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Statement of the persons employed by the United States in conducting negotiations since 1789-Continued.

To conclude a claims convention with New Minister residentin New

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To conclude a treaty of amity, commerce,
and navigation with the Kingdom of the
Two Sicilies.

To conclude an extradition treaty with

To conclude with Spain a treaty relative to
commerce, to the debts due citizens of the
United States under the convention of
February 17, 1834, and to claims.

To conclude a treaty of commerce and ex-
tradition with Brazil.

To conclude an extradition treaty with the

To conclude a treaty of commerce with Per-

To conclude a treaty of commercial reci-
procity with Hawaii.

To conclude treaties of commerce with Japan
and Siam.

To conclude a treaty of commerce and navi-
gation with China.

To conclude a treaty of commerce with the
Dominican Republic.

To conclude with Ecuador a treaty relative
to the rights of neutrals.

To conclude a treaty with Portugal "assert-
ing the principle of respect for private
property at sea in time of war as the same
is paid by civilized nations at the present
day on land."

To conclude a treaty relative to Central
America with Great Britain.

Minister resident in the
Kingdom of the Two

Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo
tentiary to Prussia.
Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Spain.

Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Brazil.
Minister resident in the

Minister resident in Tur-

Secretary of State.

Consul-general in Japan.

Commissioner to China.

Commercial agent at
Santo Domingo.
Minister resident in

Minister resident in Por-

Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Great Brit-

[Minister resident at New

Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Great Brit-

Secretary of State.

Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to China.


Robert Dale Owen

Feb. 7,1855

Peter D. Vroom

Feb. 15, 1855

Augustus C. Dodge.

Apr. 19, 1855

William Trousdale.

Apr. 26, 1855

August Belmont

Carroll Spence

Apr. 30, 1855

May 24, 1855

William L. Marcy.

July 16, 1855

Townsend Harris

Sept. 8,1855

Peter Parker

Sept. 25, 1855

Jonathan Elliot

Oct. 5,1855

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S. Doc. 231, pt

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Statement of the persons employed by the United States in conducting negotiations since 1789-Continued.

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To conclude a treaty with Mexico relative
to boundaries, claims, and the right of way
across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
To conclude a treaty concerning friendship,
commerce, and interoceanic communica-
tion with Nicaragua.

To conclude a treaty with Bolivia for her ac-
cession to the treaty of July 10, 1853, for the
free navigation of the rivers Parana and

[blocks in formation]


To conclude a treaty with Paraguay relative Commissioner to Para-
to complaints of the United States against
Paraguay, to commerce, and to claims.
To conclude with Spain a treaty of com-
merce and concerning the cession of the
island of Cuba and its dependencies, in-
cluding the island of Pines.

To conclude a treaty with Mexico relative
to claims, boundaries, and the right of
way across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
To conclude a treaty of commerce and navi-
gation with France.

To negotiate a claims convention with Nica

[blocks in formation]

Envoy extraordinary
and ininister plenipo-
tentiary to Spain.

Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Mexico.
Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to France.
Minister resident in Nic-

Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to France.
Minister resident

Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Peru.
Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Prussia.
Minister resident in the


Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Mexico. Secretary of State.

[blocks in formation]

To conclude a treaty with Hanover for the Envoy extraordinary abolition of the Stade dues.

and minister plenipotentiary to Prussia.

To conclude a claims convention with Peru. Envoy extraordinary

To conclude a postal convention with Costa

To conclude with Great Britain a conven-
tion for the suppression of the African
slave trade.

To conclude an extradition treaty with

To conclude a claims convention with Ecua-

To conclude a treaty of amity and commerce with Haiti.

To conclude a treaty with Belgium for the
capitalization of the Scheldt dues.

To conclude a treaty of friendship, com-
merce, and navigation with Honduras.
To conclude a treaty for the final settle-
ment of the claims of the Hudson Bay and
Puget Sound agricultural companies.
To conclude a claims convention with Co-

To conclude a treaty of commerce and navi-
gation with Italy.

To conclude a treaty of friendship, com-
merce, and navigation with Nicaragua.
To conclude a treaty concerning Cape Spar-
tel light-house with Morocco.

To conclude a claims convention with Vene-

To conclude a treaty of commerce with the
Dominican Republic.

To conclude a treaty for the cession of ter-
ritory [Samana Bay] by the Dominican
Republic to the United States.

To conclude a claims convention with

To conclude a treaty for reciprocal com-
mercial intercourse with Hawaii.

To conclude a treaty for the cession or lease of territory by the Dominican Government to the United States.

To conclude a treaty with Russia for the cession of territory.

1 Similar powers were sent to our representatives at Vienna, Turin. Copenhagen, and Brussels. This seems to be the power under which Corwin concluded a postal and extradition treaty on December 10, 1861.

and minister plenipotentiary to Peru. Minister


Costa Rica.
Secretary of State.


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Statement of the persons employed by the United States in conducting negotiations since 1789--Continued.

R. B. Van Valkenburg
William H. Seward..

George Bancroft

George P. Marsh

Henry S. Sanford.

George F. Seward.

William H. Seward

Henry M. Watts

J. J. Bartlett

E. Joy Morris.

John P. Hall.

Minister resident in Turkey.

Envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipo-
tentiary to Spain.

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