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thanks for so valuable a proof of bis among all conditions of men, but one attention for nie.

voice is heard: all breathe one apo “ In the last place, if you think plauding sentiment; all bless the graproper, and an occasion should offer cious act of the sovereign in favour of itself, I beg you make known to the his illustrious but unfortunate reother gentlemen also who have co- lation. operated, my most grateful acknow- “ Your eminence greatly orer. ledgements; with which, my dear sir values the humble part which has John, with all my heart, I'embrace fallen to my lot, in common with my you.

worthy friend Mr. Stewart. The “ Your best of Friends, cause of suffering humanity never

“ HENRY, CARDINAL. wants supporters in the country with “ Venice, 2616 Feb. 1800. which I know, sir, you feel a gene"To Sir J. C. Hippesley, Bart. rous pride in being connected. The “ London."

sacred ininisters of religion, exiled and driven from their altars, fiud re

fuge and security in Britain. The Copy of a Letler from Sir John Cor unfortunate princes of the house of

Hippesley, Bart. to Cardinal Bourbon here too found an asylum York.

under the hospitable roof of the Royal

Ancestors of cardinal York: and “Sir, I trust your Eminence will when every dignified virtue that can do me the justice to believe that I was stamp worth on human nature is outnot insensible to the honour of re- raged in the venerable person of the ceiving so flattering a proof of your cardival York himself-against such gracious consideration as that which cruelties, with inward consolationis I was favoured with, dated 26th of recompensed'-here also an inviola. last month, from the bosoin of the ble sanctuary is unfolded in the kin Conclave.

dred bosom of our belovell sovereign. “The merciless scourge of the pre- “ It is incumbent on me to attest, sent age (as my friend lord Minto that in the frequent communication has so justly observed) bas singled Mr. Stuart and myself bave had with out as the first object of its vengeance, the king's ininisters on this subject, every thing that is most worthy, and they bave uniformly expressed their best entitled to our veneration and firm opinion, that his inajesty will respect.' The infidels in Religion, think himself happy in repeating the but Zealots in Anarchy, whose ma- sanie gracious attention to his royal lignity pursued the sacred remains of relation, and in the same proportion, Pius the Great even beyond the grave, as long as his unfortunate circumassuredly would not exempt from their stances have a claim to them. I can remorseless persecution the venerable also, with equal contidence, assure person of the cardinal York! . your eminence, that your reply to

“Severe as bave been your emi- my lord Minto has given as much sapence's sufferings, they will, never- tisfaction to the king's ministers, as it theless, find some alleviation in the doubtless has excited in the benevogeneral sympathy of the British na- lent mind of bis majesty himself. tioni: with all distinction of parties, "Mr. Stuart unites with me in with all differences of communion, every heartfelt wish for your emiRence's health and happiness, equally “ I am inuch obliged to you to fattered witlı myself by your eni- bave indicated to me the way I may nence's condescension and gracious write unto Coutts, the court banker, acceptance of our humble attentions. and shall follow your friendly insinu


“With The niost perfect conside- ations. In the niéan time, I am very ration and profound respect,

desirous that you should be convinced “ I have the lionour to be, &c. of my sentiments of sincere esteem and (Signed) “J. C. HIPPESLEY. friendship, with which, my dear lord, “ « Grosvenor street, London,

with all my heart I embrace you. March 31."

(Sigued)" Henry CARDINAL.”

From the Cardinal York, to Lord From the Cardinal York to Sir John Minto.

Cox Hippesley, Bart.

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“ With the arrival of Mr. Oakly, " Dear Sir John, who has been this morning with me, “ I have not words to explain the I have received by lois discourses, and deep impression your very obliging much more by your letters, so many

favour of March 31 made on me tokens of your regard, singular con- Your and Mr. Andrew Stuart's most sideration and attention for my per, friendly and warm exertions in my beson, as obliges me to abandon all half, the humane and benevolent consort of ceremony, and to begin duct of your ministers, your gracious abruptly to assure you, my dear lord, sovereign's noble and spontaneous gethat your letters have been nost ac- nerosity, the coutinuance of which you ceptable to me in all shapes and re- certify me depends upon my need gards. I did not in the least doubt of it, were all ideas which crowded of the noble way of thinkiog of your togetlier on my mind, and filled me generous and beneficent sovereign with the inest lively sensatious of but I did not expect to see, in writing, tenderness and heartfelt gratitude. so many and so obliging expressions, What return can I make for so many that well calculated for the persons and so signal proofs of disinterested shon receive them and understand benevolence? Dear șir John, I contheir force, impress in thieir minds á fess I am at a loss how to express nay most lively sense of tenderuess and feelings I am sure, however, and gratitude; which I oxu to you obligé very liappy that your good heart will me more than the generosity spona make you fully conceive the sentiments taneously iniparted. I am, in reality, of. mine," and induce you to make at a loss to express, in writing, all kyowi, in an adequate and convenient the sentiments of my heart; and, for manner, to all such as you shall think that reason, leave it entirely to the proper, my most sincere acknowledg: interests you take in all that regards ment. my person, to wake knowņin an ener- " With pleasure I have presentou getical and convenient manner all your compliments to the cardinals I fain would say to express my thank- and others persons you mention, wlio fulness, which may easily be by you all returu you, their sincere thaliks; comprehended, after having perused the canon in particular, now Monthe contents of this letter.

signore, being also a donéstic pre


late of his holiness, begs you be pur- most sincere esteem, and affectionate, suaded of his constant respect and indelible gratitude. attachment to you.

• Your best of friends, “My wishes would be completely

“ HENRY CARDINAL gratified, should I have the pleasure, « Venice, 7th May, 1800. as I most earnestly desire to see you “ To Sir J.C. Hippesley, Bart. again at Frescati, and be able to as Grosvenor-street, London." sure you, by word of mouth, of my

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A Botanical and Economical Ac- Flowers numerous, round the basc

count of Bussia Butyracea, or of the young shoots, and from the East India Butter Tree. By W. axils of the lower leaves, peduncled, Roxburgh, M. D.

large, pale-yellow, drooping.

Calys, four, tive, or six leaved [From the Asiatic Researches, Vol. VIII.] (five is by far the most common Bassia Butyracea. Polyandria Mo- number); ovate, obtuse, covered nogynia. Generic Character.

externally with ferruginous pabes

cence, permanent. YALYX beneath, four or five Corol; tube subcylindric, length

leaved. Corol, one petaled: of the calyx; border of eight, spreadBorder about eight cleft. Berry su- ing, oblong, obtuse divisions, longer perior, with from one to five Seeds. than the tube.

Bassia Butyracea. Roxburgh. Staniens; filaments from thirty to

Calyx five-leaved; Stamens thirty forty, about as long as the tube of or forty, crowning the sábcylindric the corol, and inserted on its mouth. tube of the Corol.

Anthers linear-oblong. Fulwah, Phulwarak, or Phulwa- Pistil, germ conical, (ten or twelve ra, of the inhabitants of the Almorah celler, one seeded,) downy, surroundhills, where the tree is indigenous. ed with a downy nectarial ring. Style Flowering time, in its native soil, the longer than the stanens; stigma acule. month of January; seeds ripe in August. Berry oblong, generally pointed

Trunk of the larger trees, straight, by a remaining portion of the style ; and about five or six feet in circum- smooth, Aeshy, containing one, two, ference. Bark of the young

anches or three, rarely more, large seeds; smooth, brown, and marked with the rest not ripened. small ash-coloured specks.

Seeds oblong, rather round than Leaves alternate, about the ends of fat, but diftering in shape according the branchlets, petioled, obovate-cu- to the number contained in each neate, obtuse-pointed, entire; smooth fruit; smooth, shining, light brown, above, villous underneath ; veins sim- with a long, lanceolate, lighter cople, and parallel; length, six to twelve loured, less smooth, umbilical mark inches; breadth, three to six.

on the inside. Petioles, from oue to two inches This tree, which is rendered intelong.

resting on account of its seeds yieldStipules, if any, minute and ca- ing a firm butyraceous substance, reducous.

sembles Bassia Latifolia, (see CoroVol. XLIX.

3 H


mavdel Plants, Volume I, No. 19, Pistil: Germen superum, oralum. also Asiatic Researches, Volume I, Stylus setaceus, corolla duplo longior. page 300,) so much as scarce to be Stigma simplex. distinguished from it, except by the Pericarp: drupa oblonga, 1-3 spercorol and stamina.

ma, carnosa, lactescens. Seminius Here (in Dassia butyracea) the subtrigonis oblongis. corol is of a thin texture, with a tube Arbor magna ; ramis sparsis, erecpearly cylindric, and border of eight, tis, horizontalibusque. large, spreading, oblong segments. Folia sparsa, petiolata, lanceolata, There (in Bassia latifolia) it is thick acuta, integerrima, glabra, venosa. and fleshy, with a gibbous, indeed Flores longe pedunculati, axillares, almost globular tube ; and border solitarii, et aggregati. of generally more than eight, small, cordate, rather incurved segments.

Here, the stamina, from thirty to Economical uses of the Oil, or Ilse forty in number, have long filaments pei Tree, Bassia longifolia. By inserted on the mouth of the tube of the Reverend Doctor John. the corol. There they are fewer in number; bave very short filaments, 1st. The oil, pressed from the ripe and are arranged in two, or three se- fruit, is used as a common lamp oil, ries, completely within the tube, to by those who cannot afford to buy which they are affixed.

the oil of the cocoa-nut. It is thicker, It may not be improper to notice burns longer, but dimmer, smokes a here some other species of the same little, and gives some disagreeable genus. The following botanical de- smell. scription of Bassia longifolia. Linn. 2d. It is a principal ingreclient in Mant. page 563, I have been favoure making the country soap, and, thereed with by Doctor Klein, of Tran- fore, olten bears the same price with quebar, and the account of its eco- the oil of the cocoa-nut. nomical uses by the Reverend Doctor 3d. It is, to the common people, John, of the same place.

a substitute for ghee, and cocoa-nut

oil, in their curries and other dishes. Description by Doctor Klein. They make cakes of it, and many of

the poor get their livelihood by sellCalyx, Perianth : monophyllum, ing these sweet oil cakes. 4-partitun ; laciniis ovatis, acutis, co- 4th. It is used to heal different riaceis, extus tomento ferrugineo ob- eruptions, such as the itch, &c. ductis, persistentibus.

5th. The cake (or Sakey) is used Corolla monophylla, campanulata; for washing the head; and is carried tubo cylindraceo, infiato, carnoso, as a petty article of trarle, to those Jimbo S-partito; laciniis lanceolatis, countries, where these trees are not erectis.

found. Stamina filamenta 16, brevissima, 6th. The flowers, which fall in in duos ordines divisa, quorum octo May, are gathered by the common ad incisuras laciniarum, octo in tubo people, dried in the sun, roasted, corollæ inserta. Antheræ lineares, and eaten, as good food. They are setaceæ, acutæ, extus pilosa, liinbo also bruised, and hoiled to a jelly, breviures.

and made into small balls, whietthet

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