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a. Mare Hyperboreum .

6. Paludes Hyperborea

c. Sinus Hyperboreus

d. Mare Eoum

c. Mare Medi

F. Pontus Euxinus

9. Palus Mestis

h. Mare Calpium

i. Mare Adriaticu k. Propontis




L. Regio Hy

perborea. m Sarmatia.

n. Laurica Cherfonclus

o. Italia. p. Mælia

g. Asia Minor. r. Colchis

3. Sicilia t. Pelepoñesus u. Scythia

w. Persia.x. Arabia

4. Palestina. z Egyptus 8.L 8. Libya. a. Inf. Cercinna.

1. Mons Sinai. 2. M. Taurus. 3 M. Sepher. 4. MÆtna. 5. M. Apenninus. 6. M. Olympud

This Scheme is the Face of the Moon as it appears through a Telef cope atthe Full, and as described by Hevelius; the Dark Parts are the Sea; the Bright Parts Land, and the long white Streaks, the Illuminated top of Ridges of High Mountains.

to our

The Spots here Described are for the main the same that are continually expos'd to on Account of the exact adjustment of the Moons Diurnal and Menstrual Revolutions, whereby almost the very sames Face is continually turned towards our Earth.

I say nothing of the Librations difcoverd in its Morions by Heveli us, which make the Parts sometimes hidden to appear to us and thereby afford ils Bordering Inhabitants (if such therebe) the glori - ous view of our Earth, which the more remote Ones can never en = - joy without Traveling agreat way forso uncomon a Prospect.

That the Moon has an Atmosphere about it we have lately difcovered, but that Atmosphere being very thin and Eclipses of the Sun, it was not nece bary to

only visible in in Total reprefentit here. I. Senex fculp

Principles of Religion,

In NINE Parts :

I. Lemmata; or the known Laws of Matter and Motion. II. A particular Account of the System of the Universe, III. The Truth of that System briefly Demonstrated. IV. Certain Obfervations drawn from that System. V. Probable Conjectures of the Nature and Uses of the several Celestial Bodies contained in the same System. VI. Important Principles of NATURAL RELIGION Demonstrated from the foregoing Observations. VII. Important Principles of DIVINE REVELATION Confirm'd from the foregoing Conjectures.

VIII. Such Inferences shewn to be the common Voice of Nature and Reason, from the Teftimonies of the most confiderable Persons in all Ages.

IX. A Recapitulation of the Whole: With a Large and Serious Address to all, especially to the Scepticks and Unbelievers of our Age.

Together with


Of the Temper of Mind necessary for the Discovery of Divine Truth; and of the Degree of Evidence that ought to be expected in Divine Matters.

By WILLIAM WHISTΟ Ν, Μ. Α. Sometime Professor of the Mathematicks in the University of CAMBRIDGE.

LONDON: Printed for J. SENEX at the Globe in SalisburyCourt, and W. TAYLOR at the Ship in Pater-nofter-Row, 1717.

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To the Illustrious

Sir Isaac Newton,


And to the rest of the

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