This is the name wherewith she shall be called, The Lord our righteousness....Jer. xxxiii. 16. BEFORE days began or years were numbered, in the book of God's election were all the members of Jesus written, "which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them.”.......... Psalm cxxxix. 16. God's electing love would have remained an eternal secret to us had not the Spirit of truth made it known. But as it is revealed in the word, it is an object of our faith; and it ever will be the subject of glorying and triumph to those who possess the faith of God's elect; for faith is a blessed evidence, that "God hath chosen them in Christ before the foundation of the world."....Eph.i. 4. Was the man Jesus, God the Father's "elect, in whom his soul delighteth?"....Isa. xlii. 1. So are all his members; loved with the same love as the head. God gave not the Spirit by measure unto Jesus, the glorified head of the church; but every member receives the Spirit through Jesus, "according to the measure of the gift of Christ."....Eph. iv. 7. Unspeakably glorious, distinguishing grace! This is the rejoicing of simple-hearted, believing souls: they are beloved and chosen by God the Father, and partake of the same Spirit with Jesus: yea, and are also called by the same name with Jesus. Is Christ called "THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS?"....Jer. xxiii. 6. So the church, the Lamb's wife, being married in faith and love, she is called by the very same name with her Lord and husband, THE LORD OUR But some render the words, 'He that shall call her, to be a peculiar people to himself, is the Lord our righteousness. Then he clothes them with the glorious robe of his own righteousness. Then his name is called upon them, for they are one with Jesus. RIGHTEOUSNESS. Angels wonder, saints admire. O ye righteous, how astonishing is this! Ye, who by nature are children of wrath! ye, who by practice -have been rebels and transgressors from the womb! yet exalted by Jesus to such an high and glorious state. Amazing love! ye can never, never enough dwell upon the Father's love, the Son's grace, and the Spirit's vocation. Glorious days of gospel light and love! While others are left wretched in nature's pride, free-will boast, and self-righteous glorying, ye not only may, but SHALL be saved by freegrace SHALL dwell safely; for God your Father's justice is satisfied, his law is fulfilled, your enemies are all conquered, God is at peace with you: What then can harm you? for "as the moun tains are round about Jerusalem, so Jehovah is round about his people, from henceforth even for ever."....Psalm exxv. 2. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward....2 John, v. 8. THE salvation of God's people is certain, by his immutable love. Their safety depends on his almighty power; their confidence and glorying is in the finished work of Jesus; and their comforts are enjoyed from the Spirit's testimony of the Saviour to their hearts; as having loved, redeemed, and saved them as lost, guilty, and perishing sinners. The clearer views we have of this truth, so much the more do we cleave to Jesus. As our faith increases our comforts are strengthened; and this is the evidence of a gracious heart; the comforts of love ever excite to care and circumspection in life and practice. A glimpse of Jesus begets longing after more comfortable enjoyment of him: so also a holy jealousy of soul, lest what is gained should be lost in sense and enjoyment. While surrounded by false teachers, exposed to unscriptural doctrines, beset by a subtle adversary, and so nearly allied to corrupt lusts and carnal reasonings, we are ever in danger of losing sight of free-grace truths, gospellove, and the finished salvation of Jesus, so as to be moved away from the hope of the gospel, and to make shipwreck of faith and a good conscience. Gospel truths and gospel grace give spring to action, life to obedience, are the sources of encouragement to persevere in the path of truth and holiness. What thanks are due to the loving Spirit for this wholesome advice! How much concerned should we be daily to improve it! Look to yourselves, see your danger, your vileness, your weakness; look up to Jesus for safety and strength. Blessed be the God we serve, he is not unrighteous to forget our works of faith, patience of hope, and labour of love. We enjoy his reward in our work, though not for our work, No: let Jesus have all that glory. Still the more work, the more sufferings for his sake, so much the more reward; of just debt to him, of righteous grace to us. O how apt are we to pine and grieve at the loss of a little shining dust! O should not the loss of light, liberty, love, peace and joy in Jesus, infinitely more affect us! Would we avoid sorrowful complaints of loss? Are we solicitous to rejoice in present gain, and in hope of a future full reward? "Therefore, my brethren, be sedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; forasmuch as ye know your labour is not in vain in the Lord."....1 Cor. xv. 58. Songs of immortal praise belong To my almighty God; He has my heart and he my tongue, To fear thy pow'r, to trust thy grace, And he's the wisest of our race That best obeys thy will, Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts....Jer. xv. 16. THAT is a sweet petition in the service of the church of England; Grant, O Lord, that we may not only hear, read, mark, and learn, but inwardly digest the holy scriptures.' As soon as the Lord hath fulfilled this prayer upon any poor sinner, then Jesus is the hope of his soul; he esteems the scriptures as his daily food, the doctrines of grace are the joy and rejoicing of his heart; and he will love and attend such prophets of the Lord, who have also "found God's words and have eat them." 66 Glory to our loving shepherd, he finds his sheep scattered and starving upon the barren mountains, he leads them to green pastures of gospel-grace and love: there they feed and lie down beside the still waters of peace and salvation. And this heightens every comfort, and improves every joy, even an inward testimony: "I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts." How happy, when minister or disciple is able, in simplicity and godly sincerity to make this appeal, "Thou hast called me." Thou, Jehovah, who rulest over the armies of angels and arch-angels, and all the heavenly host, thou hast condescended to make known thy name, thy grace, thy salvation to me, even wretched me. I hear thy voice, I know thy voice; I feel desires after thee; my heart thinks of thee with pleasure and delight; I find an hungering and thirsting within me, which nothing but thy blessed self can satisfy; I am grieved when I offend thee; only happy when thy love and presence are enjoyed, and am concerned that I enjoy them no more. This is heaven below. Feeding upon the word of truth increases desires after Jesus, the object of faith. So also the soul becomes dead to the life of sense, the intrusions of sin, the allurements of the world, and the baits of Satan. Happy those in whom the word of Christ dwells richly in all wisdom. Happy those in whom Christ dwells in their hearts by faith. O soul, hast thou an appetite to eat thy Bible, to feed upon it, to digest it? Is it "health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones?" O then thou art blessed with the most exquisitely delicate taste. A poor sailor was lately cast away, lost his all, was almost naked. The first half crown he got he enquired where to make a purchase....of what think you? O what was dearest Blessed evidence of a christian. to his heart....a BIBLE. The volume of thy Father's grace Doth all my griefs assuage, Here I behold my Saviour's face Almost in ev'ry page. O may thy counsels, mighty God, That leads to thy right hand. Te are Christ's, and Christ is God's....1 Cor. iii. 23. St. PAUL ransacks heaven and earth, time and eternity, to make up the christian's rich catalogue of mercies. But, as though the utmost stretch of thought, of men or angels, might omit some part of the believer's treasure; and lest any thing should be found wanting for support and comfort to any needy soul, he twice repeats "ALL THINGS ARE YOURS." Believer, wouldst thou know thy title? Wouldst thou enquire, Whence is it the Lord should consign such innumerable blessings, such infinitely rich mercies to us? Whereas one thing we know, we feel daily we are sinners to this very hour. And will not this prevent the right to possession, and the freedom of enjoyment? No; justice and wisdom conspire to take away this and every objection. The medium of communication is such, that neither reason, law, nor equity can gainsay. Dwell on this point; look up to the Spirit of truth, to establish Faith, strengthen hope, increase love, and promote joy. "Ye are Christ's," by special gift; his dear purchase, and his precious reward. We have all in him by rich love, peculiar grace, free gift, and precious promises. Precious faith is the blessed evidence of interest and propriety in this blessed inventory. But how came faith? From hearing the word of God. From whom came the word? By the Spirit of truth, who also gives faith. Why is the Spirit given? Because Jesus is glorified. Wherefore came Jesus to seek and save the lost? The Father loved us, and gave his Son for us. Why did the Father love us? It was "the good pleasure of his will, according to which he chose us, in Christ Jesus, before the foundation of the world; predestinated us to the adoption of children, and blessed us with all spiritual blessings in him."....Eph. i. 3, 4, 5. Hence, O believer, how clear thy title! how certain thy possession! "Christ is God's," God's beloved Son; so art thou in him, Christ is God's gift for thee, God's gift to thee, and thou to him. Thou enjoyest all in him, and receivest all from him. Canst thou ever want food for faith, a source of love, a fountain of holiness, or a spring of consolation? What have we done, or what could we do to get an interest in Christ, or procure a right to such heavenly treasures? Verily we have done enough to forfeit, but nothing to deserve them. Know this and be humbled; consider this and be joyful in love: "All things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ."....2 Cor. v. 18. I claim my title in my Head, Faith is my evidence, How blessed is my present state? All things are mine, for I am Christ's, Christ is my life....death is my gain; Howe'er oppos'd by sense. VOL. I. I soon shall reign on high. M M. Thy Maker is thine husband....Isa. liv. 5. ALL marriages are, or ought to be, founded in mutual love between the contracting parties. This is the chief ingredient to produce happiness in the conjugal state. Where this is wanting, true comfort is not enjoyed. When a person of noble birth and great fortune marries a woman poor in circumstances, and involved in debt, we justly conclude he chose her out of pure love and affection to her person: and surely such an one is under the most endearing obligations to love and chastity. She can never call to mind her former indigent state and her present affluent circumstances, but it must tend to inflame her with the most ardent affection to her husband. This is somewhat the case between Christ and his church. Pure love in the heart of the heavenly bridegroom caused him to betroth his church unto himself, in loving kindness. Though she was in the most abject state and despicable condition, yet he secretly loved her person from eternity, and openly espouses every member in time of conversion, one by one. So saith St. Paul, "I have espoused you to one husband, Christ."....2 Cor. xi. 2. Canst thou, O believer, call to mind thy natural state of poverty and distress; over head and ears in debt; writs issued from the law, which justice might have executed; liable every moment to be cast into prison, where thou must have lain everlastingly with nothing but rags, filthy rags, to hide thy shame and cover thy nakedness? Canst thou think of this without humility? And dost thou now see the kindness and love of thine husband? Has he paid all thy debts, cancelled every bond, put in a plea against every accusation, and perfectly fulfilled the holy law, and satisfied divine justice? Art thou "blessed with all spiritual blessings" in thine husband....enriched with heavenly treasures? Hath he "clothed thee with the garments of salvation," and adorned thee with " the robe of his righteousness?" and doth God thy Father say of thee, "Thou art all fair, my love; I see no spot in thee?"....Cant. iv. 7. O what purity of affection! what ardency of love! what chastity of behaviour is due to such a lover, to such an husband! Christ took thee at first "for better, for worse;" his love to thee is ever the same, affectionate and constant: full of complacency and delight: sympathizing with thy troubles; ever nourishing and cherishing thee here. Shortly the Lamb will in the most open and public manner appear as the bridegroom of his church, and celebrate the marriage in a blissful eternity. O then it shall be said, "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready."....Rev. xix. 7. |