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VOCABULARY.-Objects of Personal Use and Wear.

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Indicative Present of the Verb DONNER, to give.

f. bourse,

m. carnet,

m. tabac,


f. pipe,

m. cigare,

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N.B.-Conjunctive personal pronouns in the accusative, or governed by the preposition à “to,” are placed immediately before the verb (Rule 53). Je te parle.-Tu nous parles.-Nous vous parlons.-Vous nous parlez. Nous parlons aux jeunes élèves de cette classe.-Vous donnez du pain aux pauvres.-Tu me donnes des conseils.-Vous me donnez de belles oranges.-Tu nous donnes des cigares.-Je vous donne une broche-Nous vous parlons en français.-Nous vous donnons de l'argent.-Vous nous donnez des boutons d'or et une bague en diamant.-Tu me donnes ton porte-feuille.-Je te parle, ma chère sœur.-Toi, tu es mon meilleur ami.

Progressive Exercise 16.

I speak to your friend.—I give a new book to your little



cousin. We speak to thee.-You give me my first lesson.-You

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leçon f.

-We give you a large diary.-You give us a


good advice. I speak to thee, my dear brother. You give a

conseil m.

magnificent watch to this young-lady. — You speak to the magnifique. jeune personne. old policeman.-We give you our best fruit. You speak to Rule 23 agent de police

meilleur —m.

us.-I give thee a pair of studs.—You give me a purse full of

paire f.

plein Rule 13


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Rule 50.-Personal pronouns of the third person, governed by the preposition de (of), are often expressed by "en" in the conjunctive form.

Masc. sing. governed by de (of),
Fem. sing. governed by de (of),
Masc. plur. governed by de (of),
Fem. plur. governed by de (of),


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Rule 51.-Personal pronouns of the third person, governed by the preposition à (to), are often expressed by "y" in the

conjunctive form.


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Rule 52.-Reflective personal pronouns of the third person corresponding to himself, herself, itself, one's self, &c., are expressed


himself, herself, itself, one's self, themselves, to himself, to herself, to itself, to one's self, &c.

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Rule 53. Conjunctive personal pronouns in the accusative, or governed by the preposition à (to), are placed immediately before the verb. (Except Rule 80, page 68.)

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Rule 54.-The personal pronouns en, y, placed immediately before the verb.

she speaks of him, elle en parle.


we carry them.

nous les portons. and se, are also

(Except Rule 80, page 68.)

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

* "en" also means some of it, some of them, any of it, any of them.

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Indicative Mood, Present Tense, of the Verb PORTER, to carry.

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Il lui donne des pommes de terre.-Elle leur donne des navets. -Elle lui donne des choux de Bruxelles.-Elle se donne des porreaux. Elle parle de ces carottes et il en parle aussi.-Nous lui parlons des panais de cette plate-bande.-Vous avez des ognons, j'en ai aussi.-Elle leur porte des fèves, des haricots et des pois; j'en porte aussi.-Vous portez des laitues au jardin et lui il y porte des mâches.-Vous donnez de l'ail à mon voisin et vous m'en donnez aussi.-Il a un excellent ami en France, il eu parle tous les jours. J'ai un enfant chéri en pension à Boulogne, j'y pense jour et nuit.-Vous parlez du cresson, j'y porte de l'eau. -Je lui en parle souvent.-Voilà des choux-fleurs, je leur en porte. Je leur parle de leurs artichauts.

Progressive Exercise 17.

I speak to her.—She speaks to me.— -We speak to them.-I carry him. You carry us.-They carry them. They speak to you. She speaks to him.-You speak to her. You give him a (read, you to him give) book.-I speak of it. He speaks to them.-I carry some

Rules 50 and 54

potatoes for the gardener, and you carry some (of them under



Rule 50, foot note

stood) also. Here is the ground, I carry some peas to it.—I

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terrain m.

Rule 51

Rule 52 Rule 12, peine f.

give him some cheese and celery.-She gives herself trouble.(read, to him)

Rule 12

I carry them.

Rule 55.-When a verb is in a compound tense, such as the past indefinite, the pronouns referred to in Rules 53 and 54 are placed immediately before the auxiliary verb, and not before the past participle.

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Rule 56.—The compound and emphatic personal pronouns corresponding to myself, thyself, himself, herself, one's self, &c., are formed by placing the indefinite adjective "même" (Rule 38) after the disjunctive form of the personal pronouns. Thus:

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Rule 57.-In the case of a verb governing two pronouns, they are both placed immediately before the verb, and the pronoun which is in the accusative stands last in order: the reverse, however, takes place when both pronouns are of the third person.

he gives her to me,

il me la donne.


he has given him to him.
il le lui a donné.

N.B.-Should y or en be one of two pronouns placed before a verb, y or en stands last in order; should both y and en occur before a verb, en stands last of the two.


he carries us to it,

he brings some to it every day, il y en apporte tous les jours.

il nous y porte.

Rule 58. The disjunctive personal pronouns are used—

1stly, for the sake of emphasis.

2dly, after prepositions.

3dly, when the verb is understood.


1stly, I speak to you (emphatically), 1stly, thou art a rascal (emphatically),

moi je vous parle.

2dly, I am for him. je suis pour lui.

toi tu es un coquin.

2dly, he speaks against me,
il parle contre moi.

3dly, you carry a gun, and so do I.

vous portez un fusil et moi aussi.

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Past Indefinite Tense of the Verb DONNER, to give.

I have given.

thou hast given.

he has given.

Past Indefinite Tense of the Verb PARLER, to speak.

Progressive Reading and Translation 18.

(The English is at page 204.)

J'en ai parlé au propriétaire.-Je lui ai donné deux grandes nappes et une douzaine de serviettes. Vous lui avez parlé des couverts d'argent.-Vous m'avez parlé des verres, et moi, je vous ai parlé des bouteilles.-Il vous a donné un grand nombre de verres à vin. Moi, je lui ai donné un joli moutardier en argent, et lui, il lui a donné une grande cuiller à soupe.-Nous leur avons donné quatre petites salières.-Vous leur avez parlé de la table de la salle-a-manger.-Marie leur a donné cette belle soupière.— J'en ai parlé à son frère. Cette jolie cuiller en vermeil, je la donne à la petite Louise.-Je lui ai parlé moi-même.—Nous leur avons parlé nous-mêmes.

Progressive Exercise 18.

I have spoken to him.-He has spoken to her. We have spoken to them.-You have spoken to us.-They have spoken to me.-I have spoken to thee.-I have spoken of him.-She

Rule 50

has spoken of it. She speaks to herself. I speak to them.—

Rule 52

She speaks to him. I have given you twelve tumblers.— (read, I to you have given)

We have given him a ring for his napkin.-We have given her a (read, we to him have given) (read, we to her have given) silver knife and fork.-He has given us some wine-glasses.—I couvert d'argent

have given you some knives.-She has given them four silver dishes. He has given us some plates.

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