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We have the same ground of hope with our brethren in England, viz., the promise, power, and faithfulness of God; for unless his mercy break the heart of stone, either in England, India, or Africa, nothing will be done effectually; and he can as easily convert a superstitious Brahmun as an Englishman.

With respect to printing the bible, I fear that is distant enough. As in the forementioned case at Day-hotta, so here, we were perhaps too sanguine; but, though means have hitherto failed, we are as much resolved as ever to give our all to that work. But, for the reasons mentioned by brother Pearce, I think it will be better for at least £100 per annum to be remitted hither by the society, which shall be applied to the purposes of printing the bible and educating the youth; and what we do shall be done as a contribution to the Society.

'I think it very important to send more missionaries hither. We may die soon, and if we have no successors in the work, it will be a lamentable circumstance, and very much retard the spread of the gospel. It is very important to have a succession to hold forth the word of life where the work is begun.

'I am obliged to finish, as the post is going; but must say, that the pleasure afforded by the two missionaries being sent to Africa is very great; and much heightened by the account of the other denominations of christians uniting in a society to send the word of life to the South Seas. Surely God is on his way. If success does not immediately attend


effort, do not be discouraged. God will surely appear, Zion!

and build up

'My kind christian love to all your friends, especially those of my more intimate acquaintance, and all the ministers of the gospel. Best remembrances to Mrs. Fuller. We are well in health, except that my poor wife is in a very distressing state of mind: not maniacal, it is true, but afflicted with the species of insanity described by Dr. Arnold under the name of ideal insanity.

'I conclude.

'Very affectionately yours,


To MR. FUller.

'Mudnabatty, Nov. 16, 1796.


'I have within a few days received your letters, and a P. S. to a letter from our dear brother Pearce. From this irregularity in my receiving your letters, and my other correspondents' also, you will easily account for apparent neglect in answering them. Had I received these communications in proper time, some answers to your former letters, in vindication of ourselves, would have been spared, as I now see that the Society have very effectually done what we thought was reasonable to be done; but some letters from the Society have been first seen by us in Rippon's Register.

'You have heard that Mr. U. has had great losses. I will, depending on your not uttering any thing on

that head, mention some of them, because they are connected with our affairs. The house that failed at Calcutta, happily did not hurt Mr. U.'s credit, but ruined him in his property. It was conducted under the firm of his brother and two others, but Mr. U. was the supporter of it: all their bills were signed by him, and he has had bills returned upon him for payment to the amount of nearly £20,000 sterling, on account of that house. A ship, the reputed property of the house, but really his, and almost wholly laden with his property, of a very rich kind, was taken by the French; and other particulars have occurred which are very calamitous. Previously to this, Mr. U. had begun these two indigo works; and had sent natives to choose the places, who, very unhappily, chose the most improper that could be thought of, owing to their ignorance in agriculture. My place cannot be tenable much longer. Moypal may; but owing to large floods which have destroyed the whole crop almost every successive year, it follows that the whole expense of erecting the works, amounting to about £10,000 sterling, is outstanding without any adequate returns. We have in consequence only our two hundred rupees per month, our commission being nothing worth mentioning. All these circumstances have much reduced dear Mr. U., and he cannot help as formerly.

'Mr. Thomas is a man of great closet piety, and has lately preached much among the natives. I have great hope of some people there, and am not without hope of one here. Mr. T. is very compassionate to

the poor; and in instructing those who are inquiring he is indefatigable: he has excellent aptness for that work, being perhaps one of the most affectionate and close exhorters to genuine godliness, and a close walk with God, that can be thought of. The natives who appear under concern here, are all Mussulmans. I went out one Monday morning, when a poor labouring man, named Sookman, very earnestly desired to know what he must do to be saved.' Two more made the same inquiry, adding, 'We heard you yesterday, when you, having showed the danger we were in of going to hell, inquired 'Whither will you flee from his spirit? whither will you flee from his presence?' We knew we were unacquainted with the way of life, and our peers (canonized saints, long since dead) cannot help us; for if the master be angry, what can the servant do? You have told us of

How shall we be

Jesus Christ, but who is he? saved?' I talked much with them almost every day; but two, whose names were Tuphanee, and Jungloo, soon ceased their inquiries. Sookman still gives me hope, though it is three months since the inquiry began. I wrote this immediately to brother Thomas, who informed me that some were also inquiring at Moypal. When brother Fountain arrived, I went over with him; and I am sure he saw much more. encouragement the first sabbath than we had seen in three years. Three people there are under very hopeful concern indeed; they are all labourers, Mussulmans; their names are Yardee, Doorgottea, and another whose name I have forgotten. There was

another named Assamtulla, and a blind woman; but these do not appear so hopeful to me as the others. Yardee is a man of good natural abilities, and has a great aptness in conveying his ideas, and is a blessing to the rest; the other two have nothing of those fine natural abilities that Yardee appears to have, but the work seems to be solid. I was in hopes of sending you an account of their baptism, but that has not yet taken place. I however expect it soon. There is a stir at Moypal all around the country, and many come to hear the word; I suppose near a hundred. Here it is not so, and poor Sookman stands alone.

'I must now just tell you my thoughts about the mission. Brother Fountain is safely arrived, and gives us pleasure; but our affairs, as a mission, are in a delicate situation. I have written what I think of brother Thomas's affairs. This place I expect must be given up. Mr. U. has not mentioned any thing, but I have written to him all that I think about it. However, the experience obtained here I look upon as the very thing which will tend to support the mission. I now know all the methods of agriculture that are in use. I know the tricks of the natives, and the nature of the lowest rate of housekeeping in this country. Having had a monthly allowance, I have made all experiments on these heads, which could not have been made without ruin, had I not had these resources; and I will now propose to you, what I would recommend to the Society; you will find it similar to what the Moravians do. Seven or eight families can be maintained for nearly the same ex

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