World Catalogue of Odonata: ZygopteraWalter de Gruyter, 1997 |
Table des matières
Catalogue | 1 |
Heliaeschna Selys | 53 |
143 | 182 |
Davidius Selys | 197 |
Gomphidia Selys | 221 |
Lindenia de Haan | 229 |
Vanderia Kirby | 248 |
Chalybeothemis Lieftinck | 343 |
Tachopteryx Selys | 351 |
Nannophyopsis Lieftinck | 353 |
Acisoma Rambur | 494 |
131 | 517 |
Selected References | 571 |
591 | |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
22 Suppl Acad Aeschna Africa Anaciaeschna Anax Angola ASAHINA Australia BARTENEF Belg Belgian Congo Borneo BRAUER Brazil British Museum Nat Bruxelles Bull BURMEISTER CALVERT Cephalaeschna China Coll Comp Cordulegaster Cordulia cult DAVIES & TOBIN Diam Distribution Dragonflies FÖRSTER FRASER generotype Genus Gomphoides Gomphus Guinea Gynacantha Heliaeschna Hemicordulia Hist Ictinus Idionyx India Indian Mus JACOBSON & BIANKI Java KARSCH key to species KIRBY LAIDLAW Leiden Libellula LIEFTINCK London lozhnos Macrogomphus Macromia MARTIN Meded Mém Milwaukee MUTTKOWSKI N.S. Wales Naturk NEEDHAM Neur.-Odon Neuropt Odonata Odonatologica Onychogomphus original designation Orthetrum Peru PINHEY Proc proposed synonymy Pryam Publ RAMBUR redescription Rhyothemis SCHMIDT SELYS & HAGEN Selys de Longchamps Selys's Collection Somatochlora Sumatra Suriname Sympetrum Synopsis des Cordulines Synopsis des Gomphines Tetracanthagyna TILLYARD Tramea Trans Treubia Trithemis Type female Type male type-locality Type-species U.S. natn Univ Utrecht Verh Wien World Wuyi Sci Zool Zool.-Bot