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One of the Kings of Portugal was accustomed to say, "I like old Wood to burn; old Wine to drink; old Books to read; and old Friends to talk with."

To the Editor of the Baptist Magazine.

I have in my possession a small book, without a date, printed, as I am informed, with the Zurich types, used by Tyndale, and his companions, at the beginning of the sixteenth century. It is entitled, "The summe of the holye scriptures, and ordynary of the Christen teaching, the true Christen faythe, by the which we be al iustified. And of the virtue of baptysme, after the teachyng of the gospel and of the apostles, with an informacyon, howe all'estates shulde lyve, acordynge to the gospell."* I find from the good John Fox, the following account of this work. Speaking of " Simon Fish, the author of the Book of Beggars;" he adds," who also translated a book called the Sum of the Scriptures out of the Dutch." Marty. Vol. II. p. 229.

It appears from Fox, that this book was suppressed in the reign of Henry VIII. both in 1529 and 1531. Many of the paragraphs objected to by the Romish prelates, are copied into his Martyrology.

I have never heard of any other English copy of this evangelical work; there is a French copy in the Library of the British Museum, printed at Basle in 1523. My friend, Mr. Wm. Angus, judging, from the sentiments contained in it, conjectures that Simon Fish must have translated


it from a Waldensian manuscript! It is gratifying to learn from it, what were the doctrinal sentiments which the 66 Lollards," or Anabaptists," of that period, delighted to read. It was to this little work, with others, that the following quotation from Fox refers;-"But the fervent zeal of those Christian days seemed much superior to these our days, and times, as mani

• There are neither the comma, colon, or semicolon used.

The famous Robert Stephens printed an edition of this work.

festly may appear by their sitting up all night in reading or hearing; also by their expenses and charges, in buying of books in English; of whom some gave five marks," [above three pounds,]


some more, some less, for a book, and some gave a load of hay for a few chapters of St. James or of St. Paul, in English." History of Popery, Vol. II. p. 339.

To afford your readers a specimen of this curious work, I give two extracts from the "Prologue," and the first chapter.

"Seyng that all persones can not rede or understonde all bokes, to the tent that every man may knowe what ys the foundacyon of all the scriptures, and what thing they do teache us. I have shortly copyled in this present boke, the foundacyon and the summe of the holy scripture, of the which the heade and principall is the fayth, from whome procede hope and charitie. To thintent that every ma may knowe, what he shall beleve, what he shall hope, and whye he shall love God, and howe God is our father, and we hys children and howe that we be enheriters of the kingdome of God, as sheweth vnto vs Saint Paul in all hys epistles in divers chapters, whiche by many times alleged and recyted, in thys present boke. Also howe that without oure merites we be iustified to thintent that we shuld not put our trust in our good workes, as dyd the Iues. Neverthelesse albiet that I wryte in thys boke that iustifieth vs without our good workes and merites, it ys not myne entent to discousell eny man to do good workes, but myne entent is to teche all p.sones howe they shell do the workes, and that they shell not trust upon thier good workes, nor in them to sette theyr helthe, but al only in the fay the of Jesu Chyste, & in te grace of God."

The first chapter is entitled, "Of the foudacion of Christedome and fyrst what thynge the baptesme doth

signifie."-" As wryteth S. Marke sayinge. He that shall beleve and shal be baptysed shal be saved. But he that beleveth not shal be codempned. It is truth, but among a thousand there is not one that knoweth what thynge the baptesme betokeneth nor what thige he shell beleve.

"The water of baptesme taketh away oure synne for then it were a precious wat. And then it behoved us dayly to wasshe vs therin. Nether bath the water of the foutaine more vertue in bit sylfe than the water that rynneth in the ryver of Ryne. For we may as well baptyse in Ryne, as in the fount. "When saint Philyp baptised Eunuchus the servaut of Candace, a quene of Ethyope (as wryteth saynt Luke in the actes of Apostels) there was then no halowed water, nor caudell, nor salt, nor creame nether whyt abite, but he baptysed hym in the fyrst water they came to vp on the way. Hereby mayste thou perceyve that the vertue of baptesme lyeth not in halow ed water or in other outwarde thynges, that we have at the fout, but in the faythe only. That is to say when any parson is baptised he must beleve stedvastly that his sins to hym ar pardoned and that he is made the chylde of God, and that God is become his father, & is mede certayne that he shal be saved. And is mede parteker of the passo of Christ wherof the baptesme hath his vertue."

I intend to send you occasionally some further extracts from this valuable work, as it is not probable it will ever be reprinted.



J. I.

"ECKIUS being sent by the Pope, Legate into France, upon his return resolved to take Geneva in his way, on purpose to see Calvin; and, if occasion were, to attempt reducing him to the Roman Church. Therefore, when Eckius was come within a league of Geneva, he left his retinue there, and went, accompanied with one man, to the city, in the forenoon. Setting up his horse at an inn, he inquired where Calvin lived; whose house being

shown him, he knocked at the door; and Calvin himself came to open it to him. Eckius inquiring for Mr. Calvin, he was told he was the person. Eckius acquainted him that he was a stranger; and having heard much of his fame, was come to wait upon him. Calvin invited him to come in; and he entered the house with him; where, discoursing of many things concerning religion, Eckius perceived Calvin to be an ingenious man, and desired to know if he had not a garden to walk in: to which Calvin replying that he bad, they both went into it; and there Eckins began to inquire of him, why be left the Roman church; and offered him some arguments to persuade him to return; but Calvin could by no means be persuaded to think of it. At last, Eckius told him that he would put his life in his hands; and then said he was Eckius, the Pope's legate. At this discovery, Calvin was not a little surprised; and begged his pardon that he had not treated him with the respect which was due to his quality.-Eckius returned the compliment; and told him, if he would come back to the Roman church, he would certainly procure for him a cardinal's cap. But Calvin was not to be moved by such an offer. Eckius then asked him what revenue he bad; he told the cardinal he had that house and garden, and fifty livres per annum, besides an annual present of some wine and corn, on which he lived very contentedly. Eckius told him, that a man of his parts deserved a greater revenue; and then renewed his invitation to come over to the Romish church, promising him a better stipend if he would. But Calvin, giving him thanks, assured bim he was well satisfied with his condition. About this time, dinner was ready, when he entertained his guest as well as he could, excused the defects of it, and paid him great respect. Eckius, after dinner, desired to know if he might not be admitted, to see the church, which anciently was the cathedral of that city. Calvin very readily answered that he might'; accordingly, he sent to the officers to be ready with the keys, and desired some of the syndics to be there present, not acquainting them who the stranger was. As soon, therefore, as it was convenient, they both went towards the church;

as Echius was coming out of Calvin's house, he drew out a purse, with about one hundred pistoles, and presented it to Calvin; but Calvin desired to be excused: Eckius told him he gave it to buy books, as well as to express his respect for him. Calvin, with much regret, took the purse; and they proceeded to the church, where the syndies and officers waited upon him, at the sight of whom, Eckius thought he had been betrayed, and whispered his thoughts in the ear of Calvin, who assured him of his safety. Thereupon they went into the church; aud Eckius having seen all, told Calvin he did not expect to find things in so decent an order, having been told to the contrary. After having taken a full view of every thing, Eckius was returning out of the church; but Calvin stopped him a lit

tle, and calling the syndics and officers together, took out the purse of gold whieh Eckius had given him, telling them that he had received that gold from this worthy stranger, and that now he gave it to the poor; and so put it all into the poor box that was kept there. The syndics thanked the stranger; and Eckius admired the charity and modesty of Calvin. When they were come out of the church, Calvin invited Eckius again to his house: but he replied that he must depart; so, thanking him for all his civilities, offered to take his leave. Bat Calvin waited upon him to the inn, and walked with him a mile out of the territories of Geneva, where, with great compliments, they took a farewell of each other."

Obituary and Recent Deaths.


On Saturday, March 6, 1824, died Mr. William Gould, member of the Particular Baptist Church, Street, So


declension from the established church was observed, and several attempts were made by the clergyman of the place to get him to resume bis place in the national church. The dissenting cause was very thinly attended, and those that composed the congregation were poor and humble. mongst these despised people he took his seat, and threw in his mite towards its support.


Mr. Gould was born in the year 1745; he appears to have lived without any concern for his soul's salvation for fifty years. Through this period of life, his character corresponded with that of most unregenerate men. He was world- Gould had withdrawn, and connected When the clergyman found Mr. ly, profane, and possessed of a dreadful himself with Dissenters, he made a proly irritable temper, which last, though posal to remit the whole of his tythes subdued by divine grace, yet it was (for he was a landholder,) if he would not eradicated, and he ever had to return. Such a proposal would, no complain of it as his besetting sin. It doubt, have accomplished its object appears, about the year 1798, there was with many but with Mr. Gould it had an effort made in Street, by Messrs. no effect. It appears he was baptized May and Kayes, to introduce the gos- on a public declaration of his faith, pel. The deceased, with others, felt at Wedmore, in 1813, with others, and considerable attachment to the Esta- the same year a church was formed, blishment, and objected to the bring which now amounts to twenty-five ing in of any "New religion." After many persuasions from friends, and the indefatigable exertions of an acquaintance, he reluctantly assented to attend the "new preaching." The consequence was, be examined the Bible for himself, and found the declarations of the dissenting preacher to correspond with God's word. A gradual



services, and, in the year the church Mr. Gould punctually attended the was organized, it was found the place where they assembled was too strait. A proposal was made to build a meeting-house; the deceased and family subscribed thirty-one pounds towards the new place of worship; besides


making a provision of ten pounds per annum, for the minister. Mr. Gould, and family, united their efforts, procured ground cleared prepared for the foundation, and carried the stone. Thus, in 1814, a place was finished, a good chapel opened, and the cause had a pleasing appearance. Mr. Gould was a man that looked well to his promise, and expected the same from every Christian man.

He was one of the fruits of the ministry of the indefatigable Mr. Sinclair, of the Highlands, and by him, and his friends, recommended to the Baptist Academy at Bradford. Thither he went in August, 1817; he spent four years there, and, during the whole of that period, conducted himself in so pious and amiable a manner, as to secure a high degree of esteem from all who knew him. He made a reThe Bible, of late, has been his con- markable progress in learning, and, as stant companion-those that formerly a preacher, bid fair for a good degree knew him, and who are no friends to of eminence. The only drawback from Dissenters, acknowledged a great popularity lay in a nervous affection, change to have taken place. His devo contracted, it was thought, by over tion of late, has attracted the attention exertion, when itinerating in Lancaof many, it was solemn and impressive: shire, the first summer after he came repeatedly his feelings caused a pause to Bradford, which somewhat affected in his prayers. He seemed very earn his speech. This, however, gradually est in his request to the Lord for his lessened, and, during his labours at partner, and her late affliction laid much Oakham, scems not to have been peron his mind. He was well and cheer- ceived. At the close of his studies, ful until Friday, as he died on he visited Hamsterley and GainsboSaturday night, March 6, 1824. rough, spending some time at each His sufferings were short, but very place. Nearly two years ago he came acute: yet he bore them with re- to Oakham; there he was much besignation, without a murmur, conti- loved and esteemed, and his ministry nually declaring his desire to depart, very acceptable. The congregation which was far better. At intervals, much increased, and the prospects of he would eject some comfortable pas- the church, before much beclouded, sages of scripture, and repeat parts of began to brighten. But he was soon different hymns. He was quite sen- cut off. Of the commencement of his sible till a few minutes before he died. illness, and the state of his mind during To every inquiry he uniformly de- its progress, a very interesting account clared his dependence and trust were is given, in a letter addressed to his in the blood of the Lamb. A few mi- tutor, by the Rev. Mr. Foster, a very nutes after eleven o'clock he breathed worthy Independent minister, residing his last, at the advanced age of seventy- in the same town; we shall, therenine years, (having been connected fore, give a large extract from that letwith the church twenty-six years,) leav- ter, not only as it gives the most full ing an aged widow, with children and and satisfactory account of the deceas grandchildren to the number of thirty-ed, but also exhibits, in a very amiable four, well provided for. A sermon was light, the disposition of the writer. preached, on the occasion, to a large congregation, Sabbath evening, March 14th, by Mr. Orchard, from 1 Thess. iv. 13; in which he endeavoured to shew, 1st. That Christianity only af forded consolation to survivors, on the loss of their relations or brethren.2ndly. The grounds the brethren bad to believe the deceased was "asleep in Jesus."

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"Of the early part of Mr. Paul's life, I know but little. It appears he was left to the fostering care of his mother at the age of six months, bis father having been then removed by death. Concerning his early piety, and his deportment after he became a member of a Christian church, and before he went to Bradford, as well as while under your Mission, you have, undoubtedly, had better means of information. Two years since I did not know him, but we soon became intimate, and the

REV. Jolin Paul died at Oakham, in friendship was confirmed by mutual Rutland, April 5, 1824.

acts of kindness. I have seldom, if

ever, possessed a greater regard for a person whom I had known for so short a time. His peaceable and affectionate disposition, modest and unassuming manners, unaffected and deeptoned piety, in connexion with no mean intellectual endowments, could not fail to secure him friendly regard; and, as he lived respected, so he died lamented. While here, you had some opportunity of witnessing the affection, both of his own congregation, and of other friends, by whom he had been known; and, by the correspondence which his illness occasioned, I had sufficient evidence of the attachment of many, in various other places. By a letter received, since his death, from his successor, at Gainsborough, it appears, he still lives in the remembrance of many' at that place; and of the regard, not only of the ministers, but also of others, at Hamsterley, Newcastle, and Lincoln, the most substantial proofs were afforded.

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A little before Christmas, he caught cold, and complained of being unwell. In this unfavourable state of health. he preached three times the Sabbath before Christmas-day; twice at Oakham, and once at a village about six miles distant, and walked home the next day. These exertions exceeded his strength, though he was not apprehensive that so serious an attack would so soon follow. He called at my house on the Tuesday, when he appeared very poorly, but I little thought it would be the last visit. In a short time, his disorder rapidly increased, and it was found necessary to call in medical assistance. In the course of a few days, the violence of his complaint abated, and he indulged the hope he should recover; but it was not long before symptoms of consumption, what is technically called the vascular consumption, appeared, and his friends -began to be alarmed. After some time, he himself became aware of his danger, and then expressed an anxious desire to live. This, considering our natural love of life, was not at all surprising in a young man, about thirty years old; and, as he had but lately entered upon public life, he wished to live a little longer, that he might be useful. But, while he wished to live, he appeared quite resigned to the will

of God. I would not live,' said he, with much placidity, and almost with a smile upon his countenance, 'I would not live, if he would not have me.' He was not afraid to die. He said he had no raptures, nor did he desire them; but his mind was stayed on God, and kept in perfect peace. By the text he chose for his funeral sermon, he expressed his views and foolings in the prospect of death. 'I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that day.' Once, when I visited him, he said he had been endeavouring to make death familiar to him, and he seemed not to dread it. At the same time, he observed to this effect, that he had been endeavouring to ascertain, whether, as a preacher, he had been acting in a merely mechanical way, without the cultivation of suitable dispositions and feelings; but the result appeared to have been satisfactory to himself, though he was, doubtless, sensible of imperfections, as well as that he should not finally stand by his own decision. He would have, probably, said, had the passage then occurred to him: 'I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified; but he that judgeth me is the Lord.' Subsequently, he expressed an ardent desire to depart, and to be with Christ,' which he considered better for himself, beyond all expression, than to continue in this world of sin and sorrow. For some time before his removal, he longed to be absent from the body, and present with the Lord. When I called to see him, about a fortnight before his death, he appeared to be in a very happy frame of mind. He said, he felt impatient to be gone, but checked himself by saying, this was wrong. He observed, that when visited by kind friends, he felt himself revived; that he was then on the wing, and ready to say: 'O that I had wings like a dove, then would I fly away, and be at rest;' but that he would wait the Lord's time. I have no merits,' continued he, 'I have no merits of my own, but am indebted to free sovereign grace for salvation. The method of salvation by Christ just suits me.

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With the eighth chapter of the Romans I have often been much delighted; and it is now precious, to me :

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