ISAAC WATTS D. D. Musas colimus severiores Printed For James Brackstone at the Globe in Cornhill MDCCXLII. POEMS, In THREE BOOKS. SACRED I. TO DEVOTION and PIETY. II. TO VIRTUE, HONOUR and FRIENDSHIP. III. To the MEMORY of the DEAD. By I. WATTS, D. D. The EIGHTH EDITION, Si non Uraniê Lyram H MINA BLU MEA ̓Αθάνατον μὲν πρῶτα Θεὸν, νόμῳ ὡς διάκειται, LELA hat PYTHAG. Aur. Car. Printed for JAMES BRACKSTONE, at the Globe 147. g. 322. THE PREFACE. T has been a long Complaint of the virtuous and refined World, that Poesy, whose Original is Divine, should be enslaved to Vice and Profaneness; that an Art inspired from Heaven, should have so far loft the Memory of its Birth-place, as to be engaged in the Interests of Hell. How unhappily is it perverted from its most glorious Design! How bafely has it been driven away from its proper Station in the Temple of God, and abufed to much Dishonour! The Iniquity of Men has constrained it to serve their vilest Purposes, while the Sons of Piety mourn the Sacrilege and the Shame. THE eldest Song which History has brought down to our Ears, was a noble Act of Worship paid to the God of Ifrael, when his Right Hand became glorious in Power; when thy Right Hand, O Lord, dashed in Pieces the Enemy : the Chariots of PHARAOH and his Hosts were caft A 2 |