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" I knew by what you said and writ, How dang'rous Things were Men of Wit, You caution'd me against their Charms, 6ao But never gave me equal Arms : Your Lessons found the weakest Part, Aim'd at the Head, but reach'd the Heart. "
Cadenus and Vanessa: A Poem : to which is Added a True and Faithful ... - Page 27
de Jonathan Swift - 1726 - 31 pages
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The Works of J. S., Volume 2

Jonathan Swift - 1735 - 502 pages
...Aftions with yoiir Rules agree; That I can vulgar Forms defpife, And have no Secrets to difguife : I knew by what you faid and writ, How dang'rous Things were Men of Wit ; You caurion'd me againft their Charms, But never gave me equal Arms : Your Leflons found the weakeft Part,...
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Miscellanies. In Four Volumes, Volume 4

Jonathan Swift - 1742 - 312 pages
...My Aftions with your Rules agree, That I can vulgar Forms defpife, And have no Secrets to difgufe. I knew by what you faid and writ, How dang'rous Things were Men -of Wit; You caution'd me again ft their Charms, But never gave me equal Arms; Your Leflbns found the weakeft Part, Aim'd at...
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The works of Jonathan Swift, Volume 2

Jonathan Swift - 1744 - 416 pages
...That 64 POEMS on federal OCCASIONS. That I can vulgar Forms defpife, And have no Secrets to difguife : I knew by what you faid and writ, How dang'rous Things...their Charms, But never gave me equal Arms : Your Leflbns found the weakeft Part, Aim'd at the Head, and reach'd the Heart. CADENUS felt within him rife...
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The Works of D. Jonathan Swift: In Nine Volumes, Volume 2

Jonathan Swift - 1752 - 414 pages
...actions, with your rules agree, That I can vulgar forms defpife, And have no fecretffto difguife ; I knew by what you faid and writ, How dang'rous things...their charms, But never gave me equal arms : Your Icflbns found the weakeft part, Aim'd at the head, and reach'd the heart. CAD.ETfUS felt within him...
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The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, Volume 6

Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1754 - 352 pages
...actions with your rules agree ; That I can vulgar forms defpife, And have no fecrets to di(guiJ(e. I knew, by what you faid and writ, How dang'rous things...their charms, But never gave me equal arms ; Your leflbns found the weakeft part, Aim'd at the head, but reach'd the heart. * Vtmeffa^ confcious that...
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The Works of Jonathan Swift: Accurately Revised in Twelve Volumes ..., Volume 6

Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1754 - 336 pages
...My actions with your rules agree ; That I can vulgar forms defpife. And have no fecrets to difguife. I knew, by what you faid and writ, How dang'rous things were men of wit ; You cautidn'd me againft their charms, But never gave me equal arms; "*"> Your leffons found the weakeft...
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The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift ...

Jonathan Swift - 1757 - 444 pages
...Swift, CAD EN US AND VANESSA. 37 That I can vulgar forms defpife, And have no fecrets to difguife. I knew, by what you faid and writ, How dang'rous of wit ; You caution'd me againft their charms, 620 But never gave me equal arms; Your leffons found the weakeft part, Aim'd at the head, but reach...
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The Beauties of English Poesy, Volume 2

Oliver Goldsmith - 1767 - 274 pages
...aftions with your rules agree ; That I can vulgar forms defpife, And have. no fecrets to difguife. I knew, by what you faid and writ, How dang'rous things were men of wit 5 You cautioned me againft their charms, But never gave me equal arms ; Your leflbns found the weakeft...
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The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin ...

Jonathan Swift - 1768 - 340 pages
...My actions with your rules agree ; That I can vulgar forms defpife, And have no fecrets to difguife. I knew, by what you faid and writ, How dang'rous things...againft their charms, But never gave me equal arms; Your leffons found the weakeft part, Aim'd at the head, but reach'd the heart. * Vanefla, confcious that...
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The Life of the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Swift ...

Thomas Sheridan - 1787 - 524 pages
...vulgar forms defpife, And have no fecrets to difguife, I knew, by what you faid and writ, What dangerous things were men of wit; You caution'd me againft their charms, But never gave me equal arms ; Your lefibns found the weakeft part, AimM at the head, and reach'd the heart. Now in thefe lines, according...
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