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Indicative Mood, Present Tense, of the Verb DEVOIR, to owe.

le marché,

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Le négociant qui me parle.- La lettre de change que je porte au caissier du négociant.-Le jeune commis dont je vous parle est un honnête garçon.-Le caissier dont j'aime la ponctualité et l'exactitude. La facture dont vous me parlez est dans le bureau du gérant.-Ce garçon de bureau dont la figure est franche et honnête a parlé au consul.-Le connaissement que vous avez.— Les 55 francs que je dois à mon avoué, pour l'affaire dont nous avons parlé.-Voilà l'armateur dont les manières sont si polies et si distinguées. Les appointements que vous donnez à votre teneur de livres, sont très considérables.-L'agent maritime qui vous a donné des renseignements.-La lettre que vous avez dans la poche de votre paletot.—Je lui porte le bon sur la poste qui était dans cette lettre. C'est l'agent comptable dont vous m'avez parlé.

Progressive Exercise 21.

The lawyer who speaks.-The invoice which I carry. The cashier of whom I have spoken.-The book-keeper whose books

I have. The dealer whose

livre m. Rule 69

goods I like.-The money which argent m. Rule 67

Rule 69 marchandise f.

I owe to the ship-broker. The cashier whose accounts are

compte m.

accurate. The stock-broker who speaks of you.-The invoice


which* he has.—The consul whose conversation you like.--The

Rule 67

Rule 69


twenty francs which he owes.-The bill of exchange of which he speaks. His partner whose activity he likes.

*Thee of que, "whom," "which," is replaced by an apostrophe before a vowel or h mute.


Rule 70.-Dont caunot be used in French when "whose" is preceded by a preposition in English; in such case the forms de qui, or duquel, de laquelle, &c., must be employed with reference to persons, and the inflected form alone with reference to animals and things.


the merchant to whose office I carry a letter: (read,) the merchant to the office of whom, &c.

le négociant au bureau de qui (or duquel) je porte une lettre. the flowers of whose beauty I speak:

(read,) the flowers of the beauty of which I speak,

les fleurs de la beauté desquelles je parle.

Rule 71.-When relative pronouns are preceded by a preposition, either form may be used with reference to persons, but the inflected form only with reference to animals and things.


the sailor to whom I speak,
le marin à qui (or auquel) je parle.

the horse upon which I am,

le cheval sur lequel je suis.

N.B.-" From whom" is never expressed by "dont."

the gentleman from whom I received this letter,

le monsieur de qui (or duquel) j'ai reçu cette lettre.

Rule 72.-Should the use of qui, que, dont, &c., in a sentence lead to some confusion as to the meaning, the inflected form should be used, or the sentence turned differently.




your cousin's daughter who is amiable.
la fille de votre cousin qui est aimable.
la fille de votre cousin laquelle est aimable.
votre cousin dont la fille est aimable.

Rule 73.-Quoi, "what," is a vague and indefinite relative pronoun; it is never used with reference to persons.

this is of what we are speaking,

voici de quoi nous parlons.


this is of what I am thinking, voilà à quoi je pense.

Rule 74.-Où, "where, to which, in which," &c., may be used as a relative pronoun when it refers to a noun previously expressed.

the box in which my papers are, la boîte où sont mes papiers.


the town in which we are,

la ville où nous sommes.

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L'avocat qui parle en ce moment, finit un éloquent plaidoyer en faveur de l'accusé dont je vous ai parlé.-Ce juge dont la figure est froide et impassible, est pourtant un homme très bon et très sensible. La dame dont vous finissez le portrait.-Le témoignage du témoin auquel vous avez parlé. La maison où il a porté les documents que l'avocat lui a donnés.-La cour où il porte ses titres. Il pense à quoi ? À des bêtises. J'ai peur des gendarmes et des agents de police qui sont sur la route où nous sommes.L'exil dont il parle, est mon honneur et ma gloire.-Voilà le geôlier auquel il a parlé.-Nous parlons du procès dont il parle. -Le cheval du gendarme auquel il porte de l'avoine.-Le geôlier de la prison dont la fille est douce et aimable, donne à notre pauvre ami les petites douceurs que nous lui portons.

Progressive Exercise 22.

The judge of whose kindness he speaks.-The young-lady of

Rule 70 bonté f.

jeune personne whose testimony I speak.-The tribunal before which I am.

m. devant Rule 71

The prison where I have been.-The scaffold upon which he

Rule 74

was. était

Rule 36

j'ai été

sur Rule 71

That magistrate, whose daughter is learned, has given me

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Rule 55

the book which I have.-The bailiff to whom I speak.-The

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barrister to whom I owe 500 francs.--This is of what* they speak.

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The execution of the culprit to whom I speak.

Rule 73

condamné m.

* "Of what" might also be translated by "ce dont," according to Rule 75.

Rule 75.-The relative pronouns qui, que, dont and à quoi, may relate to the indefinite demonstrative pronoun ce (Rule 62), and form compound relative expressions; thus:

what, that which (meaning the thing which as SUBJECT),
of what, that of which (meaning the thing of which),
to what, that to which (meaning the thing to which),
what, that which (meaning the thing which as OBJECT),


what is on the table is mine:

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read,) that which, or the thing which is on the table, &c.
ce qui est sur la table est à moi.

it is of what he speaks:




(read,) it is that of which, or the thing of which he speaks,
c'est ce dont il parle.

it is to what he gives his attention:

(read,) it is that to which, or the thing to which he gives, &c.
c'est ce à quoi il donne son attention.

I give you what I owe you:

(read,) I give you that which, or the thing which I owe you,

je vous donne ce que je vous dois.

Rule 76.-Relative pronouns of both the inflected and uninflected forms, may relate to the demonstrative pronouns celui, celle, ceux, celles (Rule 63), and form compound relative expressions.

N.B.-Never translate "the one who, the one which," &c., by l'un qui.


he who,* the one who or which (SUBJECT masc. sing.), she who, the one who or which (SUBJECT fem. sing.), they who, the ones who or which (SUBJECT masc. plur.), they who, the ones who or which (SUBJECT fem. plur.),





he of whom, the one of whom or of which (masc. sing.),
celui dont, or celui de qui, or celui duquel.

she of whom, the one of whom or of which (fem. sing.),
celle dont, or de qui, or de laquelle.

ceux dont, or de qui, or desquels (masc. plur.)
celles dont, or de qui, or desquelles (fem. plur.)
celui à qui, or auquel (masc. sing.)

celle à qui, or à laquelle (fem. sing.)
ceux à qui, or auxquels (masc. plur.)

celles à qui, or auxquelles (fem. plur.)

he whom, &c., she whom, &c., they whom, &c. (OBJECT).

N.B.-It will be noticed that both in the nominative and accusative cases the uninflected form only is used.

* Translate in the same way, "this who, that who, these who, those who," and "this which, that which, these which, those which," all throughout these examples.

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je vends,



Indicative Mood, Present Tense, of the Verb VENDRE, to sell.

I sell.

f. laiterie,

tu vends, il vend,

thou sellest.
he sells.

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Progressive Reading and Translation 23.
(The English is at page 206.)

they sell.

La fermière donne aux valets de ferme ce qui est sur la table de la cuisine.-Les étables, les écuries, la bergerie; voilà ce dont nous parlons.-Je donne ce que j'ai à ceux que j'aime.— Vendre mon blé; voilà ce à quoi je pense. Je vous vends la charrue qui est dans le champ, et celle qui est dans la cour de la ferme. Nous leur vendons ces foins-là, et ceux dont nous leur avons parlé.-Vos bestiaux sont beaux, mais ceux que j'ai sont beaux aussi.-Le lait de cette ferme est bon, mais celui que vous vendez est mauvais.-Celle que j'aime est ici.-Le cheval dont vous parlez est vieux, celui qui est dans la cour est jeune et vigoureux. Je parle de votre fermier, et de celui à qui je dois tout cet argent.--Nous parlons de ceux auxquels vous vendez votre avoine.--Le vrai et le beau; voilà ce que j'aime.

Progressive Exercise 23.

That which the shepherd carries is for you.-That of which I

Rule 75

Rule 75

speak is pleasant. The lady to whom I speak is well-informed;


Rule 71


the one to whom you speak is uneducated.-The milk of which

Rule 76


Rule 68

you speak and that which I sell to the ploughman.—I have

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given three shillings a day to the hay-cutters, which is

| a good deal | beaucoup

schelling par

Rule 75

-What I give, and what I sell, are two different

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things. You have the one of which he speaks.

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-f. p. 2

This is the


that is the one which my farmer likes. (object)


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