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together with their brother, selling their property and following one of these prophets to Reading, where, no doubt, his saintship is living pretty well at their expense. This is another sad proof that no system can be too absurd to have followers.-Bristol Times.

TIME, that great revealer of secrets, completely exposed the folly of the "Old Millerites" in fixing upon March, 1843, as the positive period for the second advent. The New Millerites, commencing another chase after the event, fixed upon March, 1844; then again September, or at latest twenty-third of October, in the same year: but here again old time has confounded those who, " wise above what is written," are leading a giddy multitude into the vortex of absurdity and confusion. Brethren, let us try these, and all other spirits, by the apostolic writings, and we shall soon discover that " many false prophets or teachers are still in the world."-ED.


Newcastle-on-Tyne, November 18, 1844. DEAR BROTHER.-I write, at the request of the disciples meeting in the House-carpenters' Hall, West-gate, Newcastle-on-Tyne, to ask you to favour us with a list of what tracts you may now have in your possession containing the glad tidings, and suited for distribution on the loan system: please inform us of the cost per hundred; for we are a very poor people, and few in number, and fear we could not supply ourselves with a sufficient number of large tracts. We thought that tracts from four to twelve pages, would do, if we could obtain such. We are very wishful to commence this work as soon as possible, you will therefore gratify us much by an immediate answer.

Dear brother, the King's business in these quarters does indeed require haste, and we make ourselves sure of your hearty respond when we inform you of the state of things here. The retailers of atheism and infidelity are but too successful in selling their unhallowed publications; and those are of the most subtle and virulent character; and their



deluded customers can now avow their wicked principles without the slightest vestige of shame; indeed, they really seem to think the servants of Jesus ought to blush for their faith. They have, or had a while ago, a Rational Tract Society." Besides, we have a new strange mongrel brood of professors, gathered together under one Joseph Barker (perhaps you have heard of him), a man on whom many who longed for the restoration of primitive Christianity, looked with much hope. It is but justice to say, he was deservedly admired; but the gold is dimmed-he is changed from what he has spoken and published; he appears to be part Quaker, part Unitarian, part Sceptic, and holds out the promise of stranger things still. He has great influence on the masses of the people here; he studiously accommodates himself to the lower grades of the people, reckoning wisely; he is a man of extensive reading, powerful speech, persuasive manner, very witty, and well skilled in the tactics of debate. His followers are numerous, and very zealous, spreading abroad through all our villages, and filling our town and neighbourhood with their publications. If a man is too poor to buy, so devoted are they, he may either borrow or have them for nothing. Their great fundamental doctrine, placed in the fore-part of all, is, "Jesus is the Christ." This is all that is required as the bond of union: faith in this proposition-a faith that worketh by love. Fair heading for a miserable catalogue. He affirms that water baptism is not an ordinance of the Messiah; that the apostles are not infallible teachers; that the Jewish and Christian Scriptures do not contain a perfect rule of faith and practice, but are only a means to the obtaining of such a rule; that those portions of the Scripture which attest the miraculous conception of our Lord, are spurious; and other items too numerous to mention. I heartily, rather we heartily, wish our beloved brother Campbell, or some other brother, would meet this Goliah, for he has a wonderful relish for defying.

The Romanists too, rejoicing in their pretty painted Babel, which they have lately opened, and swollen with accessions from "high places," are reckoning with great faith on a general triumph, and they are casting abroad their tracts. And amid this great host here we are, certainly a poor, and an afflicted people too. We believe the men to be fearful, and cowardly, and unbelieving too, who will not,

in this untoward generation, come and rally round the Redeemer's standard to the help of the Lord against the mighty.

Your brother in Christ,


DEAR BROTHER-I have neither time nor space for a reply to your important epistle. You desire to know if I have any tracts on hand suitable for circulation; in answer to which I beg to say, No. It has been my desire for some time past to publish a series of these silent, yet, in many instances, efficient messengers; and if the brethren and evangelists would all unite to aid in such a work, it might soon be done. Faith; and the obedience of faith, in opposition to the faith alone system, in the salvation of men, would be suitable topics to print and circulate among the people. The desirableness of such an effort perhaps few will deny, yet how many of the churches and brethren are prepared to come forward with energy and perseverance to promote it?

The course pursued, the sacrifices made, and the spirit of self-denial manifested by Joseph Barker and his friends, are worthy of a better cause than the one they have espoused. I am bold to say, it is not, in my judgment, the cause of God and truth; nor will it stand the scrutiny of that Divine Word by which we are all to be judged at the bar of God. "Every plant which our Heavenly Father hath not planted (by his truth) shall be rooted up."

Mr. Barker affirms that water baptism is not an ordinance of the Messiah! the apostles too are not infallible teachers! Query: Is Joseph Barker infallible? If not, which are we to choose as the sent of God? Mr. Barker, or the inspired apostles of the Lord? Let reason, common sense, and an enlightened conscience decide.

It would be gratifying if brother Reid or brother Greenwell could spend a month or two in the vicinity of Newcastle. It might be the means of saving some from this specious delusion. We are confident the churches would sustain them in the attempt. J. W.


Banbury, November 20th, 1844.

I HAVE the pleasure to inform you that two have been born into the kingdom of Jesus since brother Greenwell's visit amongst us, as the fruit of his labours. Our increase is slow, but we hope sure: none have forsaken the truth through the love of this present evil world. Thanks to him by whose power we are kept. It is a source of unspeakable pleasure, and cause for unfeigned gratitude, that we are all united. "Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." All being united no enemy can invade our camp; no power on earth can injure us. A united, though small society is very powerful, and able to vanquish every foe, though subtle and powerful he be. Union is a great prize, and easily pur

chased, and as easily maintained; a little forbearance constantly following the things that make for peace. How important that every disciple should suppress the first rising of all little matters that would create discord among brethren.

Yours in the gospel of peace,

J. N.

Banff, November 18th, 1844.

You will perhaps have heard that two of us have recently been to Aberdeen, to visit the congregation there. They are doing well, advancing in reformation; engaged with heart and soul in this holy cause, manifesting a zeal and devotion worthy the imitation of all the disciples in every place. After an address had been delivered two persons were baptized in the river Dee on Lord's day morning; we were there. They have three meetings on the first day of the week, besides a school taught by some of the brethren, and a meeting on Tuesday and Thursday evenings; all of which are conducted with the greatest propriety, and in which there is to be seen great attachment to one another, as well as fervent breathings of gratitude to God for his goodness towards them. G. JACK.


Whitesville, Missouri, June, 1844. DEAR BROTHER CAMPBELL.-The church at Consolation has to mourn the loss of another of her brightest ornaments.

I know you will sympathize with us in our bereavement when you learn that the much loved, pious, and intelligent mother in Israel, Rachel N. Johnson, no longer joins the assemblies of the saints on earth. On Lord's day morning, the ninth instant, she fell asleep in Jesus, aged seventy-three years.

In 1820 sister Johnson united with the Baptist church. Such was the superiority of her Christian attainments, the ardour of her zeal, and the consistency of her deportment while with that people, that her praise was in all their churches as a most eminent example of piety and good works.

When, in 1829, reformation was pleaded for in her hearing, she was one of the first to investigate its claims; and with her the decision of one question, namely, "What does the Book teach?" was enough to settle every point. No opinion, however dear; no prejudice, however inveterate, was suffered to stand against its mandates. Nor was she a mere theorist, but was ever prompt to practise what she learned.

Her singleness of devotion and love for the Christian's Lord, for the New Testament as HIS teaching, and to the brotherhood as HIS friends, was extraordinary. Truly, it formed the ruling passion of her soul. I have known her read the New Testament twenty times through in as many months, noting, as she progressed, its "heavenly beauties" in a style of touching eloquence such as sysmatic commentators never attained. Her love for the church was without dissimulation, and so fervent, I verily believe she would have died for the brethren.

W. E. M.

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It is said that every man has his hobby, and so also has every age. A thousand various themes engage the different temperaments of our race, and each has his favourite, to which he pays his private devotions; but whilst the universal thirst for excitement finds its gratification, in part, in innumerable private and sequestered channels, there is still wanted some great outvent by which the social hobby feeling may pass away and dissipate itself. There is a national, an epochal theme of excitement craved by men in masses, and the desire must find a gratification in something of common interest: hence we have hobbies of an age-sometimes one, sometimes more, according to the unity or plurality of pursuit and cultivation of the people. A philosophical history of these great centralizing ideas, about which the thoughts and passions of an age seem to revolve, would doubtless, be the very best clue we could find by which to trace out the at present undefined progress of mind. They stand forth upon the escutcheon of human nature, the bold indices both of its advancement and retrocession.

We must judge of the development of a people by their actions-by all that they do; yet there are in the great operations of nations two great distinguishing classes of

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