Rudimentary Treatise on MineralogyJ. Weale, 1859 - 191 pages |
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abundant acid ÆSCHYLUS afford albite alumina angles antimony appearance arsenic augite basalt beautiful bismuth blowpipe blue bright brilliant brittle brown calcspar called carbonate cavities cent cerium chemical clay cleavage cloth cobalt colourless combined compact consists contains copper Cornwall crystalline crystals cubes dark diamond distinguished Ditto earthy embedded Engineers feldspar felspar fibrous fluorspar fracture garnet Genus glass gold grains granite granular green colour grey hardness heated hexagonal hornblende intermixed kind lead lime limestone magnesia manganese marbled edges masses mica mineral mines native nearly obtained occurs octahedrons opaque oxyde oxyde of iron planes plates potash powder pyrites pyrolusite quantity quarried quartz rare resembles rhombic prisms rhombohedron rocks salt sand sandstone Saxony silicate silver slate soda solid soluble sometimes specific gravity specimens stone structure substance sulphate sulphur sulphuret surface tellurium texture topaz tourmaline translucent transparent variety veins vitreous vols yellow yellowish zeolites
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