Ellis. 3.8.16. Aymer. 3.804.16.193. Murray 3.8.16. 220. 230.443. Pendragon. 3. 8.13. 324. Bmc Medley: Joyeuse Dravell. 3.16. Heaviside. 3.16 9.227.18 443.447. Henry Nelson Coleridge was also tributor: but not. a con under what name I knor Vyogan foryoure secues to have also been a signa time of Mr. Praeds, The paper on p. 336 (by John Jell) is signed La Belle Fryamour is freublished in de volume of poems by the Rev. ll. Moultrie. pocins Dr. Maginn, in article upon Thomas Babington Macaulay in Tracer Magazine, June, 1880, (en The Fraserian Papers, p. 118) easyp: "He does not "Iseem to be densible that his powers have been diminichi 4 4 real Value and us friend or le adview has been wear to accumayer that, for originality, point, igor, and 220= ! escinded-way, nothing has, unthin Give him him "wise, nothing has "Lunded degrees, approximated to to-what he wrote as a literary freshman on right telly Magazin" 1 1 |