Images de page

FRANCE: R. P. Lecanuet, L'Église de France sous

la troisième republique. Pontificat de Léon

XIII. (1878-1903), Paris, 1910.

GALILEE: A. Resch, Das Galilaa bei Jerusalem.
Eine biblische Studie, Leipsic, 1910.
GALILEO: E. Wohlwill, Galilei und sein Kampf für
die copernicanische Lehre, Hamburg, 1909.
GNOSTICISM: W. Schultz, Dokumente der Gnosis,
Jena, 1910.

GOD: J. A. Hall, The Nature of God, Philadelphia,

GOSPEL: F. C. Burkitt, The Earliest Sources for the
Life of Jesus, Boston, 1910.

F. K. Feigel, Der Einschluss des Weissagungs-

beweises und anderer Motive auf die Leidens-

geschichte. Ein Beitrag zur Evangelienkritik,

Tübingen, 1910.

W. M. F. Petrie, The Growth of the Gospels as

shown by Scriptural Criticism, London, 1910.

GUNKEL, H.: Genesis, 3d ed., Göttingen, 1910.

HAGENBACH, K. R.: Ihr Briefwechsel aus den

Jahren 1841 bis 1851, Basel, 1910.

HALL, T. C.: See above, ETHICS.

HANNINGTON, J.: C. D. Michael, James Hanning-

ton, Bishop and Martyr, London, 1910.

HARMONIES: A. R. Whitham, The Life of Our

Blessed Lord. From the Revised Version of

the Four Gospels. The Bible Text only.

London, 1910.

HEBREWS: F. Dibelius, Der Verfasser des Hebräer-

briefes. Eine Untersuchung zur Geschichte

des Urchristentums, Strasburg, 1910.

HELLENISM: P. Hauser, Les Grecs et les sémites dans

l'histoire de l'humanité, Paris, 1910.

HELLENISTIC GREEK: G. Milligan, Selections from

the Greek Papyri, ed. with Transl. and Notes,

London, 1910.


G. Hoberg, Die Genesis nach dem Literalsinn

erklärt, Freiburg, 1908.

Leviticus and Numbers. Introduction; in the

Century Bible, ed. A. R. S. Kennedy, Lon-

don, 1910.

HITTITES: J. Garstang, The Land of the Hittites;

an Account of the recent Explorations and

Discoveries in Asia Minor; Introduction by

A. H. Sayce, New York, 1910.

HOLLAND, H. S.: Fibres of Faith, London, 1910.

HOLY SPIRIT: R. A. Torrey, The Person and Work

of the Holy Spirit, London, 1910.

Huss, J.: E. J. Kitts, Pope John the Twenty-third,

and Master John Hus of Bohemia, London,

HYMNOLOGY: J. Duncan, Popular Hymns, their
Authors and Teaching, London, 1910.

IDEALISM: E. W. Lyman, Theology and Human

Problems; a comparative Study of absolute

Idealism and Pragmatism as Interpreters of

Religion, New York, 1910.

IMMORTALITY: S. H. Mellone, The Immortal Hope.
Present Aspects of the Problem of Immor-
tality, London, 1910.

J. Paterson Smyth, The Gospel of the Hereafter,
New York and Chicago, 1910.

History of Northern American Indians; ed. A.
B. Hulbert and W. N. Schwarze, Columbus,

INSPIRATION: W. J. Colville, Ancient Mysteries and
Modern Revelations, New York, 1910.

INGRAM, A. F. W.: The Mysteries of God, London,


ISAIAH: M. G. Glazebrook, Studies in the Book of

Isaiah, London, 1910.

G. C. Morgan, The Prophecy of Isaiah, 2 vols.,

London, 1910.

ISRAEL, HISTORY OF: A. Bertholet, Das Ende des
jüdischen Staatswesens, Tübingen, 1910.
I. Blum, The Jews of Baltimore; an historical
Summary of their Progress and Status as
Citizens of Baltimore from early Days to the
Year nineteen hundred and ten, Baltimore,

L. Lucas, Zur Geschichte der Juden im vierten
Jahrhunderts, Berlin, 1910.

S. Oppenheim, The Early History of the Jews
in New York, 1654-1664, New York, 1910.

JAINISM: Manak Chand Jaini, Life of Mahavira,

London, 1910.

JEFFERSON, C. E.: The Building of the Church,

New York, 1910.

JEROME: The First Part of the Epistles, ed. I. Hilberg,

in CSEL, vol. liv., Vienna, 1910.


to the bibliography: The Jerusalem Bishop-

ric: Documents, with Translations relating

thereto, published by Command_of_H. M.

Frederick William IV., of Prussia, London,

JESUS CHRIST: P. T. Forsyth, The Work of Christ,

London, 1910.

F. X. Steinmeyer, Die Geschichte der Geburt und

Kindheit Christi und ihr Verhältnis zur

babylonischen Mythe, Münster, 1910.

J. Weiss, Jesus von Nazareth Mythus oder

Geschichte? Tübingen, 1910.

JOHN THE APOSTLE: G. S. Barrett, The First

Epistle General of St. John. A Devotional

Commentary, London, 1910.

Westminster New Testament. The Revela-

tion and the Johannine Epistles. Introduc-

tion and Notes by Rev. A. Ramsay, London,


M. Seisenberger, Erklärung des Johannesevan-

geliums, Regensburg, 1910.

JOHN OF EPHESUS: Extracts from the Ecclesiastical

History, ed. with grammatical, historical and

geographical Notes by J. P. Margoliouth,

Leyden, 1910.

JOHN XXIII.: See Huss, JOHN, above.

KEMPIS, THOMAS A: Concordance to the Latin Orig-

inal of the Four Books known as De Imita-

tione Christi, Given to the World A.D. 1441

by Thomas à Kempis. Comp. by R. Storr,

London, 1910.

KIERKEGAARD, S. A.: R. Hoffmann, Kierkegaard
und die religiöse Gewissheit, Göttingen, 1910.

LOCKE, J.: E. Crous, Die religions-philosophischen

Lehren Lockes und ihre Stellung zu dem

Deismus seiner Zeit, Halle, 1910.

LOISY, A. F.: The Religion of Israel, London, 1910.
LOISY, M.: M. Lepin, Les Théories de M. Loisy,
Paris, 1908.

MCFADYEN, J. E.: The Way of Prayer, Boston, 1910.
MCGIFFERT, A. C.: History of Christian Thought

from the Reformation to Kant, London, 1910.
MANICHEANS: Chuastuanit, das Bussgebet der Mani-
chäer, ed. with German Transl. W. Radloff,
Leipsic, 1910.

MATHEWS, S.: A History of New Testament Times

in Palestine, 175 B.C.-70 A.D., 2d ed., New

York, 1910.

METHODISTS: A. Léger, L'Angleterre religeuse et les origines du méthodisme au xviii. siècle. La Jeunesse de Wesley, Paris, 1910.

W. Platt, Methodism and the Republic; a View
of the Home Field, present Conditions, Needs,
and Possibilities, Philadelphia, 1910.
W. J. Townsend, H. B. Workman, and G.
Eayres, A New History of Methodism, 2 vols.,
London, 1909.

MIRACLES: J. Wendland, Der Wunderglaube im
Christentum, Göttingen, 1910.

MISSIONS: W. H. J. Gairdner, Edinburgh, 1910. An Account and Interpretation of the World Missionary Conference, London, 1910.

H. C. Lees, St. Paul and his Converts, a Series
of Studies in Typical New Testament Mis-
sion, London, 1910.

J. J. MacDonald, The Redeemer's Reign. For-
eign Missions and the Second Advent, ed.
G. Smith, London, 1910.
Winifred Heston, A Blue Stocking in India,
London, 1910 (on medical missionary work).
W. E. Strong, The Story of the American Board;
an Account of the first hundred Years of the
American Board of Commissioners for For-
eign Missions, Boston, 1910.

MODERNISM: R. de Bary, Franciscan Days of
Vigil: a Narrative of personal Views and
Developments, New York, 1910.

D. Mercier (Cardinal), Modernism, London,


MOHAMMED, MOHAMMEDANISM: C. Field, Mystics and Saints of Islam, London, 1910.

M. T. Houtsma and A. Schaade, Enzyklopädie
des Islam, Leyden and Leipsic, 1910.
The Encyclopedia of Islam, part v., London,

Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur des

islamischen Orients, ed. C. H. Becker, begun in Strasburg, 1910.

MORGAN, G. C.: The Study and Teaching of the English Bible, London, 1910.

MORMONS: S. W. Traum, Mormonism against itself, Cincinnati, 1910.

MOULTON, W. F. and Whitley, W. T.: Studies in Modern Christendom-A Series of Lectures Delivered in Connexion with the Liverpool Board of Biblical Studies, Lent term, 1909, London, 1910.

MYSTICISM: E. Lehmann, Mysticism in Heathendom and Christendom, London, 1910. The Call of Self-knowledge: seven early English mystical Treatises printed by H. Pepwell in 1521; ed. with an Introd. and Notes by E. G. Gardner, New York, 1910.

A. Poulain, Die Fülle der Gnaden. Ein Handbuch der Mystik, 2 parts, Freiburg, 1910.

MYTHOLOGY: P. Ehrenreich, Die allgemeine Mythologie und ihre ethnologischen Grundlagen, Leipsic, 1910.

J. E. Hanauer, Folk-lore of the Holy Land,
Moslem, Christian, and Jewish, ed. M. Pick-
thall, London, 1910.

NEOPLATONISM: K. S. Guthrie, The Philosophy of
Plotinus; his Life, Times, and Philosophy
(bound with this: Selections from Plotinus'
Enneads), Philadelphia, 1910.
NESTORIANS: Histoire Nestorienne (Chronique de
Séert). Part I. Texte Arabe, ed. Addai
Scher, traduit par P. Dib, Paris, 1910.
NESTORIUS: L. Fendt, Die Christologie des Nesto-
rius, Kempten, 1910.

NEW THOUGHT: Ella Wheeler Wilcox, New Thought
Common Sense and What Life Means to Me,
London, 1910.

NICHOLAS I.: A. Greinacher, Die Anschauungen des Papstes Nikolaus I. über das Verhältnis von Staat und Kirche, Berlin, 1909.

NIETZSCHE, F.: H. Belart, Friedrich Nietzsches
Leben, Berlin, 1910.

J. M. Kennedy, The Quintessence of Nietzsche,
New York, 1910.

A. M. Ludovici, Nietzsche: his Life and Works,
London, 1910.

PAPYRUS AND PAPYRI: G. A. Deissmann, Light from the Ancient East: the New Testament and the new and recently discovered Manuscripts of the Græco-Roman World, New York, 1910.

PASSOVER: C. Howard, The Passover: an Interpretation, New York, 1910.

PASTORAL THEOLOGY: C. Durand Pallot, La Cure d'âme moderne et ses bases religieuses et scientifiques, Paris, 1910.

PATON, L. B.: See above, BIBLICAL THEOLOGY. PAUL THE APOSTLE: H. Lietzmann, Die Briefe des Apostels Paulus. I., Die vier Hauptbriefe, Tübingen, 1910.

J. Strachan, The Captivity and Pastoral Epistles, New York and Chicago, 1910.

A. L. Williams, Epistle to the Galatians, London, 1910.

H. L. Yorke, The Law of the Spirit.


in the Epistle to the Philippians, London, 1910. PHILO: L. Cohn, Die Werke Philos von Alexandria in deutscher Uebersetzung, Breslau, 1909. POLITY: A. J. McLean, The Ancient Church Orders, London, 1910.

PRAGMATISM: See above, IDEALISM. PSEUDEPIGRAPHA: W. N. Stearns, ed., Fragments

from Græco-Jewish Writers, Chicago, 1908. E. Fisserant, Ascension d'Isaie, Paris, 1909. L. Gry, Les Paraboles d'Hénoch et leur Messianisme, Paris, 1910.

RESCH: See above, Galilee.


CHOISY, J. E.: Became professor of church history
in the University of Geneva, 1910.
DOWDEN, J.: d. at Edinburgh Jan. 30, 1910.
EDDY, M. B. G.: d. at Newton, Mass., Dec. 3, 1910.
FAULHABER, M.: Made bishop of Speyer, 1910.
FLINT, R.: d. at Edinburgh Nov. 25, 1910.
FRIEDBERG, E.: d. at Leipsic Sept. 7, 1910.
GIESEBRECHT, F.: d. at Stettin Aug. 21, 1910.

HOENNICKE, G.: Became extraordinary professor of the New Testament at Breslau, 1910. HOYT, W.: d. at Salem, Mass., Sept. 27, 1910. INCE, W.: d. at Oxford Nov. 13, 1910. JUNCKER, A.: Became professor of the New Testament in Königsberg, 1910.

MACLAGAN, W. D.: d. at London Sept. 19, 1910.


Vol. i., p. 26, col. 2: Insert " ACRE. See PHENICIA, I., § 1."

Vol. i., p. 413, col. 1: Insert "BACCHUS: Martyr of the fourth century. See SERGIUS AND


Vol. ii., p. 31, col. 1: Insert "BEIRUT. See PHENICIA, I., § 6."

Vol. ii., p. 256, col. 2, line 21: Read "Beach" for "Reach."

Vol. iii., p. 58, col. 2, line 19: Read "Paine" for Payne.'

Vol. iii., p. 279, col. 1: Insert " COUDRIN, PIERRE MARIE JOSEPH. See PICPUS, CONGREGA

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]


Abbreviations in common use or self-evident are not included here. For additional information concerning the works listed, see vol. i., pp. viii.-xx., and the appropriate articles in the body of the work.

[blocks in formation]

Corpus reformatorum, begun at Halle, 1834, vol. lxxxix., Berlin and Leipsic, 1905 sqq.

M. Creighton, A History of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the Sack of Rome, new ed., 6 vols., New York and London, 1897

Corpus scriptorum Christianorum orientalium, ed. J. B. Chabot, I. Guidi, and others, Paris and Leipsic, 1903 sqq. Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna, 1867 sqq.

Corpus scriptorum historia Byzantinæ, 49 vols., Bonn, 1828-78

C. W. Currier, History of Religious Orders, New York, 1896


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

(J. S. Ersch and J. G. Gruber, Allgemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Leipsic, 1818 sqq.

English versions (of the Bible)





Friedrich, KD..J. Friedrich, Kirchengeschichte Deutsch


Gams, Series

episcoporum ..

lands, 2 vols., Bamberg, 1867-69 Epistle to the Galatians


P. B. Gams, Series episcoporum ecclesiæ Catholica, Regensburg, 1873, and supplement, 1886

Gee and Hardy, H. Gee and W. J. Hardy, Documents Illustrative of English Church History, London, 1896




Gibbon, Decline and Fall.....


Gross, Sources.. Hab....... Haddan and Stubbs, Councils..


Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, Göttingen, 1824 sqq.

E. Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. J. B. Bury, 7 vols., London, 1896-1900 Greek

C. Gross, The Sources and Literature of English History... to 1485, London, 1900


A. W. Haddan and W. Stubbs, Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, 3 vols., Oxford, 1869-78

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