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CAP. 14.

[1481, cap. 83.]

MEMORANDUM of a deliverance of the lordis of Counsale anent a revocacione maid be a woman havand conjunctfeftment eftir hir husbandis deceis

MEMORANDUM the sext day of marche the yeir of god mcccclxxxi yeiris Robert Danyelstoun was persewit be ane woman callit Glen befoir the lordis of counsale And scho wald haue cumin aganis hir aith that scho maid in Jugement befoir the officiall of glasgw And thair was schawin ane Instrument vnder the seill of the said officiale that scho consentit to the alienatioun of sic landis and swoir that scho suld neuir cum in the contrair heirof And wald haue had the saidis landis allegeand that It was hir coniunctfeftment and maid reuocatioun eftir hir husbandis deceiss sayand that he compellit hir thairto The actioun was deliuerit aganis this woman

CAP. 17.

[1487, cap. 111.]

THAT certane commissionaris of borrowis convene in ilk yere

ALSA it is statut and ordanit be the hale thre estatis that yerely in tyme tocum certane commissionaris of all borrowis baith south and north convene and gadre togiddir. . . . with full commissioune and thair to comoune and trete apoune the welefare of merchandis the gude Rewle and statutis for the commoune proffit of borowis and to provide for Remede apoune the scaith and Iniuris sustenit within burowis. [In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]



CAP. 6.

[1491, cap. 25.]

Of landis fallin in ward to oure soverane lord or ony uthir baroun. ITEM It is statute and ordinit that quhare ony landis happinnis to fall in ward to oure souerane lord or ony vther baroune in his Realme Spirituale or temporale or landis gevin in coniunctfeftment or lifrent als wele to burght as to land that the schiref of the schire stewart prouest or bailyeis sall tak sicker souerte of the persone or personis that gettis sic wardis that thai sall nocht waist nor distroy ther biggingis charteris woddis parkis stankis myndis nor dovcatis bot hald thaim in siclik kynd as thai ar in the tyme that he gettis and ressauis the samen he takand his ressonable sustentacioune or vsing in neidfull thingis without distruccioune or waisting thairof and ane Ressonable levin be gevin to the sustentacioune of the Are eftre the quantite of the heretage of the said Are And gif the said Are haue na blanchferme nor fewferme landis to sustene thaim one Alswele of the wardis that fallis in our souerane lordis handis As ony vthir baroune Spirituale or temporale

CAP. 7.
[1491, cap. 26.]

Or the tennentis of landis that fallis in ward or ar uthir wayis alterit. ITEM It is statut and ordinit that quhene ony landis fallis in ward or quhen ony laidy haffand terce or coniunctfeftment happinis to decess or that landis be Redemit and lowsit be Reuersioune gift or selling or wedsetting or ony vtheris wayis ony landis happinis to be alterit the tennentis lauboraris and Inhabitantis ony of the said landis sall Remane vnput furth or Removit quhill the nixt terme of witsonday folowand payand to the lord that sall entir to the saidis landis malez and dewiteis aucht and wont of the saidis landis quhilk broikin sall Induce na possessioune langare na the said witsonday

CAP. 19.
[1491, cap. 36.]

Of the commoun gud of all burrowis.

ITEM It is statut and ordinit that the commoune gud of all our souerane lordis burrowis within the realme be obseruit and kepit to the commoune gude of the toune and to be spendit in commoune And necessare thingis of the burght be the avise of the consale of the toune for the tyme and dekkynnis of craftis quhare thai

ar . . .

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]


CAP. 9.
[1503, cap. 65.]

ANENT recent spulye.

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ITEM Anent recent spulye It is statute and ordanit that It salbe leifull to the partij quhilk is spulyeit to summond the spulyeouris . . befoir the lordis . . . . And rychtswa to haue power to call the said spulyeour befoir the schiref And that ther salbe na exceptioune dilatour admittit agane that summondis It beand lauchtfully Indorsate

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

CAP. 21.

[1503, cap. 76.]

OF airis and executouris persewit for dettis of thair faderis or forbearis. ITEM Anent the exceptioune proponit be heretaris quhene thai ar persewit for dettis of thair faderis or forbearis to quhom thai succeid allegeand that thair faderis mouabill gudis suld pay thair dettis And that the executouris suld be callit thairfor befor thame It is auisit statute and ordanit that It salbe lefull to the creditour to follow the air eftir the bypassing of ane yeir Because the executouris suld be responsale for ane yeir At the end of the quhilk he suld geve his compt and gif it plese the air he may and suld be diligent and require the ordinar within the said yeir to ask compt and he to se the compt and quhat beis fund remanand ouer of the thingis pertenand to thair office that he sould require the ordinar that he mycht haif cautioune and souerte for the releving of his heretage Insafer as the gudis restis attour the compt And that the ordinar sall cause him to haif sufficient cautioun thairof And sa at the end of the yeir the air sall ansuere to euerilk creditoure

CAP. 22.
[1503, cap. 77.]

ANENT the exceptioun aganis wedowis perse wand thair brevis
of terce that thai war not lauchfull wiffis

ITEM It is statute and ordanit as anent the exceptioun proponit aganis wedowis persewand and followand thair breuis of terce or the proffitis of thair tercis quhilk is oftymes proponit aganis thai wedowis that thai war nocht lauchtfull wiffis to the personis thair husbandis be quham thai follow thair said terce That thairfor quhair the matrimone was nocht accusit in thair lyvetymes that the woman askand this terce beand repute and haldin as his lauchtfull wife in his lyfe tyme salbe tercit and brouke hir terce but ony Impediment or exceptioune to be proponit aganis hir ay and quhill It be cleirly decernit and sentence gevin that scho was nocht his lauchtfull wife and that scho suld nocht have ane lauchtfull terce thairfoir

CAP. 45.
[1503, cap. 98.]

ANENT the distrenyeing of oxin hors or othir gudis pertening to the pleucht ITEM It is statute and ordanit that in tyme tocum na manner of schiref nor officiare pund nor distrenye the oxin horse nor othir gudis pertening to the pleucht and that laboris the grond the tyme of the lauboring of the sammyne quhair ony othir gudis or land are to be apprisit or pondit accordin to the commoun law



CAP. 2.

[1537, cap. 36-41.]

CONCERNING the ordour of Justice and the institutioun of ane college of cunning and wise men for the administracioun of Justice

ITEM Anent the Secund artikle concerning the ordoure of Justice Becaus our sonerane Is maist desyrous to haue ane permanent ordoure of Justice for the vniuersale wele of all his liegis and thairfor tendis to Institute ane college of cunning and wise men

for the doing and administracioune of Justice In all ciuile actiouns and thairfor thinkis to be chosin certane persounes maist convenient and qualifyit thairfore

with ane president The quhilkis persouns sall be auctorizat .. to sitt and decyde apoun all actiouns ciuile . . . . And thir persounes to be sworne to minister Justice equaly to all persouns in sic causis as sall happin tocum before thaim with sic vthir rewlis and statutis as sall pleise the kingis grace to mak and geif to thaim for ordouring of the samin The thre estatis of this present parliament thinkis this artikle wele consauit And thairfor the kingis grace with avise and consent of the said is thre estatis ordanis the samin to haue effect In all punctis and now ratifyis and coufermes the samin And has chosin . persounes ... to the effect forsaid quhais processes sentencis and decretis sall haue the samin strenth force and effect as the decretis of the lordis of sessioune had in all tymes bigane.

[In part rep., 6 Ed. 7 c. 38 (S.L.R.).]

CAP. 14.
[1535, cap. 15.]

THE remeid for distructioune of housis places woddis forestis
orchartis yardis and hanyngis of landis fallin in ward

ITEM Because It Is vnproffittable and inutile to mak lawis and statutis for polecy to be had without the samyn be kepit and becaus sic ordoure and prouisioune As Is deuisit for polecy may failye be falling of landis in to ward or geving of the samin in coniunct fee or lyfrent Tharefor the kingis grace with avise of his thre Estatis ordanis the act maid thairupoune be the maist Excellent prince king James the ferd his fader of maist noble mynd to be Obseruit and kepit in all punctis Ratifijs and apprevis the samin And that all schireffis Stewartis ballies and vthir officiaris baith in Regalite and Ryalte and siclike spirituale men within thair landis and to burght putt the samin to Executioune in all punctis That Is to say all officiaris within the Ryaltie and lordis of

Regalites vnder the pane of Refounding to the heretouris of sick landis fallin in ward at thair parfite aige of all dampuage and scaith that thai sall happin to Sustene throw thair negligence thai being requirit thairto be the persoun that Is in ward or his frenndis And gif the wardatouris of sic landis ladyis of conjunct fee or lyfrent Refusis to find souirtie conforme to the said act thai beand Requirit thairto be the schireff Stewart ballie provest or alderman in burght That the said schireff and officiaris Ilkman within his awine boundis charge thame to find the said souirte conforme to the said act personalie Or be oppin proclamatioune at the heid burght of the schire quhare the saidis landis lyis within xxj dais nixt efter thai be chargit thairto vnder the pane of wanting of the proffett of all sik ward landis coniunctfee or lifrentis To be Inbrocht to the kingis use Ay and quhill the said cautioune be sufficientlie findin And that the lordis auditouris of chekker and thesaurar for the tyme Inquire diligentlie in euery chekker at all schireffis and vthiris officiaris forsaid at the making of thair comptis gif ye said cautioune be sufficientlie fundin and gett certificatioune thairof

CAP. 38.
[1535, cap. 32.]

INTERPRETATIOUN of the lawis tuiching the rychtis of superiouris to the males and dewiteis of the landis of thaim that hes bene yeir and day at the horne

THE quhilk day In the mater Referrit be the lordis of Sessioune to the Lordis thre estatis of parliament for Interpretatioune of certane lawis of the realme schewin and producit befor the saidis lordis of Sessioune In ane actioune movit befor thaim and yit dependand be James kennedy of blarquhan aganis thomas mcclellane of gilestoune for the males and dewittis of the landis of castell cruke and killemanocht with the pertinentis liand within the schirefdome of wigtoune pertenyng to the said thomas In heretage haldin of the said James immediatlie in chefe and throw his being at the horne attour yere and day the males and dewiteis of the saidis landis be the lawis of the Realme pertenis and suld pertene to the said James for the said thomas lyftyme And because the saidis lawis war variante in thair selfis and thairfor war Referrit to the Interpretatioune of the estatis of parliament gif the samin concernis simple slauchter or nocht and suld haue place in that mater or nocht As at mare lenth Is contenit in the act maid thairupoune of the dait At Edinburgh the ferd day of marche the yeir of god mdxxxiiij yeris Baith the saidis partiis beand personally present with thair procuratouris and forespekaris the saidis lawis and vthiris thair Resonis and allegationis being hard sene and understand the lordis of the articlis being Riplie avisit thairwith findis that the vse in tymes bigane hes bene that the males and dewiteis of the landis of thaim that hes bene yeir and day at the horne haldin of vthir superiouris than the kingis grace yeir and day being past Returnit agane to the superiouris of the saidis landis for the lyftyme of thaim that sustenit sik process of hornyng yeir and day as said Is Except Crymes of tresoune and lese maieste And findis that the saidis lawis suld be sa Interprete and vsit in tymes cuming


CAP. 10.
[1540, cap. 75.]

THE ordour of summoning of all personis In ciuil actiounes

ITEM For eschewing of grett Inconvenientis and fraude done to our souerane lordis liegis be Summoning of thame at thare duelling places And oft tymes falslie and

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