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" Tis an old Maxim in the Schools, That Vanity's the Food of Fools ; Yet now and then your Men of Wit 760 Will condescend to take a Bit. "
Cadenus and Vanessa: A Poem : to which is Added a True and Faithful ... - Page 32
de Jonathan Swift - 1726 - 31 pages
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The Works of J. S., Volume 2

Jonathan Swift - 1735 - 502 pages
...Merit wrought : ,'Tis Merit muft with her prevail, He never knew her Judgment fail : She noted all fhe ever read, And had a moft difcerning Head, 'Tis an old Maxim in the Schools, That Flattery's the Food of Fools ; Yet now and then your Men of Wit Will condefcend to take a Bit. go when...
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Miscellanies. In Four Volumes, Volume 4

Jonathan Swift - 1742 - 312 pages
...her prevail, He never knew her Judgment fail. She noted all fhe ever read, And had a moft difeerning Head. 'Tis an old Maxim in the Schools, That Vanity's the Food of Fools; Yet now and then your Men of Wit Will condefeend to take a Bit. So when Cadenus cou'd not hide, He...
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The Works of Jonathan Swift: Accurately Revised in Twelve Volumes ..., Volume 6

Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1754 - 336 pages
...merit wrought ! *Tis merit muft with her prevail:. He never knew her judgment fail. She noted all fhe ever read, And had a moft difcerning head. 'Tis an old maxim in the fchools, . '-• That vanity's the food of fools : Yet now and then your men of wit Will condefcend...
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The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin ...

Jonathan Swift - 1768 - 340 pages
...merit wrought ! 'Tis merit muft with her prevail : He never knew her judgment fail. She noted all 'fhe ever read, And had a moft difcerning head. 'Tis an old maxim in the fchools, That vanity's the food of fools : Yet now and then your men of wit Will condefcend to take...
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The Works of the English Poets: Swift

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 384 pages
...! 'Tis merit mufr. with her prevail ! •lle never knew her judgement fail ! 755 She noted all flie ever read ! And had a moft difcerning head ! 'Tis an old maxim in the fchools, That flattery 's the food of fools ; Yet now and then your men of wit 760 Will condefcend...
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The Works of the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Swift ...

Jonathan Swift - 1784 - 468 pages
...wrought ! 'Tis merit muft with her prevail ! He never knew her judgment fail ! 755 She noted all fhe ever read ! And had a moft difcerning head ! 'Tis an old maxim in the fchools, That flattery's the food of fools ; Yet now and then your men of wit 760 Will condefcend to...
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The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin ..., Volume 8

Jonathan Swift, John Hawkesworth - 1784 - 422 pages
...merit wrought ! Tis merit muft with her prevail; He never knew her judgment fail. 755 She noted all fhe ever read, And had a moft difcerning head. Tis an old maxim in the fchools, That vanity's the food of fools ; ' Yet now and then your men of wit 760 Will condefcend to...
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The Life of the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Swift ...

Thomas Sheridan - 1787 - 524 pages
...merit wrought ; 'Tis merit muft with her prevail, He never knew her judgment fail ; She noted all fhe ever read, And had a moft difcerning head. 'Tis an old maxim in the fchools, That flattery's the food of fools : Yet, now and then, your men of wit Will condefcend to...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 42

English poets - 1790 - 336 pages
...wonder by his merit wrought ! 'Tis merit muft with her prevail ! He never knew her judgement fail ! 75j She noted all me ever read ! And had a moft difcerning head ! 'Tis an old maxim in the fchools, That flattery 's the food of fools ; Yet now and then your men of wit 760 Will condefcend...
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An essay on the art of ingeniously tormenting [by J. Collier].

Jane Collier - 1804 - 262 pages
...People; being an Appendage to the foregoing Chapter. SAYS Dean Swift, in his poem of Cadenus and Vanessa, Tis an old maxim in the schools, That vanity's the food of fools : Yet, now-and-then, your men of wit ^\. Will condescend to take a bit. And may we not, with some propriety,...
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