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ner sa confiture? Veut-il nous raconter son histoire ? Vous rappelez-vous cette affaire ?

f. Envoyez-vous le journal à votre oncle ?* Donnez-vous cette pêche à Henri? Montre-t-elle son ombrelle à sa nièce? Veut-elle la lui prêter? Ne veut-il pas prêter sa grammaire à son neveu? Demande-t-il les ciseaux à sa sœur ? Voulez-vous montrer le jardin à vos voisins? Voulons-nous donner ces pommes aux enfants? Se rappelle-t-il cette histoire ?

g. Me prêtez-vous votre géographie ?* Ne vous la prêtet-il pas ? Vous montre-t-il la lettre? Vous donne-t-il le gâteau? Nous donnez-vous ces biscuits? Voulez-vous

nous raconter une histoire? Ne vous la rappelez-vous pas ?

Theme 9.

1. I am going home. 2. My nephew is going to the post-office, and my niece is going to school. 3. My sisters are going to (the) church. 4. I will send the boy to the store. 5. He is working in the garden. 6. The maid is going to (the) market. 7. I will speak to the professor. 8. I am going to show him this letter. 9. I will show it to him. 10. That gentleman wishes to see the house; John is showing it to him. 11. That scholar (f.) is asking you for her books; will you give them to her? 12. They are asking us for these apples; we will give them to them. 13. Do you recollect that affair? 14. I recollect it; I am going to relate it to you. 15. He does not recollect that story. 16. Will you tell it to him? 17. You wish to see this plaything; I will show it to you. 18. Will he lend us the umbrella? 19. He will lend it to us. 20. He is asking you for the geography; will you lend it to him? 21. To whom do you lend my dictionary?

*In answering the questions in this section, use personal pronouns to represent the direct and indirect objects of the verb.



[blocks in formation]

1. Être to be, is an irregular verb of the fourth conju

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2. The adverb y is used with reference to a place that has been previously mentioned. It is placed before the verb.

Où êtes-vous ?

Je suis ici.

Où est Henri ?

Il est là.

Where are you?

I am here.

Where is Henry?

He is there.

† is ar other of the exceptions mentioned in the foot-note to 25-4.

Marie y est-elle ?

Elle n'y est pas.

Is Mary there?

She is not.

REM. The adverb y is expressed in the French sentence, though its equivalent may be omitted in English.


L'y, Les y, My, Vous y, Nous y.

The objective pronouns precede the adverb y.

Portez-vous l'argent à la

[blocks in formation]

Do you carry the money to the bank?

Do you take it there?

I do not.t

Does he take the keys to the store?

He does.t

(32-4) To lead; to take.

Do you take me there?

I do.t

He takes us there.


The Preposition De, of, from.

1. The preposition de is used to express the relations generally indicated in English by the prepositions of and from.

La porte de la ville.

De Paris à Londres.

The gate of the city.
From Paris to London.

2. The preposition de is placed before a noun that is used to limit a preceding noun.

L'histoire de France.
Un professeur de français.

The history of France.
A French teacher.

† See foot-note to p. 49.

Un maître d'école.

Une leçon de musique.

A school-master.

A music lesson.

3. The preposition de indicates possession, as the possessive case does in English. It is placed before the name of the possessor; the name of the object possessed precedes the preposition.

Le chapeau de mon père.

My father's hat.

4. The preposition de combines with the forms le and les of the article. De and le are contracted into du; de and les, into des.

La porte du magasin.

Les casquettes des enfants.

The door of the store.

The children's caps.

5. De and la, and de and l, are not contracted.

De la maison.

De l'église.

Of the house; from the house.

Of the church; from the church.

6. The preposition de is repeated before each noun.

Je parle de Charles et de son I speak of Charles and his bro




Où est Henri? Where is Henry?

The noun subject is generally placed after the verb, in interrogative sentences that begin with an interrogative pronoun, or an adverb; such as, que, comment, où (13–1).

Que veulent ces hommes ?
Savez-vous où demeure Mon-

sieur Ducrot?

Comment vont les affaires ?

What do those men want?

Do you know where Mr. Ducrot lives?

How is business?


Un artiste, an artist;
Un atelier, a workshop;
La musique, the music;

Vocabulary 10.

Un cahier de musique, a musicbook;

Une leçon de musique, a musiclesson;

Un professeur de musique, a


Un professeur de français, a

French teacher;

La ville, the city; the town;
L'hôtel de ville, the city-hall;
La rue, the street;

La porte, the gate; the door;
Le temple, the temple;
Le champ, the field;
Les Champs Elysées, the Ely-
sian Fields;

Paris, Paris;

Le salon, the saloon; the parlor ;
La poche, the pocket;
Londres, London;
Les affaires, business;

La bourse, the purse; the exchange;

Demeurer, n., to dwell; to reside; to live;

Mener, a. (32-4), to lead; to take;
Être,* n., to be;

Laisser, a., to leave; to let ;
Où, where ;
Ici, here;

Là, there; de là, from there;
Y, there; at it; to it; in it;
En haut, above; up stairs;
En bas, below; down stairs;
Là-bas, yonder, there below;
De, of; from;

Dans, in; into;

REM.-Dans-À, in. Dans refers to the inside of a place ; à points to the locality. Dans le magasin, in the store (inside of it). Au magasin, in or at the store.

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c. Sommes-nous à la porte de Are we at the gate of the city?

la ville ?

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