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[blocks in formation]

vol. 1. 58, 59, 76, 112, 128. vol. 2. 37, 89, 171,

172, 354, 355.

76, 80, 90, 91, 104, 106, 121.

Eating, the act of, vol. 2. 151.

Flesh, vol. 2. 150, 153, 155, 157.

Fire, vol. 1. 61, 127, 275. vol. 2. 11, 142, 154.

[blocks in formation]

Grave, the putting of a person into it, vol. 1. 89.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Killing, the act of, vol. 1. 106, 107, 140. vol. 2. 11

[blocks in formation]




Olive-trees, vol. 1. 109.

Palm, branches of, vol. 2. 367.

Rain, vol. 1. 128.

Rising from the dead, vol. 1. 106-108, 118. vol. 2. 354.

Scarlet, vol. 1. 49.

Sea, vol. 1. 48, 58, 59. vol. 2. 171, 172, 356.

Selling, the act of, vol. 1. 65.

[blocks in formation]

Stars, vol. 2. 36, 37, 39, 43, 75, 76.

Sun, vol. 1. 2, 13, 14. vol. 2. 35-39, 75, 76.
Sword, vol. 2. 49.

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Abluoσos, meaning of the word, vol, 1. p. 77. vol. 2. 349.
Achmet, his work on Oneirocritics, vol. 1, 34. vol. 2, 39.
Ætheopia, influence of Christianity there, vol. 2, 326,
Afghans, from whom said to be descended, vol. 2, 216, 217: have
undergone various revolutions, vol. 2, 217, 218, 222.
Africa, the immense supply of corn and oil which it formerly ex
ported to Italy, vol. 2, 54, 61; its devastation by the Vandals,
vol. 2, 61; its recovery by Justinian and subsequent rebellions,
vol. 2, 63; number of bishoprics it once contained, vol. 2, 70.
Agriculture, causes of its decline in the fourth and fifth centuries,
vol. 2, 60, 65.

Alay, meaning of the word, vol. 2, 161, 162, 183.
Albigenses. See Waldenses.

Alcasar, statement of this learned Jesuit respecting the Apoca
lypse, vol. 1, 44, 114, 196, 201.

Alcuin, abbot, France greatly indebted to this Englishman, vol.
2, 299.

Alemanni, their devastations, vol. 2, 57.

Alexandria, in ancient times very populous, vol. 2. 133; its mer-
chants oppressed by George of Cappadocia, vol. 1, 182; pre-
sent state of its ports and canal, vol. 2, 137; profusion of
ruins in its neighborhood, vol. 2, 136.

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