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Position of Adjectives.

Rule 28.-Qualificative adjectives are generally placed before the noun which they qualify, when they express habitual qualities, generally moral qualities, thoroughly pervading the nature of the noun.

a good book,

un bon livre.


an old friend,

un vieil ami.

a dear sister, une chère sœur.

Rule 29. Qualificative adjectives are generally placed after the noun which they qualify, when they express occasional or accidental qualities, such as those of nationality, religion, shape, taste, colour, &c. The past participle of verbs, when used as an adjective, is always placed after the noun which it qualifies.

an English lady, une dame anglaise.

EXAMPLES. some blue eyes,

des yeux bleus.

the beloved children, les enfants chéris.

Rule 30.-Adjectives which do not fall distinctly within the scope of either Rule 28 or Rule 29, may be placed either before or after the noun which they qualify, as the ear may direct.

a frightful accident,


an absurd question,

un accident épouvantable;

or, un épouvantable accident.

une question absurde;
une absurde question.

Rule 31.-Rules 28, 29, and 30 do not apply to a certain number of adjectives which have a different meaning according to their position before or after the noun.

a good man (familiar),
un bon homme.

the last Monday,
le dernier lundi.
a downright rascal,
un franc coquin.
a great man,
un grand homme.

an honest man,

un honnête homme.


a kind man,

un homme bon.
last Monday,
lundi dernier.

a frank reply,
une réponse franche.
a tall man,

un homme grand.

a civil man,

un homme honnête, &c.

Rule 32.-When a noun employed in a partitive sense is preceded by an adjective, the partitive article du, de la, de l', des [some or any], whether expressed or understood in English, is replaced by de alone, or d' before a vowel or h mute.

some good books, de bons livres.


some great men,
de grands hommes.

some horrible crimes, d'horribles crimes.

[blocks in formation]

Les mesures exterminatrices du gouvernement de la république.-L'harmonie sauvage de la chanson bretonne.-Les phrases ambigues du discours de l'orateur.-La manne quotidienne des Juifs dans le désert.-Les batailles navales de la flotte anglaise.-La stupide expression de la physionomie de l'Africain. Les hommes sont égaux, mais les fortunes sont inégales.- Un cher et véritable ami est un grand bien.- La flèche élancée de la cathédrale de Strasbourg.-Les tours massives de Notre-Dame de Paris.-Le chapiteau corinthien est composé de feuilles d'acanthe.-Les degrés du temple de Jupiter olympien. Les fausses manoeuvres du général de l'armée grecque. Une ambition effrénée et l'hostilité impitoyable des souverains de l'Europe, ont été la cause des malheurs inouïs et de la chute du grand Napoléon.

Progressive Exercise 9.

The workman has good tools.-The thick foliage of the old Rule 32 outil m. épais feuillage m.


Rule 23

tree. The son of the farmer is a fine little fellow. The sweet

[blocks in formation]

gaillard reward.-The pears are

flatieur Rule 22, 2dly récompense f. poire f.

ripe, but the apples are better.

múr mais

pomme f.

Happy children, you

meilleur Rule 22, 1stly heureux

shall have a quantity of toys.
é f. joujou Rule 4

A decisive and important



question.—The ancient columns of the forum.-A secret gallery

f. 1



Rule 18

under the peristyle of the Grecian temple.-The_thick lips of



Rule 24, lèvres f.

the negro. The first lesson of the grammar.-A large quantity

nègre of violet silk. Rules 18 and 29 soie f.

premier leçon f.

grammaire f.

é f.


DEFINITIONS. THE DETERMINATIVE ADJECTIVES, four in number, determine nouns by adding to their meaning, 1stly, A notion of possession; 2dly, A notion of pointed distinction; 3dly, A vague and indefinite notion; 4thly, A notion of number or order. They are named:1stly, POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES.


Possessive Adjectives.

Rule 33.- POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES in French agree in number and gender with the noun to which they are prefixed, and not, as in English, with the noun or pronoun representing the possessor. They are declined thus:

[blocks in formation]

a masc. sing. noun. a fem. sing. noun. all plural nouns.

[blocks in formation]

Rule 34.-Mon, ton, son are used instead of ma, ta, sa, before feminine words beginning with a vowel or h mute.


my education, mon éducation f. | his astonishing virtue, son étonnante vertu. Rule 35.-Possessive Adjectives are repeated before every noun in enumerations.


his furniture, houses, landed property, cattle, &c.,

ses meubles, ses maisons, ses propriétés, ses bestiaux.

our copybook and pen,

notre cahier et notre plume.

his pen and ink,

sa plume et son encre.

[blocks in formation]

Progressive Reading and Translation 10.
(The English is at page 202.)

Les visites de nos chers parents. Je serai fâché de sa longue absence. Tu seras triste de mon départ, mon aimable cousine.— La mauvaise prononciation de nos jeunes élèves.-La profonde indifférence de son fils aîné pour l'étude.-Je serai content de leurs bons thèmes et de leurs bonnes versions.-Ils seront à leur mariage.-Votre sœur a été son amie et sa compagne.-Les vieux domestiques de ma chère mère.-Tu auras ton beau morceau de musique, ma chère enfant.-Tu as ses rasoirs et sa corne.-Mon éponge et mon savon sont au fond de ma baignoire.-Ernestine a son grand passe-lacet et mes ciseaux.-Vous avez de l'eau dans votre pot-à-l'eau.-Sa poudre à dents est blanche, la poudre à dents de Robert est noire.-Leurs rasoirs sont bons et fins.-Sa baignoire est en zinc.-Le commis de mon associé a de mauvaise pommade.—Adieu, mon garçon; au revoir.

Progressive Exercise 10.

N. B.-In French there is no form similar to the possessive case in English.


my father's house, (read) the house of my father.
la maison de mon père.

My large looking-glass and his razors will be on my



chest of drawers | .--Your short exercise and the translation of

commode f.


thème m.

traduction f.

his friend. They will be pleased with their lessons.

[blocks in formation]


brother will be their enemy. His house and their gardens are

ennemii m.

Rule 35

maison f.

jardin m.

magnificent. Her pins, scissors, comb, and sponge are in my

magnifique m.p.


dressing-room. -My father's house is on the top of a hill.—

cabinet de toilette m.

[blocks in formation]

Their brothers and sisters will be very sad. Her water-jug

is in our small room.


Rule 35

petit chambre f.

très triste m. p.

Demonstrative Adjectives.

Rule 36.-DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES agree in number and gender with the nouns to which they are prefixed; they are declined thus:

[blocks in formation]

a masc. sing. noun. a fem. sing. noun. all plural nouns.

sing. this or that,

plur. these or those,

ce, cet,



The second form cet of the masculine is used before words masculine singular beginning with a vowel or h mute.

[blocks in formation]

Rule 37.-ci or là may be placed after nouns preceded by ce, cet, cette, ces, for the sake of emphasis or distinction, between nouns pointed at in an equal degree.

When ci and là are used for the sake of distinction, ci refers to the nearest object or person, and là to the remotest.

ci and là are linked to the nouns after which they are placed by a hyphen.


the binding of this ugly book,
la reliure de ce vilain livre-ci.

the slate pencil of that bad boy,

le crayon d'ardoise de ce méchant garçon-là.
from this house here to that house over there,
de cette maison-ci à cette maison-là.

this young gentleman and that young lady,
ce jeune homme-ci et cette demoiselle-là.

N.B.—ci and là cannot be placed after a noun followed by a qualificative adjective.


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this green book and that brown book,

ce livre vert et ce livre brun.

DO NOT SAY: ce livre vert-ci et ce livre brun-là.

In such cases distinction is sufficiently marked by the qualificative adjectives; but should the noun livre be understood,

You might say, this green one and that brown one,
ce vert-ci et ce brun-là.

Or again, this green book and that brown one,
ce livre vert et ce brun-là.

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