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The following has been received at Lloyd's :


You will much oblige me by publishing the following, for the information of merchants and all interested.

[blocks in formation]

The Board of Health, having been informed that in the kingdom of Great Britain vessels are admitted to pratique, arriving from the United States of America with cotton, at a time when the yellow fever was prevalent in those parts, has, after due deliberation, determined (in conformity with what has been already prescribed with regard to vessels arriving from France, laden with cotton of America), that vessels coming from the United Kingdom of Great Britain, having cotton wool on board, should be sent to the port of Nisida, where, on its being found that the said cottons are originally from America, and that they have no certificate of immediate purification in a foreign lazaretto, they shall be excluded, together with the cargoes.

No alteration will take place in the usual sanatory treatment of vessels not having the aforesaid cottons on board.

The Board of Health in Palermo, guided by the same views, has determined that vessels laden with cotton wool, originally from America, arriving from the said ports, shall only be admitted into the ports of Palermo and Messina, when, if not provided with the above-mentioned certificate of purification, they shall not be admitted.

[The following Despatch offers a painful illustration of the power which Russia derives from the total indifference of the British Legislature to international affairs. It forcibly displays the power and influence which Great Britain may exert at any moment that she chooses to stand forth as the champion of the independence of other states, or as interested in preserving the balance of power.]

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St. Petersburg, Feb. 24, 1829.

The principal object of the arrival of General Count Ficquelmont, who has replaced his Serene Highness the Prince of Hesse Homburg at the Court of his Imperial Majesty, was to afford explanations on the political course which Austria has recently pursued; and to manifest, in the name of this power, her desire to re-establish her former relations of intimacy with the Court of Russia. I cannot make your Imperial Highness better acquainted with the nature of these explanations, and with the reception which they have met with here, than by submitting to you a copy of the letter, of which Copie d'une Dépêche du Comte Nesselrode adressée au Grand Duc Constantine, en dáte de St. Petersbourg le 24 Fev. 1829. MONSEIGNEUR,

L'arrivée du Général Comte de Ficquelmont, qui est venu remplacer auprès de Sa Majesté l'Empereur, S. A. S. le Prince de Hesse Hombourg, à eu surtout pour objet de fournir des explications sur la conduite politique que l'Autriche à tenue dans les derniers tems, et de manifester au nom de cette Puissance le désir de rétablir ses anciens rapports d'intimité avec la cour de la Russie. Je ne saurois mieux faire connoître à Votre Altesse Impériale la nature de ces explications et l'accueil qu'elles ont trouvé ici qu'en lui soumettant copie de la lettre que le Comte de

Count Ficquelmont was the bearer, from his Sovereign to his Majesty the Emperor, of the answer which his Majesty has just returned to it; and, finally, of a confidential despatch addressed on this occasion to M. de Tatistcheff.

The Emperor could not but appreciate the step which the Cabinet of Vienna has thought fit to take. His Majesty has hastened to meet its wishes to restore to the relations between the two Courts that character of intimacy which they formerly possessed.

But he has thought it his duty not to leave it in ignorance of the conditions upon which alone this intimacy can be revived, and of the services which Russia expects from Austria, not for her exclusive interests, but for those of the whole of Europe.

Such, Monseigneur, in a few words, is the

Ficquelmont à remise de la part de son Souverain à Sa Majesté l'Empéreur, de la réponse que Sa Majesté vient d'y faire, enfin d'une dépêche confidentielle adressée à cette occasion à Mr. de Tatistcheff.

L'Empereur ne pouvoit qu'apprécier la démarche à laquelle le Cabinet de Vienne à cru devoir se porter. Sa Majesté s'est empressée d'aller au devant de ses vœux de rendre aux rélations entre les deux Cours ce caractère d'intimité qu'elles avoient autrefois.

Mais elle n'a pas cru devoir lui laisser ignorer les conditions auxquelles seules cette intimité peut renaître et les services que la Russie attend de la part de l'Autriche, non dans son intérêt particulier, mais dans celui de l'Europe entière.

Telle est, Monseigneur, en peu de mots, la substance des pièces,

substance of the documents which I have the honour to lay before your Imperial Highness.

I take the liberty of referring to the contents of the despatch to M. de Tatistcheff for the intelligence which has reached us from London, since the arrival of Count Matuszewiz in that capital. To the first results which this despatch announces, and which augur well for the negociations relative to the future fate of Greece, is to be added the speech on the meeting of Parliament.

This document, when we compare it with that of last year, appears to be as satisfactory as we could have expected under existing circumstances. The questions relative to the state of Ireland, and to the Emancipation of the Catholics, appear as if they must necessarily absorb, for the moment, the exclusive solicitude

que j'ai l'honneur de mettre sous les yeux de Votre Altesse Imperiale. J'ose me référer au contenu de la dépêche à Mr. de Tatistcheff pour les nouvelles qui nous sont parvénues de Londres depuis l'arrivée du Comte de Matuszewic dans cette capitale. Aux premiers résultats que cette dépêche annonce, et qui sont d'un heureux présage pour les négociations relatives au sort futur de la Grèce, est venu se joindre le discours d'ouverture du Parlement.

Ce document, si on le compare à celui de l'année passée, paroit être aussi satisfaisant que nous aurions pû nous y attendre dans les circonstances actuelles. Les questions rélatives à l'état de l'Irlande et à l'émancipation des Catholiques semblent devoir exclusivement occuper dans ce moment la sollicitude du Gou

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