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and meditate on those ineftimable truths which God in his mercy hath caused to be written for our information and comfort! -The future condition of the foul, or what will become of us after this fhort and unfatisfactory life, is, I prefume, worth the enquiry of the wisest men; and what indeed the wifeft men of all ages have thought it proper to search after. But that immortal life, which was seen by them only, as through a glass, darkly, is to us brought to light through the Scriptures. By these we come to the knowledge of God, and that of ourselves. They defcribe Him to us by those awful attributes of infinity, power, and juftice, which render Him the proper object of our admiration and reverence: And alfo in thofe gentler attributes of goodness, mercy, and truth; which excite our love of, and dependance on Him. They fhew us how great we were in our original creation, how evil

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vile in our fall; the impotence of our lapfed, and the dignity of our renewed eftate. Hereby we are affured that the prefent life is only to prepare us for a better: That we term a diffolution is only a temporary parting with our bodies: But that an eternal state of happiness or mifery will attend the obfervance or neglect of the duties which they


propofe That by them we shall be justified, or by them condemned.

Now, writings of fuch moment who, that has the privilege and power of fearching, would willingly be ignorant of or implicitly rely on others for his knowledge in matters of fuch infinite concern? Be it therefore our principal care, who are bleffed with these happy means of grace and falvation, with all religious joy and gratitude fo advanțageously to use them, that by a diligent attention to the history and doctrines


of the Holy Scriptures, we may be able to give an answer to every man, that afks us the reafon of our faith; and which is of infinitely greater importance, fecure to ourselves, by an obedience to the precepts they enjoin, a title to the rewards they promise through the merits of our Redeemer.

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JOHN, vii. 46.

Never Man Spake like this Man.

CH was the remarkable answer of


certain Officers, who had been commiffioned from the great Council at Jerufalem, to apprehend Jefus; being queftioned at their return, Why have ye not brought him?”

The truth is Many of the common people, whofe judgments were lefs prejudiced, and their attention more free and candid, upon feeing the miracles

which he did, and withal hearing his doctrines, began to think him in reality a Teacher fent from God: Some faying, "This is the Prophet," others, "This is the Chrift:" Which coming to the ears of the Chief Priefts and Pharifees, they were alarmed for the confequences of his preaching, left the authority of them and of their traditions fhould be diminished thereby; and therefore fent out Minifters to lay hold on him; who no fooner betook themselves to the execution of their warrant, than they too were captivated by his words; and, instead of apprehending the Preacher, returned to those who had fent them with this fingle apology for their conduct, that, Never Man fpake like this Man.

It is obvious to remark, that the Officers fent upon this errand were at that time no friends either to the person or character of Jefus; perhaps indifferent

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