands of nature for repose. ministers coming to him, as they frequently did, found him sitting at the table at which he was accustomed to study. He sat silent for a short time, resting his head on his hand, as his manner was when thinking; and then, with a kind and cheerful countenance, he warmly thanked them for all their attentions to him, and told

"On the 10th of March his brother

them he still hoped at a fortnight's end (when the stated time recurred,) to meet them in the consistory, but for the last time: for by that period, said he, I think the Lord will manifest his pleasure concerning me, and will probably take me to himself.' He accordingly did attend the consistory on the 23d of March; and when the business was over he observed, that some further continuance seemed to be appointed for him. He then took up he was correcting, and asked his brethren's opinion on some points. He suffered however for this exertion. On the 27th, having a new regent or tutor to propose for the college, he caused himself to be carried to the senate-house, and being supported by his friends walked into the hall; when uncovering his head he returned thanks to the senate for all the kindness they had shewn him, especially, during his illness. With a faultering voice he then added: I think I have entered this house for the last time:' and took

a French Testament with notes, which

his leave, tears being shed on both sides.

On the 2d of April, which was Easter day, he was carried to church, and received

the sacrament from the hands of Beza, joining in the hymn with such an expression of joy in his countenance as attracted the notice of the congregation. On the 25th he sent for a notary and dictated his will, which he signed, and the next day

caused to be read over to Beza and the other ministers, and attested by them in. his presence." pp. 473–475.

"After having thus despatched the business of his will, Calvin sent to inform the syndics and all the members of the senate,' that he wished once more to address them in their hall, whither he hoped the next day to be carried for the purpose. They begged him to have regard to what his health would bear, and promised to attend him at his own house. Accordingly they all' came to him the next day from the senate-house.' After mutual salutations, and an apology on his part

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