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1. The tenses of the indicative and conditional modes only are used interrogatively.

The interrogative conjugation is formed by placing the pronoun subject, with a hyphen, after the verb: ai-je? coupez-vous? etc.

The final silent e of the verb is changed into é (acute), when the pronoun subject of the first person is placed after the verb, as: coupé-je? do I cut?

When the verb, in the third person singular ends with a vowel, the letter t, between two hyphens, is placed, for the sake of euphony, before the pronouns il, elle, on, as : a-t-il? coupe-t-elle ? coupera-t-on ?

When the subject of an interrogative sentence is a noun, it is placed before the verb, and a personal pronoun of the same person, gender, and number, is placed after the verb, as:

Charles a-t-il la lettre ?

Louise est-elle en haut ?

Has Charles the letter?
Is Louisa up stairs?

Ces hommes coupent-ils nos Do those men cut our trees? arbres ?

The noun subject is, however, generally placed after the verb in interrogative sentences that begin with an interrogative pronoun, or an adverb, such as: que, comment, où.

Que demandent ces hommes ? Savez-vous où demeure M. Ducrot?

Comment va cette affaire ?

What do those men ask for?

Do you know where Mr. Ducrot lives?

How is that business?



Interrogative sentences are also formed by placing est-ce que before the subject of the verb:

Est-ce que Charles a le journal?

Est-ce que Marie est encore en haut?

Has Charles he journal!

Is Mary still up stairs?

Est-ce que M. Ducrot a vendu Has Mr. Ducrot sold his store? son magasin?

The interrogative form with. est-ce que is always used when the verb, in the first person singular, ends in ge, as: est-ce que je mange? do I eat? not mange-je?

The interrogative form with est-ce que is also used for the first person singular when the verb has only one syllable, as: est-ce que je vends? do I sell? not vends-je ?

Eight verbs, which have only one syllable in the first person singular of the indicative present, may be used interrogatively either way: ai-je? have 1? suis-je ? am I? vais-je ? do I go? puis-je? can I? sais-je? do I know? vois-je? do I see? dois-je? do I owe? and dis-je ? do I say? or est-ce que j'ai? etc.



We have seen that the two words (ne .... pas) that accompany a verb to express negation, are separated by the verb (in compound tenses, by the auxiliary only), as: Je n'ai pas ; je n'ai jamais été ; je n'ai rien dit.

When the verb is in the infinitive, the two negative words are generally placed before the verb; they may, or may not, be separated by a personal pronoun.

Je vous conseille de ne pas le I advise you not to do it
faire, or de ne le pas faire.
Je vous prie de n'en pas parler,
de n'en rien dire.

I beg you not to speak of it, not to
to say anything about it.

Vocabulary 29.

Chercher, to seek; to look for.
Désirer, to desire; to wish for.
Demander, to ask for.
Écouter, to listen to.
Regarder, to look at.
Découper, to carve.
Conseiller (de), to advise.
Servir, to serve; to help to.
Savez-vous? do you know?

Le poulet, the chicken.
Le canard, the duck.
Le dindon, the turkey.
Le jambon, the ham,
Le poisson, the fish.
Le potage, the soup.

La soupe,

En haut, upstairs.

En bas, downstairs.

Exercise 29.

1. Votre sœur est-elle encore en haut? 2. Marie est-elle en bas? 3. Nos amis sont-ils à la campagne ? 4. Charles a-t-il perdu sa grammaire? 5. M. votre père désire-t-il me parler? 6. Va-t-on servir la soupe? 7. Pierre va-t-il découper le poulet? 8. Votre oncle achètera-t-il quelques canards? 9. Nos voisins ont-ils plusieurs beaux dindons i 10. Cette dame nous regarde-t-elle ? 11. Ces matelots écoutent-ils le capitaine, qui leur donne des ordres? 12. Ces hommes nous ont-ils vendu du poisson? 13. Est-ce que

Henri a bien étudié sa leçon? 14. Est-ce qu'il n'a pas eu de fautes dans son thème? 15. Est-ce que le professeur me demande? 16. Est-ce qu'il parle de moi ou de vous? 17. Est-ce que je mange votre potage? 18. Est-ce que je ne vous rends pas ce que vous m'avez prêté? 19. Est-ce que je dis cela ? 20. Que sais-je ? 21. Où suis-je ? 22. Savez

vous où demeure notre professeur de français? 23. Je vous conseille de ne pas le lui dire. 24. Je vous prie de n'en pas parler. 25. J'ai envie de ne pas y aller.

Theme 29.

1. Is mamma up stairs? 2. Is the professor down stairs? 3. Are your books at school? 4. Does your mother wish to see me in the parlor? 5. Is John carving the turkey? 6. Does Mary wish for some soup? 7. Does your aunt ask for some (un peu) of this duck? 8. Have our neighbors a great many chickens? 9. Why do those boys look at us? 10. Do the scholars listen to the teacher? 11. Have I had a good exercise? 12. Has Louisa, seen her aunt? 13. Did the professor ask for anybody? 14. What am I eating; is it fish? 15. What can I help you to? 16. Can I help you to some soup? 17. Do I not sell cheap? 18. Do I do my duty well? 19.§ What do those men ask for? 20. Where does Mr. Ducrot live? 21.‡ How much do I owe you? 22. I beg you not to say anything about it. 23. I advise you not to go there any more. 24. He has told me not to do it.



1. The passive verb is formed by joining the past participle of the active verb to the various forms of the auxiliary verb être, to be, as: aimer, to love; être aimé, to be loved.

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Follow the construction indicated in Sect. 2 of the Lesson.
See last paragraph of Sect. 2, Exceptions.

Follow the construction indicated in last paragraph of Sect, 1.

The past participle agrees, in gender and number, with the subject of the verb.



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