THE WORKS OF THE Moft Reverend Father in GOD, Sir WILLIAM DAWES, Bart Late Lord Archbishop of YORK, Primate of England and Metropolitan. Containing all that were publifh'd by His GRACE Himself V O L. III. and Laft. To which is added, A SERMON at the CONSECRATION of William, Lord Bishop of Chefter; by the Rev. Mr. WILLIAM MILNER, Chaplain to his Lordship, Likewife A SUPPLEMENT TO THE DUTIES of the CLOSET: Confifting of a Regular Course of DEvoTIONS, both stated and occafional; collected and revis'd by the Rev. Mr. STACK HOUSE. LONDON: Printed for J. WILFORD, near St. Paul's. MDCCXXXII. CONTENTS THIRD VOLUME. THE HE Duties of the Closet, being The Great Duty of Communicating ex- plain'd and enforc'd; the Objections a- gainst it anfwer'd, and the necessary Preparation for it flated; with De- |