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SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, PRESENT TENSE. 25. It is time that I receive a letter. 26. I like him to receive presents. 27. We must receive money to-day.

SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, IMPERFECT TENSE. 28. It would be well that he received our letter before he leaves (before his departure). 29. I wish that we received news from home.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Rendre, to return, to give back.

Attendre, to wait; to wait for; to


that they

Le naufrage, shipwreck.
Un pont, a bridge.

[blocks in formation]

La marchandise, the merchan dise.

Entendre, to hear; to understand. Les marchandises, the goods.

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La vapeur, the steam.

Un bâtiment à vapeur, a steamer.

[blocks in formation]

Tantôt, by and by; a little while ago.

Un bateau à vapeur, a steamboat. Aussitôt que, as soon as.

Exercise 28.

PRESENT TENSE. 1. J'attends ta réponse. 2. Tu ne réponds pas à ma question. 3. Il ne vous entend pas. 4. Nous ne vendons pas cher. 5. Pourquoi ne me rendez-vous pas ma monnaie? 6. Ils perdent leur temps.

Répondre requires the preposition à before the noun which is the object of the verb; répondre à quelqu'un, to answer some one; répondre à une question, to answer a question.

Tout à l'heure and tantôt may refer to past or future time: Je l'ai vu tout à T'heure (or tantôt). I have seen him just now (or a little while ago). Je vais le voir tout à l'heure (or tantôt). I am going to see him presently (or by and by).

IMPERFECT TENSE. 7. J'attendais l'arrivée du bâtiment

à vapeur. 8. Il n'entendait pas qu'on l'appelait. 9. Nous vendions nos marchandises à bon marché. 10. Ils per

daient patience.

PAST DEFINITE TENSE. 11. Je répondis à sa lettre aussitôt que je l'eus reçue. 12. Il vendit son navire le len demain de son arrivée.

veille de notre départ. un naufrage.

13. Nous lui rendîmes sa visite la 14. Ils perdirent leur vaisseau par

FUTURE TENSE. 15. Je vous rendrai votre monnaie tout à l'heure. 16. Il ne répondra pas à votre question. 17. Nous vous attendrons au pont. 18. Ils perdront tout ce qu'ils ont.

CONDITIONAL MODE. 19. Je vendrais ce bateau à vapeur, si j'étais à votre place. 20. Il vous rendrait une réponse tantôt, si vous attendiez un peu. 21. Vous perdriez votre temps, si vous attendiez.

IMPERATIVE MODE. 22. Attends-moi au pont. 23. Répondez à mes questions, je vous en prie. 24. Ne perdons pas courage.

SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, PRESENT TENSE. 25. Il est temps que je lui rende sa visite. 26. Je veux que tu répondes à ma question. 27. Il est prudent que nous attendions un peu.

SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, IMPERFECT TENSE. 28. Il serait prudent que j'attendisse. 29. Il serait bien qu'il entendît cela. 30. Je voudrais que vous me répondissiez tout de suite.

Theme 28.

1. I hear you.

PRESENT TENSE. answer (to) my question.

2. Thou dost not 3. He is waiting for an answer.

4. You sell too dear. 5. We lose money on these goods. 6. They do not return us our change.

IMPERFECT TENSE. 7. I was losing my time. 8. He was waiting for the arrival of the steamer. 9. We used to hear the noise of the carriages during the night, when we lived in that street. 10. They did not sell cheap.

PAST DEFINITE TENSE. 11. I returned (to him) his visit the day before my departure. 12. He answered (to) my letter the next day. 13. We lost our goods by shipwreck. 14. They sold their vessel as soon as they arrived.

FUTURE TENSE. 15. I shall wait for you at the bridge. 16. He will lose his cloak by and by. 17. We will answer you presently. 18. They will wait for us.

CONDITIONAL MODE. 19. Why do you not wait for me; I would wait for you. 20. If he were master of his property (bien, m.), he would lose everything (tout ce qu') he has. 21. They would not hear us, if we called them.

IMPERATIVE MODE. 22. Answer (sing.) me immediately. 23. Do not lose patience. 24. Let us wait for our comrades.

SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, PRESENT TENSE. 25. I must sell this boat. 26. He must answer (to) that question. 27. We must wait for him.

SUBJUNCTIVE MODE, IMPERFECT TENSE. 28. It would be well for him to answer (to) our question. 29. I wish that you would wait a little. 30. I wish that thou wouldst give me back my money.

+ By shipwreck, par un naufrage.

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