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one (has) called me. 7. We begin the lesson at nine o'clock. 8. Where will you place your money? 9. I will place it in the bank. 10. We do not threaten anybody.

VERBS IN yer. 11. I have sent a letter to my cousins. 12. They send us the newspaper every week. 13. John is cleaning my clothes. 14. He will clean yours when he has (shall have) cleaned mine. 15. I will pay him when he is through (shall have finished).

VERBS THAT CHANGE é OR e INTO è. 16. I have hoped, and I still hope, to see him. 17. Where do you lead us? 18. I lead you to the Elysian Fields. 19. Our courage will protect us. 20. I hope so.

VERBS IN eler and eter. 21. Who has called us? 22. Our friends call us. 23. I will call you in time. 24. What do you throw into the basket? 25. I throw some papers into it.

EXCEPTIONS. 264 What do you buy? 27. I do not buy anything. 28. I would buy something, if I had money. 29. Did it freeze last night? 30. No, but it will freeze to-night.

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↑ Obéir requires the preposition à before the noun, the same as if you said to obey to in English.

Il faut is followed by a verb in the infinitive, or by que and a clause in which the verb is in the subjunctive mode. Il faut obéir, It is necessary to obey. Пfaut que j'obéisse, I must obey.

Exercise 26.

PRESENT TENSE. 1. Je remplis mes devoirs. 2. Tu remplis les tiens, et il remplit les siens. 3. Nous obéissons à nos parents. 4. Vous obéissez aux vôtres. 5. Ils obéissent aux leurs.

IMPERFECT TENSE. 6. Je finissais mon thème pendant que tu remplissais les encriers. 7. On bâtissait cette église quand j'étais ici pendant l'hiver. 8. Nous obéissions toujours à nos maîtres. 9. Vous réussissiez dans vos études. 10. Ils finissaient ce qu'ils avaient commencé.

PAST DEFINITE TENSE. 11. Ce jour-là je finis mon devoir avant tous les autres. 12. Tu m'avertis de l'arrivée de mon père. 13. Nous choisîmes le bon moment pour réussir, et nous réussîmes. 14. Vous finîtes vos devoirs après moi. 15. Ils n'obéirent pas aux ordres, et ils furent punis.

FUTURE TENSE. 16. Je finirai mon thème après les classes. 17. Tu choisiras quelque chose de joli quand tu auras fini. 18. On bâtira une nouvelle école avant l'hiver. 19. Nous obéirons à vos ordres. 20. Vous nous avertirez quand la voiture arrivera. 21. Ils réussiront s'ils tra


CONDITIONAL MODE. 22. Je remplirais lcs encriers, si je n'avais rien autre chose à faire. 23. Tu n'en finirais pas. 24. On vous punirait, si vous ne remplissiez pas vos devoirs. 25. Nous obéirions aux ordres du capitaine, si nous étions soldats. 26. S'ils avaient l'intention de partir, ils nous en avertiraient.

IMPERATIVE MODE. 27. Obéis, ou tu seras puni. 28. Finissez, je vous en prie. 29. Remplissons nos devoirs. SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, PRESENT TENSE.

30. Il faut que

j'obéisse. 31. Il faut que tu remplisses ton devoir. 32. Il faut qu'il finisse ce thème.


33. Je vou

drais qu'il en finît. 34. Il serait bien que vous l'avertissiez de votre intention de partir.

Theme 26.

PRESENT TENSE. 1. I obey (to) my parents. 2. Thou obeyest thine, and he obeys his. 3. We fulfil our duties. 4. You fulfil yours. 5. They fulfil theirs.

IMPERFECT TENSE. 6. I was filling my inkstand, while thou wast finishing thy task. 7. We were building a stable last winter, when you were here. 8. You were finishing it. 9. They always obeyed their teachers.

PAST DEFINITE TENSE. 10. On that day I informed thee of the arrival of thy father. 11. Thou didst finish thy task before all the others. 12. You fulfilled your duty. 13. They chose the right (bon) moment, and they succeeded.

FUTURE TENSE. 14. I shall choose something pretty for Eliza. 15. You will finish this exercise after school (les classes). 16. He will succeed, if he works. 17. We shall inform you, when the carriage is (will be) here. 18. They will not finish what they have begun.

CONDITIONAL MODE. 19. I would finish this exercise before twelve o'clock, if I had nothing else (rien autre chose) to do. 20. He would succeed, if he worked. 21. We would obey (to the) orders, if we were in your place. 22. They would punish you, if you did not obey.

IMPERATIVE MODE. 23. Choose something for thyself. 24. Obey, or you will be punished. 25. Let us choose something pretty.

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