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bâtir, to build; faisait bâtir, was causing to build—was building les dedans, the inside, the interior d'avis, of opinion

Plût, imperf. subj. of plaire;

Plût au ciel, would to heaven avait raison, was right

qui s'y repose, who trusts to it



éloignée, remote, distant rejoindre, to meet

grand, tall, great; un grand [pauvre, a tall beggar glapissante, adj., squeaking il vint à passer, there happened to sec, dry, thin [be passing en état, fit, capable métier, trade; pourquoi faire un si vil métier ? why do you carry on so degrading or so mean a trade

dix mille livres de rente, ten [thousand a-year

mendier, to beg hotte, a sort of basket used by peasants in France, for carrying things in, on their back panier, basket. chiffons, rags fabricants, manufacturers

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berger, shepherd.

peu près, nearly

était parti, had left; parti, part. past. of partir, to start, to set out, to leave

marmiton, scullion. but, aim, object Te voilà, here thou art cuisine, cooking; apprendre la

cuisine, to learn the art of cooking mourir de faim, to starve Je crois bien, I should think so-I [do indeed

il ne tiendrait qu'à moi, it rests

with me-I could if I choose nous entendre, to understand each [other-to manage ménage, housekeeping, household; nous ferons bon ménage, we shall live very well together ça va, (familiar) that suits me-I vu que, seeing that-as

grimper, to climb

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tarderait-er, to delay, to be long

débris, remains. gages, wages fournissait-ir, to supply crayonner ses esquisses, to make [his sketches se mit, set about (see page 159— [se mettre

charbon, charcoal

charbonner, to chalk, to daub

parvint-venir, to succeed

piécette (a diminutive of pièce) small piece or coin

la pointe du jour, day-break paysages, landscapes furtivement, by stealth dérober, to conceal, to hide étroit-e, adj., narrow, small valait-oir, to be worth; lui valait, [procured him

étages supérieurs, upper stories le fit appeler, sent for him sut-savoir-to know barbouillages (not harbouillages)

[daubs il se crut perdu, he thought himself, lost-he thought it was all over with him

qui se doutait peu, who little sus[pected, little thought rentré-er, to re-enter, to return

This verb is almost invariably used to express coming or going home, also to return (home), and come back (home). Ex:

Je rentre tard, I go or come home late Il était rentré, he had come home Elle rentrera bientot, she will soon be [back Nous allons rentrer, we shall go home [now are they come back Sont-ils rentrés, have they returned qui s'intéressait vivement, who [took a lively interest



J'entends, I mean minaudant-er, primming

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glacé, chilled

sein, breast, bosom.
s'étonne, wonders
béni-bénir, to bless
là-haut, above, i. e. in heaven
arrosé, bathed. sueur, sweat
exige-er, to require, to expect
pas,+ steps (labour)
suit-suivre, to follow
à la fois, at once

de linceul, (not da,) shroud
bêche, spade

égalise-er, to make even, to level foule-er, to tread, to trample on amas, a heap. poussière, dust

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L'ARABE ET SON CHEVAL. dressent-er, to train, to break à force de, by dint of errer, to wander paissant-paître-to graze blesser, to hurt

parvenus-venir, to succeed attendrissement, emotion rapporte-er, to relate, to state Jument, a mare

de son chef, of his own accord mande-er, to send for. natte, mat met pied à terre, alighted reviens-venir, to return, to come back mignonne, darling

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contre-temps, disappointment réduite, compelled. fléau, scourge meublée, furnished, stored comment s'y prendre, how to set rêvé-rêver-to consider [about it Il fit remplir d'eau, he caused to [be filled with water

déborder, to overflow du reste, however

[so well fait si bien, managed, or contrived battit des mains, clapped (with [their hands)

devaient-devoir-(to owe,) were ; devaient s'inscrire, were to write down their names

il ne lui restait plus qu', there now [remained for him to do, but remercîment, thanks. zéro, nought Ils n'en vaudront, they will be [worth



Le soc, the ploughshare charrue, plough. rouille, rust terne, tarnished, 'dull éclat, brightness



vous avez bien sujet, you have



frissonner, to shudder, to tremble faire mon droit, to study for the bar ami de l'étude, fond of study suivre, to attend, to follow prodiguaient-er, to lavish, to bestow venait d'éclater, had just broke out ruisselait-er, to flow

réduit-re, to compel

feuilleter, to turn over the leaves; réduit à feuilleter, obliged, compelled to read, to study

mes paisibles pénates, my peaceful l'échafaud, the scaffold [home dressé-er, to erect

Hotel de Ville, the town Hall arrêt, decree. pourraient, might vêtue-ir, to clothe. au bas, at the foot échelle, ladder. collier, necklace en faisait ressortir la blancheur, [set off the brilliant whiteness muet, dumb, silent. morne, sullen autel, altar

m'efforçai-er, to endeavour douces paroles, kind, gentle words faire, to ask (see page 162asile, asylum, home [LXXIII.)

écarts, rambles. sort, fate

Qui-que vous soyez, whoever, or [whosoever you may be

partons-partir-let us go

roitelet, a wren

[cause indeed

fardeau, burden

réduit, lodging

fait rider, wrinkles, ruffles

cependant, for pendant, whilst encor, for encore, yet, whereas

si vous naissiez-naître-if you [were born, if you grew Part-partir-to start, to proceed je plie-er, to bend

enfumés, smoky.

membres, limbs

établis-ir, to sit, to place

breuvage bienfaisant, some com[forting beverage or drink

renversée-er, to fall

en arrière, backwards

qu'elle s'était trouvée mal, that

[she had fainted

romps-re, to break

jusqu'ici, hitherto

Jusque-là, till then

[stood up

tient bon, held fast, resisted,

déracine-er, to root up or out

pouls, pulse. Eperdu, dismayed hors de moi, beside myself, dis[tracted

envisage-er, to view, to look

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paupière, eyelid

déchirent-er, to rend

A bien assez, has quite enough sut-savoir-to know-to succeed naïf, candid, artless

Qu'à ton réveil, let, or may at thy [awaking séjour, abode; dans quelque séjour, wherever retraces-er, to picture, to recal doux, soft, sweet, pleasing, winning volage, fickle. traits, features sanglots, sobs, tears. Que, may, let qui se plaise, who take pleasure chagrins, sorrows, griefs se doivent, owe to each other



enfance, childhood, infancy Prodiguant-er, to lavish, to bestow devient-venir, to become

encore chancelans, yet uncertain semant-er, to strew


SABAN ET L'ESCLAVE ALGÉRIEN. marinier, mariner, sailor, seaman marin, sailor

marché, market-place compatriote-s, countrymen très-modique, moderate, small pêcheur, fisherman

à-peu-près, about. écus,t crowns un tel, such a one renverrai-voyer, to send back corsaire, corsair, pirate faire voile, to sail, to set sail canton, county, neighbourhood

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tiers, thirds. livres, pounds weight se rendit, repaired, went Patron, master. quittance, receipt gain, profit, produce

espérance, hope, expectation j'aurais honte, should feel ashamed seigneurie, lordship. éloge, praise jusqu'au fond de l'âme, to his very vivres, provisions



blason, blazon


demeure, abode, dwelling terrestre, terrestrial, earthly se nivelle-ler, is levelled faux, scythe. se repent-tir, to repent s'abrite-er, to take shelter. que, how sveltes, slender. ramage, warbling Ecarte-er, to remove, to part lis-lire-to read pleurer, to mourn for A genoux, kneel down


guenon, she monkey cueillit-ir, to pick coque, shell. verte, green certe, or certes, for certainement, [certainly, decidedly mentit-ir, to lie, to tell an untruth trompent-er, to deceive, to cheat jette, jeter, to throw, to cast away

Observation-Verbs ending in ter in the infinitive, require two t's

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