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" Metaphor consists in giving the thing a name that belongs to something else; the transference being either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or on grounds of analogy. "
The Theatre of the Greeks: A Series of Papers Relating to the History and ... - Page 180
de John William Donaldson - 1836 - 598 pages
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Aristotle's Treatise on Rhetoric,.

Aristotle, Thomas Hobbes - 1833 - 488 pages
...inanimate objects as the agents in any thing : thus, " pontem / dignatus Araxes." See the next chapter. k A metaphorical word is a word transferred from its...proper sense, either from genus to species, or from specie) to genus, or from one species to another, or in the way of analogy. Poet, xxi, transl. by Twining....
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The Poetics of Aristotle, tr. by Twining [ed. by H. Hamilton].

Aristotle - 1851 - 90 pages
...word may, evidently, be both common, and foreign, though not to the same people. The word 2/yvi/ov, to the Cyprians is common, to us, foreign. A species to another, or in the way of analogy. J . From genus to species : as — " Secure in yonder port my vessel stands." (c) (a) A strange word,...
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Treatise on Rhetoric: Literally Translated from the Greek

Aristotle - 1857 - 532 pages
...inanimate objects as the agents in any thing : thus, " pontem indignatus Araxes." See the next chapter. 8 A metaphorical word is a word transferred from species to another, or in the way of analogy. Poet, xxi. transl. by Twining. See chap. 2, § 14, seq. 8 See book i. 7, § 34. Herodotus puts a similar...
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An Introduction to Aristotle's Rhetoric: With Analysis, Notes and Appendices

Edward Meredith Cope - 1867 - 492 pages
...(à\\orpiov, a name that does not properly belong to the thing, opposed to /cvpiov and olicelov) a transfer either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or proportionally (avaXoyov, ie by analogy or resemblance)." This definition gives...
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Aristotle's Treatise on Rhetoric: Literally Translated, with Hobbes ...

Aristotle, Theodore Alois Buckley - 1890 - 540 pages
...inanimate objects as the agents in any thing : thus, " pontem indignatus Araxes." See the next chapter. 8 A metaphorical word is a word transferred from species to another, or in the way of analogy. Poet, xxi. transl. by Twining. See chap. 2, § 14, seq. 8 See book i. 7, § 34. Herodotus puts a similar...
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Aristotle's Treatise on Rhetoric

Aristotle - 1890 - 426 pages
...inanimate objects as the agents in any thing : thus, " pontem indignatut Araxes." See the next chapter. • A metaphorical word is a word transferred from its proper sense, either from genus to ipeciet, or from tpecies to genus, or from one species to another, or in the way of analogy. Poet....
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Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art: With a Critical Text and a ...

Samuel Henry Butcher - 1895 - 418 pages
...common word but to us a strange one. Metaphor is the application of an alien name by 4 transference either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or by analogy, that is, proportion. Thus from genus to species, as : ' There 5...
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The World's Best Essays, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, Volume 1

David Josiah Brewer - 1900 - 476 pages
...same word may evidently be both common and foreign, though not to the same people. The word Ztfuvm to the Cyprians is common, to us foreign. A species to another, or in the way of analogy. i. From genus to species, as: — "Secure in yonder port my vessel stands." For to be at anchor is...
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The Rhetoric of Aristotle

Aristotle - 1909 - 248 pages
...4, Aristotle defines metaphor as ' the imposition of a foreign name ' by means of a transference ' either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or proportionally.' Of these four kinds of 'metaphor' the first two are simply...
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Aristotle's Treatise on Rhetoric

Aristotle - 1910 - 550 pages
...Araxes." See the next chapter. • A metaphorical word is a word transferred from its proper Bense, either from genus to species, or from species to genus, species to another, or in the way of analogy. Poet, xxi. transl. by Twining. See chap. 2, § 14, seq. 9 See book i. 7, § 34. Herodotus puts a similar...
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