Orientalia, Volume 54Pontificium Institutum Biblicum., 1985 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-3 sur 45
Page 33
... tablet , which duplicate lines 4-27 without adding much of significance to the known text , except for a few signs in the damaged lines 4ff .: C = CBS 15168 ( + ) N 7926 ( + ) N 687616 . A new duplicate which does not add anything new ...
... tablet , which duplicate lines 4-27 without adding much of significance to the known text , except for a few signs in the damaged lines 4ff .: C = CBS 15168 ( + ) N 7926 ( + ) N 687616 . A new duplicate which does not add anything new ...
Page 37
... tablets , I had asked myself whether they might contain the text of broken parts of a tablet . In which case , the scribe would have written a small tablet with , e.g. , the text of an edge or a corner missing on a larger tablet , as a ...
... tablets , I had asked myself whether they might contain the text of broken parts of a tablet . In which case , the scribe would have written a small tablet with , e.g. , the text of an edge or a corner missing on a larger tablet , as a ...
Page 40
... tablet with two columns per side and is very clearly and carefully written . Its first 49 lines give the line begin- nings of an unknown composition . At iii 11ff . and after a blank space , the tablet has the beginnings of lines 1-11 ...
... tablet with two columns per side and is very clearly and carefully written . Its first 49 lines give the line begin- nings of an unknown composition . At iii 11ff . and after a blank space , the tablet has the beginnings of lines 1-11 ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1928 |
Orientalia: commentarii de rebus assyro-babylonicis, arabicis, aegyptiacis Affichage du livre entier - 1920 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
a-na ägyptischen ajoutera Akkad Akkadian Amorite Ancient archéologique avant J.-C Belege bibliographie blocs briques cour D'après d'une Dagan découverte deux Dimensionalinfix Dynastie Eannatum Early East Ebla effectué également Egypt Egyptian Enki Enlil Ergativ ersch être examples first Form fouilles fragments funéraire GÍN Girsu given Hattuša heth hethitischen house hurritischen Inanna incantation inscriptions Iraq Isin Ištar Karnak KBo XXIX Kôm l'étude l'Organisation des Antiquités l'Université Lagaš Larsa läßt later line lugal m/-Präfix Mari mastaba meaning menées mission muß Nagada name nécropole Nippur Nord Old Babylonian ont été Orientalia Ouadi pair period Personalpräfix poterie recherches recueilli relevés rendu compte reportera šá Šamaš secteur Sekel sign Signore Skarabäen sous Studies Šulgi Sumerian sumerischen tablet temple Text tombes travaux twins unserer Ur III Uruk Ventiv Voir XXXV Yoshikawa