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MAY 1. 1866.

Sixteen years ago the firm of S. C. Griggs & Co. was established in Chicago, and throughout all the trials and vicissitudes under which so many and various houses of all the branches of business have tottered, been shaken, or have fallen, that house has preserved its standing unfailingly, and stands to-day confessedly at the head of the business in the great West. The house is indeed one of the institutions of the city-as strong and enduring as it is useful and ornamental. From the comparatively small premises in which the firm first engaged in their business, the establishment has been compelled from time to time to remove to more spacious quarters, until eight years ago it planted itself at 39 and 41 Lake Street, occupying two of the enormous stores in the iron block, near Wabash Avenue. These stores are fifty feet on Lake Street by one hundred and seventy-five feet deep, and both stores and basements are filled with the immense stock.

shrink from the high argument to which they are was, and that too within the memory of living men, challenged. The questions must be grappled with, and they too of no venerable age, when the book else our faith will be scandalized by a silence no business of Chicago hardly rivalled, either in the less ignominious than a surrender. In the settle- value of its stock, or the amount of capital invested, ment of this conflict the College of New Jersey has an ordinary apple stand of the present day. But added to her olden fame by taking the lead, and the as Chicago emerged from the condition of a frontier professor to whom she has intrusted that responsible military post to that of a sprightly trading village, and critical duty evinces by his inaugural that he the book business increased, and it has kept steady adequately comprehends both the difficulty and deli- pace with the unexampled progress of the immense cacy of his task. He informs us that, on the one region of country of which the present city is the hand, his department is not one of merely scientific metropolitan centre. Though bookselling and pubinstruction, and, on the other hand, that it is not lishing is not one of the branches of commerce that one of merely religious instruction. Excluding serve to swell the noise and din on 'Change, and thus what is purely scientific and purely theologic, its transactions are not mentioned in the daily, there remains to be formed out of these two over- monthly, or annual reports of the Board of Trade, lapping departments, another, which is, strictly it has nevertheless been no less of value to the genspeaking, philosophical in its nature, and which, ineral progress of the city; has been none the less an general language, may be termed "Philosophy as integral part of the immense commerce of Chicago, embracing both Science and Religion in their logical and none the less a means of attracting hither that relations." "I would so term it," says the Profes- general trade which finds in Chicago its most apsor, "not because Philosophy is in any sense supe-propriate and advantageous resort. rior to Religion or Science, but because in virtue of her power of abstraction, her insight into reality, her love of truth, her craving for unity, and her habit of candor, she alone can give what neither of the respective partisans can furnish, and yet both of them require a mediator or umpire to adjust their boundaries, settle their border feuds, and check their raids upon each other's territory." This is illustrated by a reference to the doctrine of creation, and then the aim and object of the teaching are summarily stated to be "to combine philosophically the scientific and religious departments of instruction, to take the materials of truth which they respectively furnish in an unrelated and fragmentary state, and organize them into a rational system; to show that all well-ascertained facts of nature and clearly-revealed truths of Scripture are not only congruous, but actually require each other to make up the whole truth; that even such theories and creeds as seem to be in conflict are passing, under fixed laws, through a process of mutual correction and reconciliation, into a similar region of established verities; that it is thus the mission of science to confirm and illustrate the truths of religion, and of religion to give rational support and consistency to the facts of science; and that sooner or later, in the history of mankind, the ultimate result must be the perfect coincidence of human and divine knowledge, together with the absolute harmony of all the great interests resulting therefrom; in a word, the key-note of these instructions will be, that Science and Religion cannot do without each other; God hath joined them together, and let no man put them asunder." It will be readily seen that the mode of treatment here proposed should command the confidence both of religionists and scientists; that it does justice to the opinions of each, and seeks to reconcile them by the application of mediating principles, which both will doubtless acknowledge. We have called attention to the establishment of this department at Princeton, because we are persuaded its intrinsic importance and its literary and educational bearings will be promptly appreciated by all Christianly instructed men, all sincere students of nature, all real patriots who would correct the skepticism latent in the minds of the educated classes, and thence infecting the body of, the community, and above all by parents, who seek for their sons an education which will not divorce reason from faith, but wed them in harmonious and inseparable fellowship.

THE HOUSE OF S. C. GRIGGS & Co.-The people of the Northwest have for many years been familiar with the name of the long-established firm of S. C. Griggs & Co., booksellers and publishers. Time

This well and most favorably known firm has just undergone a change in its organization; not a change by which it will lose any of those who have hitherto so honorably conducted its affairs, but a change which introduces into it new vigor, and will make it in all respects one of the most stable and enterprising houses of the country.

The senior partner, S. C. Griggs, Esq., will take a respite from many years of arduous toil in a visit to Europe; he leaves the city in a few days with that view. During his trip he will of course visit the great publishing houses of Europe, and will establish there an agency for his house, through which he will receive directly and immediately all the valuable publications which appear there.

The other member of the firm, E. L. Jansen, Esq., who has been equally devoted to business and whose efforts have been crowned with so much success as one of the managers of the concern during its past years of successful growth and rapid extension of business, will have the assistance of the new members of the firm, all of whom have a ripe experience.

These new members are D. B. Cooke, Esq., Gen. A. C. McClurg, and Fred. B. Smith, Esq.

D. B. Cooke has been for some time in charge of the retail department of the establishment, for which his previous long experience as a bookseller and publisher had eminently fitted him, and with whom the Chicago public had been so long and pleasantly associated. He now enters the firm as one of its

members, giving to it that practical energy which is peculiar to the man, and that popularity which has always attended his business intercourse with the public.

MAY 1, 1866.

Gen. A. C. McClurg, who was with the house for two years previous to the rebellion, and who brings back to his chosen peaceful pursuit the same abilities and enthusiasm which gained for him a General's star in the field-a cultivated gentleman who has as enviable a reputation at home as he won for himself among his comrades in arms; and Mr. F. B. Smith, who during five years' clerkship with the firm has, by his quiet industry and accurate knowledge of books, editions, and authors, made himself widely known throughout the Northwest among careful book buyers, and gained the confidence of those who wish to make additions to their libraries, have been admitted as partners, and henceforth the firm of S. C. Griggs & Co. will include these gentlemen, as well as Messrs. S. C. Griggs and E. L. Jansen.

The past success of this house, magnificent as it has been, is but the foundation for the future, and who knows but the book-house of 1880 may contrast with the present imposing establishment as the latter does with that of 1850?

At all events the book-buying community of the Northwest may be assured that they will be the gainers by this rejuvenation of the partnership, and we bespeak in the future for the noble house of S. C. Griggs & Co. continued and constantly increasing prosperity.-Chicago Republican, April 10.

FEW AMERICAN PUBLISHERS have displayed the energy and ability which have for years characterized the business proceedings of Mr. George W. Childs, of Philadelphia. To him the literary public are indebted for the most useful literary paper in America, the AMERICAN PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR AND LITERARY Gazette, issued twice every month, and containing a thoroughly reliable record and occasional criticisms of the current literature of the United States. Its Paris correspondence, too, presents the best account of literary life in the French capital that we know of. The labor incidental to one journal is generally considered enough for one man in England, but Mr. Childs not long since courageously purchased and undertook the entire management of the Philadelphia "Public Ledger," a daily paper circulating largely, but by his judicious arrangements increased to such an extent as to stand now in circulation almost at the head of the American press-only, indeed, having one competitor, the New York "Herald," superior to it. A daily and fortnightly paper would seem to take the utmost powers of mortal man, but the publisher in question has recently added the Philadelphia "Home Weekly" to his other ventures, and promises to make that one of the best family newspapers is sued in the United States. It seems almost incredible that one man could undertake such an accumulation of labor; and, certainly, if he succeeds in maintaining the character of these varied publications, he will richly merit an unlimited success. Trubner's American and Oriental Literary Record (London), Feb. 28, 1866.

NOTES ON BOOKSELLING, ETC., IN NEW YORK.-On this present May 1st there is much shifting of quarters by the trade; publishers and booksellers alike are flitting. Christern has carried his stock of foreign literature up to No. 863 Broadway, half a mile above where his former stand was. B. H. Ticknor goes into roomy quarters at 63 Bleecker St., just off Broadway, where he can do better justice to the Boston books than in the little "cubby-house" he has been inhabiting on Broadway near Twelfth. Mohun and Ebbs take their éditions de luxe and splendidly bound standard editions a mile north, up to 546 Broadway, next the old Düsseldorf Gallery. Kirby removes half a block down, from the

corner of Bleeker, where his stock of books and stationery has unendurably overflowed his space. Leypoldt and Holt go to 451 Broome St. M. Doolady goes to 448 Broome Street. O. S. Felt, with his Boston agencies, goes to 455 Broome St. W. A. Townsend comes into Broome St. F. J. Huntington & Son, and Hurd & Houghton, and G. P. Putnam are already in Broome St. Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman, & Co., and Dick & Fitzgerald are also going thither; so that Broome Street is becoming quite a publisher's nest-almost a Paternoster Row. Scribner goes out of Grand St., removing northward to 654 Broadway, between Bleecker and Bond. Schermerhorn & Bancroft, too, remove north one block, to the corner of Crosby and Broome Sts.

The firm of Wm. White & Co., Boston, but with an agency in New York, has succeeded to that of A. J. Davis & Co., in the business of publishing and selling works on spiritualism. The firm of A. J. Davis & Co., however, still remains extant for dealing in Mr. Davis's own publications, seventeen' or more in number. Mr. Charles Welford, of the firm of C. Scribner & Co., has gone to London, to open a branch house there for conducting the foreign book business of his firm. Mr. Welford's extensive acquaintance with books and business experience must render this an influential and useful proceeding. Mr. P. H. Cannon, heretofore with James & Co., publishers and booksellers in St. Louis, with Miller, has gone into business with Wm. McSorley good prospects, and without intending to lose any creased proportion in the New York book market of

old friends while he makes new ones. The in

books manufactured abroad, but with a New York imprint, is very striking. It is a question whether ber of the handsomest of the Appletons' late publisuch books are "American publications." A numcations, for instance, of "New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1866," are printed by Eyre & Spottiswoode, with sundry of Lippincott's books, of Philadelphia; or some other London printer. The like is the case of Roberts Brothers', of Boston, etc. etc. In like manner, Leypoldt & Holt issue editions of Thackeray's works of the Tauchnitz print, manufactured in Leipsic, but with the New York imprint. These books are of a class heretofore manufactured in this country. Our working printers and bookbinders, of course, lose all the work on these editions. The matter must, however, remain in this state unless the tariff is altered, or the new wood paper of the the relative cost of making books here and abroad. Manayunk mill, or some other influence, shall alter

A petition has been presented to Congress, signed by seventy-three, including many of the most emistate of things above mentioned, showing that it nent living American authors, setting forth the diminishes the value of American copyrights, and asking "that the revenue laws, so far as they relate to the manufacture and importation of books, may be so revised and modified that American publications may be relieved from the heavy burdens now resting upon them, and from the disadvantages under which they suffer in competition with imported books."

It will be observed that the phrasing of this prayer does not show whether the petitioners want the taxes on American publications diminished or those on books made abroad increased. Mr. Greeley's signature, however, which was the first of those to the original paper, and which was accompanied by a specification of the way in which he wished this relief given, is entirely omitted from the printed copies of the petition which have been circulated.

THE member of the editorial staff of "The Tribune," Mr. George Ripley, who has had charge of the literary department of this paper for many

MAY 1, 1866.

years, sailed yesterday in the Cunard steamer Asia from Boston for a European tour of a few months. His place will be supplied by a gentleman whose excellent literary culture and practical experience in journalism eminently qualify him for the post. Meantime, in the absence of our esteemed fellowlaborer, we are sure that our readers will be gratified with the subjoined testimonials to the manner in which our literary columns have been conducted under his superintendence, from "The Boston Transcript" of April 12:

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"On the evening of the 10th instant the twentyfifth anniversary of the establishment of The New York Tribune' was celebrated by a dinner at Delmonico's, at which the survivors of the brilliant corps of writers connected with that journal from its origin assembled to indulge in mutual reminiscences and congratulations. The scene, the occasion, and the men were alike illustrative of the energy and the results of American enterprise, intelligence, and talent. The career of each individual, present or deceased, and the history of "The Tribune' itself, as rehearsed by its founder, suggested a world of interesting associations. The Countess d'Ossoli (Margaret Fuller) and the transcendental philosophy, Hildreth and American history, Wm. H. Fry and music, Geo. W. Curtis and social criticism, Bayard Taylor and the literature of travel, Charles A. Dana and the War Department in the late civil conflict-were but a portion of the subjects and careers which this newspaper festival recalled and emphasized.

"It has been said that his personal friendships sometimes lend a glow to his critiques; if so, it is a fault which only proves that his heart is as sound as his head. His labors as editor of the 'New American Cyclopedia' reflect the highest honor on his scholarship and literary tact, taste, and assiduity. Mr. Ripley is about to visit Europe for a few months; and no member of the editorial fraternity in New York will be followed on a recreative tour by the warm sympathy, sincere respect, and best wishes of a larger circle of intelligent, loyal, and attached friends."-N. Y. Tribune.

MODIFICATIONS OF INTERNAL REVENUE TAX.-It is stated in despatches from Washington that the Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means will shortly make a report recommending various modifications in our system of Internal Revenue, among which, it is said, that the tax on general manufactures is proposed to be reduced from six to five per cent., and that the entire tax on certain articles of production and materials be removed, including, among other things, books, maps, charts. and all printed matter and book-binding, paper of all descriptions, and the productions of stereotypers, lithographers, and engravers.

LEYPOLDT & HOLT's American and European Bulletin will be found by book-buyers and librarians to be very convenient. It furnishes a monthly list of the most prominent English, French, and German publications, with occasional notes on Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and other foreign books, any of which will be supplied by the publishers.

"But our sympathies were irresistibly attracted to the most accomplished and least ambitious of the guests, who succeeded Mr. Greeley as President, MR. CARLETON, the publisher, has lately returned when the former gentleman retired to give his old from a trip to Peru, made for his health, bringing partner, McElrath, an opportunity to discuss 'The with him a little book of sketches, similar to those Tribune's' course and progress without restraint. which he published last winter as "Our Artist in We could not but remember the admirable influence Cuba," but with more variety in them, and cleverer exerted upon literary taste and philosophical disin execution. He also has in press a new book by cussions by George Ripley-in a community where Edmund Kirke, entitled "Adrift in Dixie," which the interests of both are so overlaid by politics, will be ready in a few days. A small volume by a industrial enterprise, and material luxury. A gen- surgeon of the East India Company on Epidemic tleman and a scholar, in the best sense of those Cholera," and a new English novel called "Recommuch-abused terms, is a style of character every-mended to Mercy," are also on the eve of publicawhere and always benign and useful; but more so tion by him. in connection with the press of New York than we are apt to imagine.

"Mr. Ripley is perfectly equipped for the mission he undertook as literary editor of 'The Tribune.' Thoroughly versed in ancient and modern literature, in theology, in philosophy, and in belles-lettres, he is one of the very few American writers whose knowledge justifies his vocation. Not less desirable for such a task are his broad, liberal, comprehensive mind, his catholic sympathies, his patriotic interest in the genius and culture of his native land, and the kindly, courteous, humane instincts of his nature. How much he has done to clarify the misty conceptions of the people on subjects of a psychological nature, to elevate their standard of judgment as to works of pure literature, to enlighten their appreciation of modern history and poetry, and rectify their crude judgments of popular fiction, it is impossible to realize-so steady, faithful and unpretending have been his efforts and his influence. "No American critic gives so complete and just an idea of the book he reviews, so full a description of its object, traits, and tendencies; no one is so utterly free from partisan bias, or throws himself so heartily into the author's sentiment or science, in order to reproduce their essential spirit and vital significance. A rare and precious volume might be compiled from the columns of The Tribune' wherein he has so freely and discriminately uttered his more elaborate commentaries on current and standard literature.


A BOOK RECOVERED. In "Much Ado About Nothing," Beatrice asks Benedick if he had said that she was disdainful and had her wit out of the" Hundred Merry Tales ?" This was a book containing a century of quips, narratives, and repartees, which young ladies in the reign of Mary and Elizabeth were expected to have read. Mr. Singer, a Shaksperian editor who did not know very much about Shakspeare, thought he had found this book in "Merry Tales and Quick Answers," which he reprinted in 1814, under the title of "Shakspeare's The "Athenæum" Jest Book"-which was not. says: "But this use of a wrong title was not Singer's chief mistake; for the work which he dignified with the poet's name, and which has borne it ever. since, was not the book referred to in Much Ado.' And thereby hangs a curious tale. While the false 'Shakspeare's Jest-Book' was coming out from the Chiswick Press, the Rev. J. J. Conybeare, poking among the rubbish of a book-stall, happened to pick up an old volume with a thick binding of pasted leaves; which binding of pasted leaves, on being wetted and parted. was found to contain portions of a true and genuine, but undated, copy of The Hundred Merry Tales.' Many pages were damaged; but, as luck would have it, more than one copy of the old chap-book, in the humor of which Queen Bess delighted, had been used by the binder, so that some pages were found twice over.

MAY 1, 1866.

A copy was put together from these pieces, with [ THE POET COWPER.-There has lately been adversome few breaks and slips, and the large fragment, tised, in a London paper, to be sold to the highest so oddly recovered, was given to literature by Singer bidder, an "authentic relic of the Poet Cowper." from the Chiswick Press. From that day there has It is the identical chest of drawers immortalized in been no doubt as to what book was meant by Bea- the Poem of "The Retired Cat." By the way, it trice." A new edition, with introduction and notes may be news to some admirers of the poet that by Dr. Herman Oesterley, has just been published he always pronounced his name as if the spellin London, more complete than the first, from a ing were Cooper, and his last biographer did the unique perfect copy, printed in 1526, and discov- same, for we have seen a letter of his in which ocered by him in the library of the University of curs the sentence, "Here I am at Bristol, having Göttingen. been Cooperizing [i. e., collecting materials for his edition of Cowper] all the way down from Keswick."

MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS.-The questio vexata of Mary Stuart's complicity in the murder of Lord Darnley, her second husband, is again discussed in a volume by Alexander McNeel-Caird, just published in Edinburgh, entitled "Mary Stuart, her Guilt or Innocence: an Inquiry into the Secret History of her Times." Mr. Caird thinks her innocent, but his evidence is vague and inconclusive. One singular fact he states is the following:

"There is a notable gap in the documents at the State Paper Office of the time of Darnley's murder. For a month before, and almost a month after it, the reports of the English agents at Edinburgh have disappeared. These had hitherto been constant and copious, with the minutest information of everything that went on. The communications on this subject must have been numerous and important; how much so we can judge from their graphic fulness of detail at the time of Riccio's death. They may have been taken out to form a special collection; and if so, their discovery will some day tell the whole of this horrid tale in its naked and minutest particulars. But what if they touched some great personage?"

THE OLDEST MAPS OF AMERICA.-At a recent public meeting, in Burlington House, London, of the Royal Society and its guests, were exhibited facsimiles of the two oldest maps of America hitherto known, their dates being 1527 and 1529, respectively. These have just been published, with a large book, in which they are discussed and elucidated by J. G. Kohl, the well-known traveller; they will surprise all who examine them by the large number of places on the east and west coasts of America which were then named and laid down. The originals of these maps are in the Grand-Ducal Library at Weimar, in which city Mr. Kohl's book was published.

OBITUARY.-Among the recent dead are the follow

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Mr. Buchanan, father of Robert Buchanan, the poet.

F. W. Fairholt, artist, antiquarian, and author. Rev. John Keble, author of "The Christian Year," the profits of which small volume of poetry repaired, almost rebuilt, the parish church at Hursley, where he officiated as pastor. (It ran through fifty-seven editions.)

Mr. George Rennie, the eminent engineer, who constructed the Namur and Liège Railway, and wrote several important works on engineering science.


Bibliotheca Sacra. April.

ORIGIN OF "PICKWICK."-In the "London Athenæum" is a letter from R. Seymour, son of the artist who supplied the sketches for the first number of "Pickwick." It is apropos of the issue, by Mr. Bohn, of a new edition of "Seymour's Sketches," which, the younger Seymour says, imperfectly show the varied ability of the father. In this letter it is claimed that the idea and title of "The Pickwick Club" were the elder Seymour's, whose History and Theology of the Reformed Protestant plan was to give the adventures of a club of cockney Dutch Church (Elbert S. Porter, D. D.). - Our sportsmen; that he showed it to two London pub- Place in History (Rev. J. Seelye).-The Study of lishers, first to Mr. McLean and then to Mr. Spooner; English Literature (Rev. R. P. Dunn).-The Cathothat the latter had some idea of publishing it, and lic Apostolic Church (Rev. W. W. Andrews).wished Theodore Hook to write the letter-press; Brücke's Physiology of Speech (Prof. L. R. Packthat the first four plates were etched before the ard).-Regeneration-the Work of God (Rev. A. work was mentioned by Seymour, and that they Phelps).-Martyrdom, in the Apocalypse (the late were afterwards retouched and modified in some degree to meet Mr. Dickens' views, and that, for the benefit of his mother and family, the younger Seymour will immediately issue a complete edition of his father's works, consisting of one hundred and eighty engravings, and a full account of the origin of the "Pickwick Papers.'

Rev. B. F. Hosford).-Notices of Recent German
Publications.-Notices of Recent Publications. Bos-
ton: Draper & Halliday.
Hours at Home. May.

How Old is Man? (J. P. Thompson, D.D.).-Notes on the Battle of Gettysburg (W. Swinton). -Kapiolani, the Heroine of Hawaii (R. Anderson, D.D.). MISS BRADDON, the Novelist.—A uniform library-The Lessons of the United States to Europe (Prof. edition, revised and corrected, of this lady's very sensational novels, is announced in London.

Mr. BENTLEY, who lately purchased and now publishes "Temple Bar," has been put into Chancery by Mr. W. H. Ainsworth, the novelist. It seems that when "Bentley's Miscellany" was sold to Mr. Ainsworth, a condition was that, under a heavy penalty, neither Mr. Bentley nor his sons were to own or publish a magazine, except with Mr. Ainsworth's permission, which was not granted in this case. The decision of the Vice-Chancellor was that Mr. Bentley, if he continued to publish "Temple Bar," should account for the sales and profits until the question of law between himself and Mr. Ainsworth had been duly disposed of by a regular nisi prius


E. Laboulaye).-The Little Preacher.-Influence of
the Reformation on the Scottish Character (J. A.

Froude).-A Visit to the English Universities (Prof.
J. M. Hoppin).-The Zambesi Expedition (The Edi-
tor).-The Lady of Fernwood.-Midnight on Mans-
field Mountain (W. R. Huntington, D. D.).—The
Decline of Solomon and its Causes (Rev. Dr. A. P.
Stanley).-Italy (Prof. W. Wells).-The Way
Home.-Jane Gurley's Story (Miss E. S. Phelps).—
The City of the Silent (Dr. A. Peters). New York:
C. Scribner & Co.

The Catholic World. May.

Problems of the Age.-Glastonbury Abbey, Past and Present: the Rise of the Benedictines.-Saints of the Desert.-Christine: a Troubadour's Song.Jenifer's Prayer.-A Pretended Dervish in Turke

MAY 1, 1866.

stan.-Mater Divinæ Gratiæ.-Pamphlets on the The State of our Rubrics, as bearing upon new DeEirenicon.-Curiosities of Animal Life.-Poor and velopments in Ritualism.-The Church: PuritanRich.-All Hallow Eve; or, The Test of Futurity.-ism: The Freedmen.-Schweinitz on the Moravian Requiem Æternam.-Tinted Sketches in Madeira.- Episcopate.-The General Convention of 1865.The Catholic Publication Society.-New Publica- Notices of Books.-Ecclesiastical Register. New tions. New York: Lawrence Kehoe. York: N. S. Richardson.

Harper's New Monthly Magazine. May.

Atlantic Monthly. May.

Galena and its Lead Mines.-The Yosemite ValThe Harmonists.Abraham Davenport (J. G. ley (T. L. Wiseley).-Livingston's Last African Whittier).-Last Days of Walter Savage Landor: II. Expedition (A. H. Guernsey).-Cast Away.-The (Miss Kate Field).-To-Morrow (H. W. Longfellow). Flag that Talks (Charles Landor).-Armadale (Wil-Doctor Johns: XVI. (D. G. Mitchell).-Passages kie Collins).-Tom Lodowne.-Marriage à la Mode. from Hawthorne's Note-Book: V.-The Fenian Idea The American People Starved and Poisoned (Miss (Frances Power Cobbe).-The Chimney-Corner for C. E. Beecher).-Queen's Good Work.-Kate.-The 1866: V. (Mrs. H. B. Stowe).-Edwin Booth (E. C. Voices of the Night.-Longwood.-Editor's Easy Stedman).-Among the Laurels (Mrs. Akers) Chair.-Monthly Record of Current Events.-Edi- Griffith Gaunt; or, Jealousy: VI. (C. Reade).tor's Drawer. New York: Harper & Brothers. What Will it Cost Us? (E. H. Derby).-MephistoAmerican Quarterly Church Review and Ecclesiasti- phelean (C. J. Sprague).- Mr. Hosea Biglow's cal Register. April. Speech at March Meeting (J. R. Lowell).-Question of Monuments (W. D. Howells).-Reviews and Literary Notices. Boston: Ticknor & Fields.

Priest, Altar, and Sacrifice.-Who were the Early Settlers of Maryland ?-Dr. Beardsley's History.



The Sexagenary: or, Reminiscences of the American
Revolution. pp. iv., 234.

A Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his
Friends, Relatives, and Early Life, his Connection
with the Muscovy Company and Discovery of Dela-
ware Bay. By John Meredith Read, Jr. pp. vi.,


These are both published by Mr. J. Munsell, Albany, and they surpass in style, if possible, Mr. Munsell's previous efforts. Paper, press work, and typography are of the very first class, and the appearance of the volumes is creditable not only to the publisher but to the book-making art of the country. The contents, too, of the volumes, which are of an antiquarian and historical character, are no less attractive than their externals. One of them is a painstaking effort to gather together all we know of Henry Hudson. It is a contribution to our early history which will be relished by students in that department. The work first named is a republication of one which has long been out of print. It was undertaken originally at the suggestion of De Witt Clinton, whose family manuscripts, as well as those of General Van Schaick, were placed at the disposal of the author. Both volumes are appropriate contributions to the rare, curious, and elegantly printed series of antiquarian works which Mr. Munsell is issuing.


The History of Usury from the Earliest Period to the
Present Time, together with a Brief Statement of
General Principles concerning the Conflict of the
Laws in Different States and Countries, and an
Examination into the Policy of the Laws on Usury
and their Effect upon Commerce. By J. B. C.
Murray. pp. viii., 158. Philadelphia: J. B.
Lippincott & Co.

Mr. Murray's first chapter presents a brief sketch of the history of usury among the Jews, Greeks, and Romans. The development of the doctrine in England from the period of Alfred to the present time is then traced, followed by an outline of the subject in the Colonies and States of this country. The law of each State is referred to, and in the two concluding chapters the principles governing the conflict of the

laws and the general policy of laws of usury are discussed. The book is not, strictly speaking, a professional treatise solely for the legal fraternity, and to serve also as an introduction to the detailed but seems intended rather for the general reader, legal study of the subject.

A Summary of the Law of Marine, Fire, and Life Insurance, with Practical Forms, Modern Cases, and Computing Rules. Designed for the Guidance of Insurance Companies and the Convenience of the Legal Profession. By Charles C. Bonney. pp. xxi., 273. Chicago: E. B. Myers & Chan

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Mr. Bonney's title properly describes the general character of his work. As a manual for officers and agents engaged in the actual business of insurance, it will be found convenient and serviceable. The plan of the author is to state general principles in a series of propositions, and refer to, without quoting at length, the cases by which the proposition is sustained. While it cannot with the legal profession take the place of the valuable treatises existing on the subject, it may nevertheless serve the purpose of a ready reference book, which in many matters of current practice may render further examination unnecessary. A very full collection of appropriate forms is given in Marine, Life, and Accident Insurance, together with the Ansell computing rules. Bracton and his Relation to the Roman Law. By Carl Güterbock, Professor of Law in the University of Koenigsberg. Translated by Brinton Coxe. 8vo. pp. x., 182. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co.

This work is another evidence of the activity manifested by the German historical school of jurists. Having explored the continental sources of modern law, they are now applying themselves with the indefatigable industry characteristic of the race and profession to the sources of English law. They seem to be especially attracted in this direction by the consideration that in England, if any where in Europe, is to be found an independent self-developed system of jurisprudence. Protected by their insular situation and insular prejudices from the overshadowing influence of the civil law which pervaded the Continent, the English have been enabled more than any other modern nation

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