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DEFINITIONS.-The Adjective is either QUALIFICATIVE or DE


QUALIFICATIVE ADJECTIVES express a quality of nouns.

DETERMINATIVE ADJECTIVES, like the article, make the meaning of nouns more precise.


Rule 13.-QUALIFICATIVE ADJECTIVES agree in number and gender with the nouns which they qualify.

Formation of the Feminine.

Rule 14.-The feminine of qualificative adjectives is generally formed by the addition of e unaccented to the ending of the masculine.


the tall brother,


a little boy,

le grand frère.

un petit garçon.

[blocks in formation]

Rule 15.-Adjectives ending in e unaccented in the masculine do not change for the feminine.


l'aimable monsieur.



the amiable lady,
l'aimable dame.

a wise answer,
une sage réponse.

Rule 16.-Adjectives ending in x in the masculine, change

the amiable gentleman,

a wise advice,

un sage conseil.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

je suis,

tu es,

female dog.



female rabbit.




Indicative Mood Present Tense of the Verb ÊTRE, to be.

il est.

I am.
thou art.
he is.

elle est,

[blocks in formation]

she is.

Progressive Reading and Translation 5.

(The English is at page 200.)

Les animaux domestiques sont utiles aux hommes.-Les mauvaises qualités du fils de l'avocat.-Le repos est nécessaire au travailleur.-L'amour et la haine sont des sentiments violents. -L'histoire des aventures de Robinson Crusoé est amusante.La femme du banquier est généreuse.-Le cheval du fermier est vieux.—Les jeunes gens paresseux et indolents sont des membres inutiles de la société.-La chatte du voisin est rousse.-Les livres poudreux de la bibliothèque.-Un petit chien et une petite chienne. La bonne du petit Charles est malheureuse.

Progressive Exercise 5.

N.B.-The plural of adjectives is generally formed in the same manner as the plural of nouns, Rules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, except the adjectives referred to in Rules 26 and 27.

The camel is useful to the Arabs.-Bulls are strong and Arabes (art.) fort et


impetuous.—A naughty little girl.-A large house. The round



[blocks in formation]

table.-The children of a happy mother. The bold sailors of the

table f. 1


hardi marin

great admirals.-A generous friend f.-The she-ass is patient. grand amiral




Rule 14 fille

-Dogs are faithful.-The eldest son and the eldest daughter. (art.) aîné 2, fils 1 et -Sheep are timid.-The bad example of the children of the (art.) neighbouring town.

[blocks in formation]

Rule 17.-Adjectives ending in ƒ in the masculine, change ƒ into ve for the feminine.

[blocks in formation]

Rule 18.-Adjectives ending in el, eil, en, et, and on in the masculine, double the final consonant and take e for the feminine.

[blocks in formation]

Rule 19. The following adjectives also double the final con

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Progressive Reading and Translation 6.
(The English is at page 200.)

Les coqs et les poules sont de différentes couleurs.- Les poussins sont jaunes.-Le canard est noir, gris, vert et blanc; la cane est grise. Les canetons sont très-vifs.-L'oie est grasse.-L'hirondelle est gentille et active.-Un bon pâté de pigeonneaux.-Les jolis petits poussins de la grosse poule.-La petite Marie est lasse.La hauteur moyenne des collines de l'Ecosse.-La corneille est noire. Il a eu une entrevue secrète avec le général ennemi.— Le chapeau d'Émilie est pareil au chapeau de Clara, les robes sont pareilles aussi.-Les jeunes filles ont été discrètes.--Rosalie a été spirituelle, mais Sophie a été sotte.-Annie est une bonne petite fille.-La fille du médecin est coquette. Elle est bellotte et mignonne. Il a les lèvres épaisses et les joues vermeilles. Progressive Exercise 6.

The exclusive privileges of the rich merchants.-The swallow exclusif 2 privilége m. 1 riche négociant


has been tired.-The Indian army.-The formal reply of the formel 2 réponse 1 lawyer.—I have had some big walnuts.-The nice house of the


indien 2 armée f. 1

de Rule 32

noix f.

gentil maison f.

village doctor, (read) of the doctor of the village. He has had


village m.

a lucrative appointment.-She has been exposed to the secret lucratif 2 position f. 1

exposé f.

Rule 18

attacks of the stupid woment].-The sparrows of the town attaque f. are fat.


* Pronounce pan, pane, paneau.

ville f.

+ The vertical lines indicate that the several words between them are to be translated by one word in French.

Rule 20.-Adjectives ending in er in the masculine, change er into ère for the feminine.


a proud man,

un homme fier.



a proud answer,
une réponse fière.

Rule 21.-Adjectives ending in gu in the masculine, take ë for the feminine, and the pronunciation remains unchanged.

[blocks in formation]

Rule 22.-Adjectives ending in eur in the masculine, form

their feminine in four different ways:

1stly, By adding e, according to Rule 14.
2dly, By changing eur into euse.
3dly, By changing eur into rice.
4thly, By changing eur into eresse.



a superior man,
1stly, un homme supérieur.

a deceptive look,
2dly, un regard trompeur.

the inventive genius,
3dly, le génie créateur,

of an avenging hero,

4thly, d'un héros vengeur.


a superior lady,
une femme supérieure.
a deceptive hope,

une espérance trompeuse.
the creative power,
la puissance créatrice.

of an avenging justice.

d'une justice vengeresse.

Rule 23.-The following adjectives have two forms of the masculine, and the feminine is formed by doubling the final / of the second form and adding an e:

[blocks in formation]

The second form of the masculine is used before nouns masculine singular beginning with a vowel or h mute.


a handsome officer,

un bel officier.

an old friend,
un vieil ami.



a fine creature,
une belle créature.

the old mother,

la vieille mère.

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