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Notes of Lord Stratford de Redcliffe and Baron Prokesch-Osten to Reschid Pacha Opposing Adjournment of the Moldavian Elections. July 18, 1857 1


Leurs Excellences l'ambassadeur d'Angleterre et l'internonce d'Autriche, s'étant rendus au ïali (maison de campagne) de Son Altesse le grand vizir, où se trouvait également le ministre des affaires étrangères, ReschidPacha, saisit cette occasion pour leur exposer ce qui suit:

Les efforts de la Sublime-Porte pour aplanir le différend qui s'est élevé relativement aux élections de Moldavie, étant restés infructueux, et les dépêches télégraphiques parvenues aux ambassadeurs de France et d'Angleterre étant susceptibles d'une interprétation divergente, au sujet de l'entente entre les Gouvernements français et anglais sur l'ajournement à huit jours des élections, ajournement 1 Arch. dip., 1866, pt. 2, p. 64.


Their Excellencies the Ambassador of England and the Internuncio of Austria, having repaired to the ïali (country house) of His Highness the Grand Vizier, where was also Reschid-Pacha, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, seized this occasion to make a statement to them as follows:

The efforts of the Sublime Porte to smooth away the difference which has arisen regarding the Moldavian elections having continued to be unsuccessful, and the telegraphic dispatches reaching the Ambassadors of France and of England being susceptible of different interpretations on the subject of the agreement between the French and English Government as to the eight day adjournment of the elec

qui expire aujourd'hui, la SublimePorte propose un nouveau délai de quinze jours, pour avoir le temps d'obtenir, par le télégraphe, des éclaircis

sements sur cette entente.

tions, an adjournment which expires today, the Sublime Porte suggests a new delay of fifteen days, in order to have the time to obtain by telegraph some enlightenment as to this agree



L'ambassadeur d'Angleterre et l'internonce d'Autriche, tout en rendant justice à la Sublime-Porte pour ses efforts tendant à concilier le différend qui a surgi au sujet des élections de Moldavie, efforts auxquels il a été pleinement répondu de leur part, rappellent les inconvénients qui résulteraient d'un pareil retard, et regrettent que l'on ait refusé le meilleur moyen d'entente à cet égard.

L'ambassadeur d'Angleterre déclare, en son particulier, que le sens des dépêches lui semble suffisamment clair, et qu'il n'en appert nullement que l'idée d'un nouvel ajournement des élections soit dans la contemplation (sic) de son gouvernement. L'internonce d'Autriche partage sur ce point l'opinion de son collègue d'Angleterre. En conséquence, ils ont conclu, l'un et l'autre, que la Porte ne peut pas accorder un nouvel ajournement, sans sortir de la position qui lui est assignée par le principe du traité de Paris, œuvre commune des puissances, et ils ajoutent qu'ils ne reculent devant aucune responsabilité qui rejaillirait pour la Porte de ce refus d'ajournement.

Emirghian, le 18 juillet 1857.



The Ambassador of England and the Internuncio of Austria, while doing justice to the Sublime Porte for its efforts to conciliate the difference which has arisen on the subject of the Moldavian elections, efforts to which there has been full response on their part, recall the inconveniences which would arise from such a delay, and regret that the best means of agreeing on this point have been refused.

The Ambassador of England declares for his part, that the meaning of the dispatches seems sufficiently clear, and that he finds there nothing to show that a new adjournment of the elections is contemplated by his government. The Internuncio of Austria shares on this point the opinion of his colleague of England. Consequently they have both concluded that the Porte can not grant a new adjournment without forsaking the position assigned to it by the principle of the Treaty of Paris, a common work of the Powers, and they add that they do not flinch before any responsibility which might reflect on the Porte from this refusal to adjourn.

Emirghian, July 18, 1857.


Address of the Metropolitan of Moldavia to the European Commission at Bucharest, July 10/22, 1857 1

A la haute Commission européenne à Bucarest.

Je reçois, de la part des membres du clergé, de nombreuses plaintes et réclamations à l'occasion des élections faites dans des conditions qui sont aussi loin de répondre au respect dû à la volonté des grandes Puissances signataires du Traité de Paris qu'aux droits reconnus à toutes les classes de la population de la Moldavie. Ne disposant d'aucun moyen d'y faire droit et les trouvant cependant dignes d'être prises en très sérieuse considération, je crois de mon devoir de les adresser à la haute Commission, en la priant de vouloir bien prendre la défense des droits d'un corps respectable dont les vœux pour le bonheur de la Patrie ne sauraient librement se manifester.

J'ai l'espoir que l'intervention de la haute Commission ne tardera pas d'apporter un souverain remède à un mal qui fait saigner de douleur notre cœur de Moldave et de chef spirituel du pays.

To the High European Commission at Bucharest.

I am in receipt of numerous complaints and claims made by members of the clergy regarding the elections held under conditions which are as far from coinciding with the respect due to the wish of the great Powers signatory to the Treaty of Paris, as they are from the recognized rights of all the classes of the population of Moldavia. Moldavia. Without any means of righting them and finding them nevertheless worthy of being taken under very serious consideration, I believe it to be my duty to forward them to the High Commission, with the request that it will be good enough to undertake the defence of the right of a respectable body whose desires for the welfare of the mother country are prevented free expression.

I entertain the hope that the intervention of the High Commission will not delay in bringing a sovereign remedy to an evil which causes the heart of a Moldavian and of the spiritual head of the country to bleed with


Identic Note of Aali-Ghalib Pacha to the Representatives of France, Prussia, Russia and Sardinia. July 30, 1857 1

J'ai reçu la note que Votre Excellence m'a fait l'honneur de m'adresser


I have received the note which your Excellency has done me the honor to

1 Acte si documente, renascerei Romaniei, vol. 5, 1890, p. 228. 1 Arch. dip., 1866, pt. 2, p. 69.

en date du 28 juillet, pour réclamer l'annulation immédiate et absolue des élections moldaves, et je me suis fait un devoir empressé de soumettre cette note à l'appréciation de S. M. I. le Sultan, mon auguste souverain.

Votre Excellence connaît déjà par la note officielle et responsive que j'ai eu l'honneur de lui adresser, en date du 28 juillet, que la Sublime-Porte, comme puissance cosignataire du Traité de Paris, ne peut pas sortir des limites tracées par ce même traité, et prendre sur elle seule la responsabilité d'une grande mesure aussi peu de sa portée que celle d'annuler les élections. Mais, dans son désir franc et sincère d'exécuter loyalement, pour ce qui le regarde, l'acte du Congrès de Paris et de repousser tout ce qui sera reconnu comme illégal, le gouvernement impérial est d'avis que ce serait à la conférence de Paris d'examiner si les élections moldaves ont été légales ou irrégulières, et de se prononcer à cet égard. Cet avis de la Sublime-Porte est exactement le même que Votre Excellence a maintes fois émis de vive voix, qu'il appartiendra à la conférence de Paris d'examiner et de juger les affaires de cette nature.

Le gouvernement de S. M. I. le Sultan, . . . ne ferait pas d'objections à l'ajournement de la convocation des Divans, jusqu'à ce que la conférence de Paris se soit prononcée à cet égard.

address me under date of July 28, to demand the immediate and absolute annulment of the Moldavian electors, and I hasten to submit this note to the notice of H. I. M. the Sultan, my august sovereign.

Your Excellency is already aware, from the official reply which I have had the honor to address to you under date of July 28, that the Sublime Porte, as a power cosignatory to the Treaty of Paris, can not exceed the limits set by the said treaty and take on itself alone the responsibility of a great measure so little within its authority as that of annulling the elections. But, in frank and sincere desire loyally to execute, in all concerning it, the act of the Congress of Paris, and to repulse all that which will be recognized as illegal, the Imperial Government is of the opinion that it is for the Conference of Paris to examine whether the Moldavian elections have been legal or irregular, and to pronounce on this point. This opinion of the Sublime Porte is exactly the same as that which Your Excellency has many times uttered with great force, that it should belong to the Conference of Paris to examine and to judge as to matters of such a


The Government of H. I. M. the Sultan . would make no objection to the adjournment of the convocation of the Divans, until the Conference of Paris shall have pronounced itself on this subject. . .

Decree of the Caimacam of Wallachia Regarding Registration 1

Ofisul Caimacamului Valahiei, A. Ghica, No. 1,068, din 18 (30) Iulie 1857. Bucuresci.

Noi, Prințul Alecsadru Dimitrie Ghica caimacamul țărei Românesci. Către Departamentul din lăuntru.

Vědênd raportul acelui Departament cu No. 5,623 din 17 Iulie, prin care ni se arată că listele celor în drept de a fi alegători și aleși s'au întocmit și s'aŭ tipărit, spre a putea fi publicate, și că urmează, de-odată cu publicarea și afișarea lor, să se întocmească și comitetele prevěḍute prin art. 5 al înaltului împărătesc firman.

Noi poruncim:

Art. I. Aceste liste electorale se vor publica îndată și se vor afișa în orașele și satele districtului la cari ele privesc, publicându-se treptat și prin "Buletinul oficial."

Art. II. Comitetele însărcinate cu cercetarea reclamațiilor vor începe lucrările lor la 22 Iulie.

Aceste comitete vor fi compuse, în fie-care district, de către membrii şi un supleant al consiliului municipal al orașului de reședință, și de către membrii Tribunalului județului, sub președința administratorului, ast-fel ca complectul fie-cărui comitet să fie de nouě membrii.


Office of the Caimacam of Wallachia, A. Ghica, No. 1,068, July 18/30, 1857.

We, Prince Alexander Dimitrie Ghica, Caimacam of Wallachia. To the Department of the Interior.

In view of the report of this Department, No. 5,623, dated July 17/29, by which it is brought to our notice that the electoral lists have been drawn up and printed, for the purpose of being published, and that, simultaneously with the publication and posting of these lists the committees provided by Article 5 of the imperial Firman should be constituted.

Decree :

Article I. The electoral lists shall be published immediately and posted in the cities and towns of the respective districts. They shall also be made public by means of the "Buletinul oficial."

Article II. The committees entrusted with the examination of complaints shall begin their labors on July 22/August 3.

These Committees shall be composed, in each district, of the members of the municipal council of the chief city and a substitute, as well as of the members of the tribunal of the district, under the presidency of the prefect, in such manner that the complement of each committee shall be nine members.

1 Acte si documente, renascerei Romaniei, vol. 5, p. 308.

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