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Chap. XXIII 8. He was humble and familiar with the Poor, and even with Publicans and Sinners for their Good, Mat. xi. 29. and ix. 11. He washed the Feet of his own Difciples, John xiii. 14. n. 1, 1 uti belião

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9. He was ftedfaft in refifting the Temptations of the Devil, and opposing the Iniquities of Men, Mat. xiv. I-II. Heb. ii. 18. and xii. 1, 2. Matt. xxiii. John ii. 13, 14, &c. *


10. He was prudent and watchful against the Snares of his Enemies, and careful to give them no juft Occafions against him: This appears in the Wifdom of his Difcourfes, and his daily Conduct, John vii. 1. and xi. 54. Mat. xvii. 27.

SECT. V. His calling the APOSTLES, and inAructing them.

53. WHAT was the fifth Part of the Business and Defign of his publick Ministry.

A. To call his Apoftles, and inftruct them in their great Commiffion of preaching the Gospel. 54 Q. How many Preachers did our Saviour fend forth?

A. He firft fent twelve, who were called Apofiles, whom he defigned to make his chief Minifters, and he afterwards fent feventy through the Land of Ifrael on the fame Errand of preaching the Gospel, Matt. X. 1. Luke vi. 13. and x. I.

55 Q. What was the Commiffion that Chrift gave them


A. To preach the Gospel, to heal the Sick, and to caft out Devils, Mat. x. 1-8. Luke x, 9, 17.

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56 Q: What were the Names of the twelve Apostles?

A. Simon Peter, and Andrew his Brother, who were Fishermen; James and John, the Sons of Ze


bades, who were alfo Fifhers; Philip and Bartholo mew*; Thomas and Matthew the Publican, who is alfo called Levi; James the Son of Alpheus, who is called the Lord's Brother; and Jude the Brother of James, who is alfo called Lebbeus and Thaddeus; Siman the Canaanite, who is called Zelotes +; and Ju3. das Iscariot, who afterward betrayed his Mafter, Mat. x. 2, 3, 4. Luke vi. 14, 15, 16, Gal. i. 19. 57 Q. Had thefe Meffengers of Chrift Success in their Work?

A. Yes, they had fome Succefs, for the Seventy returned with Joy, faying, Lord, even the Devils are Jubject unto us through thy Name, Luke x 17.

58 Q. How did he train up his twelve Apofiles for their future Service?

A. They were very frequently attending upon him, and dwelt much with him before and after their firft Miffion abroad, fo that they enjoyed his private Inftructions, his Prayers, and his Example, continually, Matt. x. 27. Luke xi. 1. Mark iv. 34.

59 Q. What peculiar Inftructions did he give his Apostles?

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A. 1. He explained the Parables to them at home which he spake to the People, and acquainted them. in private what they should preach in publick, Mat. Mark iv..

x. 27.


2. He foretold they must expect Difficulties and Perfecutions, but he promised the Aids of his Spirit and his own Prefence with them, and a large

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*Some fuppofe Bartholomew to be the fame with Nathanael.

Simon was not a Canaanite by Nation, for the Apo Ales were all Jews: Some therefore think it is only the Hebrew or Syriac Word Cana, which fignifies a Zealo with a Greek Termination added.

Reward in Heaven, Matt. x. 16-33. and xxviii.


3. He charged them to love all Men, and particularly to love one another; and not to affect Dominion and Authority over one another, fo particularly, as if he defigned to preclude the Popish Error of St. Peter being made Prince of the Apostles, John xiii.34, 35. Matt. xx. 25.

4. If any Houfe welcomed and received them, they were ordered to pronounce the Bleffing of Peace upon that Houfe; but when any Town refused to receive their Meffage, they were commanded to shake off the Duft of their Feet as a Tefimony against them, Matt. X. 11. 15. Luke ix. 54, 55.

5. He told them that he was the Messiah, and that he came to give his Life a Ranfom for Men, that he fhould be crucified and put to Death at Jerufalem, and that he should rife again the third Day, Matt. xvi. 16-22. and xx. 28.

6. He prayed with them often, and taught them how to pray both in their younger and their more advanced State of Knowledge, Luke xi. 1, 2, &c. John xvi. 23, 24.

7. He gave them many admirable Difcourfes before his Death, he foretold the Deftruction of Jerufalem, and indulged their Presence with him in his moft excellent Prayer to God juft before his Sufferings. See Matt. xxiv. John xiv. xv, xvi, and xvii.

8. He ordered them after his Death to tarry at Jerufalem till they fhould receive the promised Spirit to fit them for their further Service, Luke xxiv. 49.

60 Q. Were there any of these Apofiles that seem to be his Favorites?

A. If there were any, they were Peter, James, and John; for they were admitted to be prefent in the Room, when he raised the Ruler's Daughter; and in the holy Mount, when he was transfigured; and in the Garden when he fuftained his Agony : befides that John was called the beloved Difciple, and leaned on Jesus's Bofom at the holy Supper, Mark v. 37, 38. Matt. xvii. 1. and xxvi. 37. John xiii. 33.

SECT. VI. His Appointment or Inflitution of the


61QHAT is the laft Part of the publick Ministry of Chrift?

4. His Appointment of the two fenfible Ordinances, which are called Sacraments, viz. Baptifm and the Lord's Supper.

62 Q. When did he appoint Baptifm?

A. It is fuppofed that he confirmed and practifed the Baptifm of John in his Life-time, i. e. the Baptifm of Repentance for the Remiffion of Sins; but doubtless with this conftant Requirement, that they fhould believe on him as a Prophet fent from God. See Matt. iii. 11. Als xix. 4. Matt. iv. 17. John

iv. I.

It may justly be doubted whether our Saviour always from the Beginning required the Belief and Profeffion of him to be the Meffiah, as a neceffary Thing in order to become one of his Difciples, and to receive his Baptism in those early Days, fince he ftudiously avoided the preaching up of his own Character as the Meffiah, and concealed it from the publick Notice, Mat. xvi. 20. But after his Refurrection, and new inftituted Form of Baptifm, none were to be baptized but those who profeffed Jefus to be the Christ or the Meffiab.

O 4.

63 Q

63 Q. Did he make any Alteration in the Form of Baptifm afterwards?

A. After his Refurrection, juft before his Afcenfion to Heaven, he bid his Difciples, Go teach all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, Matt. xxviii. 19.

64 Q. When did he appoint the Lord's Supper?

A. The fame Night in which he was betrayed, which was just after the Feast of the Paffover, and a few Hours before his Death, 1 Cor. xi. 23.

65 Q. How did Chrift appoint this Ordinance to be performed?

A. Jefus took Bread, and bleffed it, and brake it, and gave it to the Difciples, and faid, Take, eat, this is my Body which is broken for you: And he took the Cup and gave Thanks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all of it, for this is my Blood of the New Teftament which is fhed for many for the Remiffion of Sins; then he faid, This do in Remembran ance of me; and afterward he fung an Hymn, Matt. xxvi. 26. I Cor. xi. 24.

66 Q. Do thefe Ordinances of the Gospel come in the Room of any of the Ceremonies of the Jewish Law?

A. It has been generally fuppofed that Baptifm comes in the Room of Circumcifion, and the Lord's Supper in the Room of the Paffover: But the Proof of this does not belong to this Place.

67 Q. How long is the Ordinance of Baptifm to continue? A. Till the End of the World; for our Saviour, upon giving his Apoftles and Minifters Commiffion to teach and baptize, promifes to be with them to the End of the World, Matt. xxviii. 20.

68 Q. How long is the Ordinance of the Supper to continue?

A. He not only bid them do this in Remembrance of him, but St. Paul faith, Hereby ye fhew forth the Lord's

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