INDEX OF Earth, Earthquake, vol. 1. 58, 59, 76, 112, 128. vol. 2. 37, 89, 171, 172, 354, 355. 76, 80, 90, 91, 104, 106, 121. Eating, the act of, vol. 2. 151. Flesh, vol. 2. 150, 153, 155, 157. Fire, vol. 1. 61, 127, 275. vol. 2. 11, 142, 154. Grave, the putting of a person into it, vol. 1. 89. Killing, the act of, vol. 1. 106, 107, 140. vol. 2. 11 INDEX OF 383 PROPHETIC SYMBOLS. Olive-trees, vol. 1. 109. Palm, branches of, vol. 2. 367. Rain, vol. 1. 128. Rising from the dead, vol. 1. 106-108, 118. vol. 2. 354. Scarlet, vol. 1. 49. Sea, vol. 1. 48, 58, 59. vol. 2. 171, 172, 356. Selling, the act of, vol. 1. 65. Stars, vol. 2. 36, 37, 39, 43, 75, 76. Sun, vol. 1. 2, 13, 14. vol. 2. 35-39, 75, 76. GENERAL INDEX. Abluoσos, meaning of the word, vol, 1. p. 77. vol. 2. 349. Alay, meaning of the word, vol. 2, 161, 162, 183. Alcasar, statement of this learned Jesuit respecting the Apoca Alcuin, abbot, France greatly indebted to this Englishman, vol. Alemanni, their devastations, vol. 2, 57. Alexandria, in ancient times very populous, vol. 2. 133; its mer- |