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SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, PRESENT TENSE. 26. I must ful fil my duties. 27. He must finish his exercise. 28. We must obey orders.

SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, IMPERFECT TENSE. 29. It would be well for him to obey orders (It would be well that he should obey etc.). 30. I wish that you would finish (with it) (en).




The third conjugation has only seven regular verbs; they have the letters ev before the infinitive-ending oir. The ev is syncopated in certain parts of the verb.

The c of the verbs in cevoir takes the cedilla before o and u.

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Recevoir, to receive.

Vocabulary 27.

La marque, the mark; the token.

Devoir,t to owe; to be obliged; Le respect, the respect.

to be to; to have to.

Une nouvelle, a piece of news;

Les nouvelles, the news; news.
Un cadeau, a present.

La paye, the pay.

La fin, the end.

Le départ, the departure.

La veille, the day before.
Le lendemain, the day after.

Une visite, a visit; a call.

La bienveillance, the good-will; the kindness.

La félicitation, the congratula

tion. Triste, sad.

Sincère, sincere.

Bientôt, soon, very soon.
Par, through; by.

Par jour, a day, each day; par
semaine, a week; par mois, a

+ Devoir, to owe, has the meaning of to be obliged, to have to, to be, when it precedes the infinitive: Je dois sortir, I have to go out. Il doit venir ici, he is to come here. The conditional mode of devoir is rendered into English by ought.

The past participle of devoir and redevoir (to owe again), takes a circumflex accent over the u, in the masculine singular only, dû, owed, due; redû, owed again.

Exercise 27.

PRESENT TENSE. 1. Je reçois des cadeaux; tu en reçois aussi. 2. Pierre me doit de l'argent. 3. Il doit me l'apporter ce matin. 4. Nous devons aller chez notre tante. 5. Vous devez venir avec moi. 6. Ils doivent partir bientôt.

IMPERFECT TENSE. 7. Je devais sortir. 8. Il devait aller à la poste. 9. Nous recevions toutes les semaines des nouvelles de chez nous. 10. Vous receviez dix dollars par jour. 11. Ils recevaient cent dollars par mois.

PAST DEFINITE TENSE. 12. Je reçus votre lettre la veille de mon départ. 13. Nous reçûmes la visite de votre oncle le lendemain de notre arrivée. 14. Ils reçurent cette triste nouvelle avant leur départ de Paris.

FUTURE TENSE. 15. Je recevrai sa lettre demain. 16. Tu

recevras une visite aujourd'hui. 17. Il recevra sa paye à la

fin du mois. 18. Nous recevrons des nouvelles aujourd'hui. 19. Combien recevront-ils par mois ?

CONDITIONAL MODE. 20. Je devrais écrire à mon oncle. 21. Henri devrait aller voir sa tante. 22. Nous devrions faire cela. 23. Vous n'auriez pas dû parler de cela.

IMPERATIVE MODE. 24. Reçois ce cadeau, comme une marque de ma bienveillance. 25. Recevez mes sincères félicitations. 26. Recevons nos amis avec bienveillance.

SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, PRESENT TENSE. 27. Il faut que je reçoive une lettre aujourd'hui. 28. Il est temps que nous en recevions une de nos amis. 29. Je n'aime pas qu'il reçoive ces visites.

SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, IMPERFECT TENSE. 30. Il serait bien que je reçusse des nouvelles avant mon départ. 31. Je

voudrais que vous reçussiez votre paye, et que nous reçussions la nôtre.

Theme 27.

PRESENT TENSE. 1. I receive my pay at the end of the month. 2. He receives a hundred dollars a month. 3. He owes me fifty dollars. 4. He is to pay me to-day. 5. We often receive presents. 6. They receive their friends on

Thursday (jeudi).

IMPERFECT Tense. 7. I received news from home every week. 8. He received ten dollars a week from his father. 9. We had to go out. 10. They always received us with kindness.

PAST DEFINITE TENSE. 11. I received the sad news the day after my arrival. 12. We received your letter the day before we started (before our departure). 13. They received the news at the moment of their departure.

FUTURE TENSE. 14. I will receive no calls to-day. 15. He will receive his money soon. 16. We shall receive news from Paris to-morrow. 17. They will pay us when they (will) receive their pay.

CONDITIONAL MODE. 18. I ought to receive a letter today. 19. Julius ought to be here; he was to (imperfect tense) be here at ten o'clock. 20. We would receive him. with kindness. 21. If we sent a letter to-day, they would receive it to-morrow.

IMPERATIVE MODE. 22. Receive (sing.) my congratulations. 23. Receive (plur.) this token of my good-will; I owe it to you. 24. Let us receive our teachers with the respect which is due to them.t

+ See foot-note, p. 118.

Qui leur est dû.

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