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Theme 25.

1. He has acquired wealth. 2. We have gathered flow3. They have always shunned vice. 4. I have not slept any (de) all the night. 5. I opened my windows before daylight. 6. Julius has kept his word. 7. He ran after me, to (pour) tell me that he has obtained the place. 8. I have not been able to come. 9. I have had (falloir) to work. 10. You have not known your lesson. 11. He was not willing to study. 12. You did not recognize us. 13. I did not see you. 14. Louis read the news, but he did not believe it. 15. We have concluded the bargain. 16. We have conquered our passions (passion, f.). 17. You have not lived long enough to (pour) know that. 18. I never drank any wine. 19. Henry wrote a letter to the professor. 20. He told me so. 21. I put the paper on 22. You have taken my chair. 23. I saw you pass with your cousins. 24. I know where you have conducted them. 25. You followed us. 26. We laughed at that. 27. I heard you laugh. 28. Yesterday it was stormy. 29. There was thunder and lightning. 30. During the night it froze. 31. This morning it rained, and now it snows. 32. I like snow better than rain. 33. Is it muddy? 34. It is windy and dusty. 35. There is ice this morning. 36. I dropped my pencil; Henry, will you pick it up?‡

the table.

+ Daylight, le jour.

To pick up, ramasser.




Use of the Auxiliary Verb Etre.

The auxiliary verb être is used,

1. In the formation of the compound tenses of certain neuter verbs, generally those whose past tenses express a change in the condition of the subject.

Il est arrivé, he has arrived.

Il est parti, he has left (169–8).

2. In the formation of the compound tenses of all pronominal verbs.

3. In the formation of the passive verb.

177. Past Participle of Neuter Verbs Conj. with Etre.

The past participle of neuter verbs construed with the auxiliary verb être, agrees in gender and number, like an adjective, with the subject of the verb.

178. Arriver, to arrive. (Model Verb with Etre.)

Infinitive Mode,

Etre arrivé, ée ; és, ées,

Past Tense.t

To have arrived.

The simple tenses of arriver allow the model verb couper.

[blocks in formation]

REM.-When vous represents the second person singular, the past participle agrees with it in the singular.


Neuter Verbs Conjugated with Etre.

The following neuter verbs are conjugated with être.

Aller,* to go.

Arriver, to arrive.

Décéder, to decease.

Mourir,* to die.

Naître,* to be born.

Partir,* to start, to leave.

Entrer, to enter, to go or come in. Sortir,* to go out, to come out.

Rentrer, to re-enter, to come home.
Retourner, to return, to go back.

Rester, to remain.

Tomber, to fall.

Venir,* to come.

Devenir,* to become.

Parvenir,* to reach, attain,succeed.
Revenir,* to come back, to return.

180. Neuter Verbs that take sometimes Avoir and sometimes Etre.

Some neuter verbs take avoir for their auxiliary, when they express action, and être when they express the state resulting from the action; such as, cesser, to cease; croître,* to grow; descendre, to go or come down, to descend; monter, to go or come up, to ascend; rėmonter, to re-ascend; passer, to pass; etc. The attending circumstances generally indicate whether action or state is intended to be expressed.

La fièvre a cessé hier.
L'orage est cessé.

La rivière a monté rapidement,
Il est monté à sa chambre.
La procession a passé par ici.
La procession est passée.

The fever ceased yesterday.
The storm is over.
The river rose rapidly.

He has gone up to his room.
The procession has passed here.
The procession is passed.

REM. Several of the above verbs, under 179 and 180; as, entrer, rentrer, sortir, descendre, monter, remonter, passer, are also used as active transitive verbs, in which case they are conjugated with avoir.

[blocks in formation]

The past tenses of the verb être are used to express that we have been somewhere whence we have returned, and the past tenses of the verb aller, when the action of going is to be expressed.

J'ai été à la poste ce matin.

I went to the post-office this morning.

Je suis allé de la poste à la I went from the post-office to the banque.


182. Use of the Past Tense of the Infinitive Mode.

The past tense of the infinitive mode is used to express

completed action, at the time referred to.

Nous sommes contents d'avoir We are glad to be through.


Vous êtes bien aimable d'avoir You are very kind to have thought

[blocks in formation]

Je ne suis pas fâché d'être I am not sorry that I have come.


Il a lu la lettre après l'avoir He read the letter after having received it.


Après être descendut il est sorti. After coming down he went out..

[blocks in formation]

Un parent,

Une parente,

a relative; a rela- Rentrer, n., to re-enter; to come


Un habitant, an inhabitant;

Une armée, an army;

La guerre, the war;

Un vaisseau, a vessel; a ship;

de guerre, a man of war;

Un bâtiment, a vessel;
Un navire,

Un bateau, a boat;

Un bâtiment à vapeur, a steamer; Un bateau à vapeur, a steamboat;

Le port, the harbor;

Un convoi, a train;

L'escalier, m., the stairs;

La possession, the possession;

in (home);

Monter, n., or a., to ascend; to go or come up;

à cheval, to get on horseback: Remonter, n. or a., to reascend; to go up (a river);

Descendre, n. or a., to descend; to go or come down;

de cheval, to alight from a horse;

Quitter, a., to leave; to quit;
Riche, rich;

Pauvre, poor;

Dernier, last;

La conversation, the conversa- A temps, in time;


Immédiatement, immediately

Hier (au) matin, yesterday morn- Ensuite, then, afterwards;


Hier (au) soir, last night;

Entrer, n. (dans, en, à), to enter;

to go or come in;

Ensemble, together; Par où, which way;

Par ici, this way.

+ In French, the past tense of the infinitive is required, in accordance with the rule.

‡ Nuit-Soir, night. Nuit, night, is the time usually devoted to rest. Night in the expressions to-night, for this evening, or last night for last evening, is rendered by soir.

§ Partir* Quitter-Laisser, to leave. Partir* n., to leave, to start; quitter, a., to quit, to part with; laisser, a., to leave (behind).

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