E-mails for the Christian Soul: 102 Messages of Praise, Hope and Revelation

iUniverse, 14 nov. 2002 - 301 pages
E-MAILS FOR THE CHRISTIAN SOUL! "May the Lord continue to bless you and increase your territory. One of my church members has been faithful in sending me your daily devotions for the past few months. I have found the devotions to be very helpful in my own personal walk with the Lord and have shared them with many of my Shipmates here who have been experiencing times of personal difficulty during our extended absence. Again, thank you for doing His work and getting it out to the Fleet."(Lieutenant M.T.)

"I just had to drop you a line and let you know that you really are helping me with my spiritual walk. I'm sitting here, at my desk, in tears right now after reading, Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God. You are such an inspiration and you keep it real at the same time. God bless you and your ministry." (R.W.)

"The message sent on 9/11/01 (Be Still and Know) was truly a word in due season. I noticed the time you sent it -it was before any of the attacks happened! BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD - and yesterday (9-11) this country, believers and unbelievers were still. I thank you for allowing the Lord to use you in this way. Your messages are an inspiration to me. May the Lord continue to bless you!"

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