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who is to rule over her. This consequential and tyrannical behaviour will cause thee in future many a spiritual desertion, many a night's lodging alone, many a bitter sigh and silent sob, many weeping hours and blubbered cheeks; for he will rule over thee be as stubborn as thou wilt: he will provoke thee to jealousy till thy flesh will crawl on thy bones; he will pass by thee, and take no notice of thee, but go down to the beds of spices, to the more simple, humble, savory, and unctuous souls: this will break thy proud spirit, and soften thy stout heart, and make thy soul more mild, meek, sympathetic, and tender; which will teach thee to submit to his frowns, and more highly to prize his presence, till thou art willing to put thy mouth in the dust, to obtain a hope in his mercy. That old man of thine will procure thee many a broken bone, and the more he is countenanced, the more will thy conduct be resented; but I spare thee: however at some future period thou wilt remember me, and, instead of saying in thy haste that all men are liars, thou wilt confess that this prophecy is true. Stubbornness and pride call for furnace-work; contention calls for stripes; peevishness calls for desertion; and a hasty spirit for a long and lingering cross: and it is well for such as you and I, that he hath proclaimed his name long-suffering, slow to anger, and abundant in goodness and truth; or else we might justly expect the fate of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. But we are in the rock, in the

secret place of the Most High, and therefore must abide under the shadow of the Almighty. O blessed hiding-place, blessed refuge, blessed covert from the storm and tempest! No sword lays at us here, no arrow enters our reins, no billow rolls. over our heads here; no storm nor hurricane, no snares of fire, brimstone, or an horrible tempest, shall ever be the portion of our cup. The Lord hath shut us in; he covers us with his feathers, under his wings we shall trust, and truth shall be our shield and buckler; the rainbow of the covenant encompasses the head of our faithful and true witness, and our nest is made in the heart of his everlasting love; nor shall height or depth, life or death, things present or things to come, ever separate us from the love of our heavenly Father displayed in the Son of his love. What is all the religion in the world short of this? Only a name to live! A shew, a web, the skin of a sheep. I am glad that my God hath unmasked thee, undeceived thee, uncased thy carnally secure heart; and shewn thee what better preaching can do, and how their work stands when it comes to be tried with fire. Where is all the wood, hay, stubble? What is become of the daubing, and the cry of Peace! Peace! the healing that was applied by them to thy wounds, and the smooth things which they prophesied? Nothing of all this armour was sufficient to repel, or ward off, the curses of a broken law, or the wrath of God. And how do such labourers appear in thine eyes now? As

Satan's best friends, and sinners' worst enemies; the hypocrite's shining light, and the saint's wandering star. But thine eyes see thy teachers: they that sat in darkness shew themselves; and may she ever walk in the light, as he is in the light. Amen.

W. H. S. S.



To the Rev. Mr. JENKINS.


you have known my soul in adversity, I think it is my duty to give you some of the Lord's dealings which have lately passed upon my soul. You know, Sir, that I have been for a long time much distressed about my dubious state. Your preaching has tried me, and stripped me of all my supposed goodness, God knows; but it made me as rebellious as a devil. I got so wearied with my distress that my very life was a burden to me, and yet I was afraid of death. I have at times had such awful views of the tremendous judgments of God, which has sunk me so low, that I concluded I must give up all hope in him, and claim on him. But to say, let him hasten his work, will never do; for he is of one mind, and

who can turn him? O! blessed be God for a faithful preacher, who would not suffer my soul to remain plastered up in a false peace. When you preached from the troubles of Hezekiah, much comfort flowed in; you touched my case, and I found the discourse to be the life of my spirit. I had such joy and peace in believing that I cannot describe; I felt myself so humbled under a sense of my own unworthiness, that I was ashamed even to look up; until I felt a power greater than ever I had felt before, which made me cry out,

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My Lord, and my God." I believe, Sir, that this is some of the wine and oil which you so often treat of; for it rejoiced my heart, and I quite lost all my burden for some time. But, alas! before ever I was aware, I lost all my joy; and never, sure, did my soul mourn after any thing in this world, as after that secret something which I had lost. And this continued until I heard you preach from that mysterious text in Ecclesiastes. As soon as you gave out the words, my mind fled to the dear Redeemer, and you described my feelings in that discourse so clearly, that I had no doubt but the Lord was leading me by his Spirit into all truth. Bless the Lord, O my soul, for his goodness and mercy to me who am so unworthy of it. God is confirming the word of his servant, and I can clearly see, my dear Sir, that you have not laboured in vain.

When the Rev. W. H. preached out of Isaiah xlii. I believe no poor sinner ever had so much

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of his experience turned up as I had. The crosses, roughs, and crooks, were made plain as fast as that man of God delivered his discourse. I received it, and I found it all written on the tables of my heart: and things which I had entirely forgotten were brought afresh to my mind; and my heart said, "Come and see a man that hath told me all that ever I did." I am sure the Lord sent him to confirm his good work upon my soul; for I am sure if he had not the Spirit of God upon him, he could never have searched my heart as he did; and had I not had the Spirit, I should never have had such a light cast upon my state, and upon the way that I have come. I heard as though there were no other person to hear; and I thought within myself, so we go on, from heart to heart. O, my dear Sir, this is sweet work! for, indeed, I found such enlargement of soul as I cannot express. I thought I was fixed firm on the Rock; surely, said I, there will be no more doubting on my mind about my state. I seemed to have nothing to do but to bless and praise God for his wonderful love to such a poor sinner, who had formerly boasted of great things, and yet knew nothing of the way of salvation in the experience and power of it, only by the letter of scripture. Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me bless his holy name! Being rather infirm, I am much troubled to write; but having a desire to acquaint you of the Lord's goodness to me, I presume, being fully persuaded

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